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Construction Specification



The work shall consist of establishing traffic control and maintaining safe, convenient use of public roads and rights-of-way.


The Contractor’s operations shall cause no unnecessary inconvenience to the public. The public rights-of-way shall be maintained at all times unless interruption is authorized by proper local authority. Contractor’s authorized closing and/or detour plans shall be provided the Engineer for approval.

Safe and adequate access shall be provided and maintained to all public protection devices and to all critical utility control locations. Facility access shall be continuous and unobstructed unless otherwise approved.


Construction materials and equipment shall not be stored or parked on public streets, roads, or highways. During any material or equipment loading and/or unloading activities that may temporarily interfere with traffic, acceptable detour(s) shall be provided for the duration of the activity. Any associated expense for this activity will be the responsibility of the Contractor.

Excavated material, including suitable material that is intended for adjacent trench backfills or other earth backfill as specified in Section 5 of this specification, shall not be stored in public streets, roads, or highways that remain in service for the public. Any waiver of this requirement must be obtained from the proper local authority and approved by the Engineer. All excess and unsuitable material shall be removed from the site as soon as possible. Any spillage shall be removed from roadways prior to use by the public.


The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of all applicable responsible units of government for closure of any street, road, or highway. The Contractor shall provide the required barriers, guards, lights, signs, temporary bridges, and flaggers together with informing the public of any detours and construction hazards by the most suitable means available such as local newspapers, local radio stations, etc. The Contractor shall also be responsible for compliance with additional public safety requirements that may arise during construction. The Contractor shall furnish and install, and upon completion of the work, promptly remove all signs, warning devices, and other materials used in the performance of this work.

Unless otherwise specified, not less than seven (7) days prior to closing, or partially closing, or reopening any street, road, or highway, the Contractor shall notify, in writing, the Fire Chief, Police Chief, County Sheriff, State Patrol, schools that operate school buses, or any other government official as may be appropriate.

Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer a written plan showing the proposed method of signing, barricading for traffic control, and safety for street detours and closures.

All temporary detours will be maintained to ensure use of public rights-of-way is provided in a safe manner. This may include dust control, grading, graveling, etc. as required in Section 7 of this specification.


All signs, signals, barricades, use of flaggers, and other traffic control and public safety devices shall conform to the general requirements set forth in the "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MUTCD) and the latest edition of "Standard Highway Signs and Standard Alphabets for Highway Signs" and/or OSHA Construction Industry Standards (29 CFR Part 1926), Subpart G, Signs, Signals, and Barricades unless otherwise specified in Section 7 of this specification.


For items of work for which specific lump sum prices are established in the contract, payment for the work will be made at the contract lump sum price. Progress payments will be made based upon the percentage of estimated total time that traffic control will be required unless otherwise specified in Section 7 of this specification. Payment will constitute full compensation for all flaggers, labor, materials, equipment and all other items necessary and incidental to completion of the work.

Compensation for any item of work described in the contract but not listed in the bid schedule will be included in the payment for the item of work to which it is made subsidiary. Such items and items to which they are made subsidiary are identified in Section 7 of this specification.