U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
MSW Factbook, Internet version
Text-Only Information
The MSW Factbook is an electronic reference containing hundreds of useful facts, figures, and information about municipal solid waste. The information in this Factbook, unlike the hardcopy reports from which it was compiled, can be reprinted and electronically "cut and pasted" into reports, presentations, and other documents. It is distributed free by EPA's Office of Solid Waste and may be copied and shared without restriction.
The information is presented in graphical form, and the Internet version is only accessible via browsers which support tables, 256 color graphics, and client-side image maps; in other words, Netscape 2.02 or later.
Fortunately, there is a stand-alone Windows version of MSW Factbook. Visitors with slow connections or text-only browsers may wish to download this application.
Users of Windows v3.1 or later may download the complete Factbook application here . (1.3 Mb)
Last Revised: November 14, 1997
comments: levy.steve@epamail.epa.gov
URL: www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/muncpl/factbook/internet/text.htm
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