Home List of Construction Specifications


Construction Specification




This work shall consist of furnishing and maintaining a field office for the exclusive use of the Engineer and other employees of the owner.


The approximate location of the office shall be as shown on the drawings. Office space provided under this contract item shall be separated from any space used by the Contractor for other purposes.

The field office and appurtenances shall be set up, equipped, and made ready for use within twenty (20) days of the receipt of the written Notice to Proceed, unless otherwise specified in Section 5. The field office and appurtenances shall remain the property of, and shall be maintained in good condition and appearance by the Contractor until completion of the contract work.

When a mobile field office facility is furnished, it shall be leveled, blocked, and anchored in accordance with Standard A 225.1 of Manufactured Home Installations, 1987 of the National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards, Inc. or the requirements of the local government that has jurisdiction.

The Contractor shall install, provide and maintain all utilities, except telephone service, as outlined in Section 5. Contractor shall provide access to the telephone company and authorization for the installation of telephone service for the use of NRCS and their agents. Utility service maintenance may include: heating fuel, electricity, water, sewer, etc. Contractor shall provide a sanitary facility (toilet) in accordance with the minimum OSHA Safety and Health Requirements for use by NRCS and their agents (See Table I footnote **).

The Contractor shall provide and maintain a reasonable access road to the field office location together with parking for a minimum of four (4) vehicles in the proximity of the field office site.

Upon completion and acceptance of the project work the Contractor shall remove the field office from the project site, and unless otherwise directed, shall restore all areas affected by the field office installation, including the entrance road and parking areas, to a condition equal to or better than existed prior to installation of the field office.


The Contractor shall furnish all materials and furnishings as set forth below:

a. The Contractor shall provide the type of field office as specified in Section 5 of this specification.

b. The field office shall include or possess as a minimum, the features shown below and as specified in Table I for the Office Type specified.

    1. Be provided with all items in a clean, usable condition.
    2. Be structurally sound, entirely enclosed, secure, and waterproof.
    3. Have a ceiling height of not less than seven (7) feet.
    4. Be attractively painted on the outside with a finished interior.
    5. Be provided with two (2) exterior doors, except Type C Office shall have one door, that shall be equipped with dead-bolt type cylinder locks, including four (4) keys for each lock. Exterior lock and hasps, or equivalent, shall also be provided for each door.
    6. Windows shall be equipped with screens and with provisions for opening and closing. Latches or other approved locking provisions to secure the windows shall be provided.
    7. Window blinds shall be available and provided for all windows.
    8. Be provided with adequate artificial lighting to provide an average of fifty (50) candlepower to all work areas within the office. Overhead lamps for each desk and drafting table shall be provided. Electric service shall be continuous for the period the field office is being utilized to service this contract. Electric lights and power service shall be supplied with at least four (4) grounded duplex convenience outlets installed in each room.
    9. Be provided with an approved heating system capable of maintaining a temperature of at least 70o F throughout the office during the periods of cold weather that can be expected to occur during the construction period.
    10. Be provided with an approved air conditioner(s) with a minimum capacity of 15,000 BTUs for each office room.
    11. Be provided with an electric or gas hot water heater with a five (5) gallon minimum capacity.

c. The field office shall be furnished with the following listed minimum equipment in good condition and as specified in Table I.

