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Instructions For Use of Construction Specification 10



Construction Specification 10 is applicable to all water required at the construction site except for water used for mixing and/or curing grout and concrete covered by Construction Specifications 14, 31, 32, 33, 35, 62, and 63. Construction Specification 10 is to be made a part of the contract when a pay item for water is provided. More than one pay item and method of payment may be used if the source of water is expected to be different, the volume of water required is uncertain, and the cost is expected to vary.


There are no Material Specifications complementary to Construction Specification 10.


a. Pay item for water in units of 1,000 gallons with an estimated quantity provided.

b. Designated source of water with details of ownership and water rights, if applicable.

c. Cost to the Contractor of water at the designated source, if applicable. Note: It may be advantageous for NRCS or Sponsor to contract separately with the owner of the water and furnish it to the Contractor free at the source. This should be considered only if the net cost to the NRCS or Sponsors would be less than if included in the bid by the Contractor.

d. Special requirements pertaining to furnishing and using water, including water quality requirements if quality may be a problem for the purpose intended.

e. Details on metering, accuracy, gauge certification, location of meter for payment purposes, or other requirements imposed by state and/or local agencies for measuring water use. Specify in Section 8 of this specification where meters are located if there is a concern for water losses between the measured source and the point of delivery or application. A statement such as 'Meters shall be installed at the point of delivery into the water hauling equipment or application systems; such as, sprinkler systems, flooding systems, etc." may be used.

f. Details of the costs and expenses that will be included in the pay items if exceptions are to be made in the measurement and payment option selected from Section 7.


a. Section 7, Measurement and Payment

(1) Method 1 must be used when the cost of water is paid but the remaining costs of transporting water, distributing it for construction purposes, and application are subsidiary to the items of work they are associated. Only costs of water at the meter will be paid for under this method.

(2) Method 2 must be used when the cost of water and all other associated transportation, distribution and application costs are included in the unit cost of water.

(3) Method 3 must be used when the water is provided to the Contractor without cost and the remaining costs of transportation, distribution and application are to be paid at the unit price for each 1,000 gallons applied.

When specifications are prepared using electronic procedures and all but one method are deleted for use in the contract specification, delete "All Methods The following provisions apply to all methods of measurement and payment." and left justify the remaining text.