    1. Desk(s) shall have a minimum of two (2) drawers on each side and have minimum surface dimensions of 30 inches by 60 inches. A standard office chair with arm rests and casters shall be provided with each desk.
    2. A slant-top adjustable height-drafting table with the approximate dimensions 36-inches wide by 60-inches long and 36-inches height with an adjustable height-drafting stool.
    3. Work table with the approximate dimensions of 30-inches wide by 60-inches long and 30-inches high, a portable meeting table of approximate dimensions 36-inches wide by 72 inches long and 30-inches high, and a minimum of six folding or stacking office chairs.
    4. Closets with a minimum clear height of seven (7) feet and approximately 24-inches by 30-inches equipped with two adjustable and removable shelves.
    5. Bookcases or built-in shelving equivalent to five-4 feet long shelves, each ten (10) inches wide and twelve (12) inches in height, suitably located to reflect an office environment.
    6. One (1) two-burner propane or natural gas stove or electric grill that can accommodate two 12-inch diameter pans. Heating capacity shall be adequate to remove soil moisture to meet the requirements of the ASTM quick dry method.
    7. Underwriters Laboratory approved wall mounted Fire Extinguisher with a minimum rating of 10 ABC.
    8. Minimum of one (1) 16-unit first aid kit, approved by or certified by the American Red Cross or equivalent.
    9. Four (4) drawer locking fireproof metal file cabinet with two (2) keys provided.
    10. Electrical refrigerated cold water drinking equipment supplied with potable drinking water and disposable cups for the duration of the contract.
    11. Racks for hanging drawings, together with holders or clamps, to accommodate 24" by 36" maximum size sheets.
    12. Each field office entrance will be provided with non-skid steps and landing platform with safety handrail.
    13. One (1) electric typewriter.
    14. One (1) inside and usable sanitary facility (flush type) located within a private room.
    15. One (1) utility sink approximately 24-inches by 24-inches equipped with hot and cold running water.
    16. One laboratory oven with two adjustable shelves, thermostatically controlled, minimum 800 watts with minimum inside dimensions of 12" by 10" by 10", capable of maintaining a constant temperature in the range of 100o C to 110o C, suitable for drying samples in accordance with ASTM Testing Procedures. The oven shall operate on 120 volt, AC current.
    17. One microwave oven with specifications as listed in footnote (****) to Table I

d. Prior to mobilizing and setting up the field office, the Contractor shall prepare and submit detailed plans of the office to the Engineer.

e. The Contractor shall provide access to the Engineer for visual verification that the office and equipment meet contract requirements prior to mobilizing the field office to the work site.


This item will not be measured but will be paid at the contract lump sum price established for this bid item in the contract, including mobilization and demobilization.

The following progress payment schedule will apply unless other provisions are outlined in Section 5 of this specification: Basis of payment will be forty (40) percent of the lump sum price bid will be payable for the first monthly progress payment following satisfactory delivery and set-up complete with full service installed. Twenty (20) percent will be retained to cover the removal of service and demobilization following completion of the work and will be included in the final payment. The forty (40) percent remaining will be prorated over the balance of the contract in accordance with the planned construction schedule. Payment as described herein will be full compensation for all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, rental fees, utility charges (excluding telephone service charges), and incidentals required to provide, equip, maintain, insure, and clean-up the site following demobilization of the field office unit.



Field Office Type


Type A

Type B

Type C

Floor space (sq. ft.)

480 (2 rooms)

360 (2 rooms)

120 (1)

Window Space (sq. ft.)




Air Conditioning




Desk and Chair




Rack for Drawings




Work Tables




Meeting Table




Drafting Table and Stool




4-drawer file (D label)
metal file cabinet




Folding/Office Chairs




Electric water cooler




Inside sanitary facility

1* *

1* *

1* *

Oven, electric




Oven, Microwave

1* * * *

1* * * *


Cupboards, closets, etc.




2-burner stove




Fire Extinguisher




First Aid Kit (16 unit)




Utility Sink




Window Blinds




Electrical Service



* * *

Desk and Table Lamps





* Reasonable number for the size of the office.

* * Exterior self-contained sanitary facilities within 100 feet of the office with maintenance service is an option.

* * * A generator to provide electric service for heating, lighting, and calculators is sufficient. Contractor is responsible for maintenance, fuel supplies, and service.

* * * * A variable power microwave oven with minimum inside dimensions of 12" X 10" X 10". The maximum power setting on the microwave oven shall operate at approximately 650 watts. The microwave oven shall have at least one power setting that operates at between 300 and 400 watts.