Ecopark for environmental businesses and explorative exhibitions



Country: a) Western Europeb) Austria
Type: Project, 1
Area: Outskirts, < 20,000
Actors: Local government, Publ.-priv. partnership
Funding: Local government, Economic Sector
Topics: Business and industry
Environmental education
Information and public participation
Renewable resources
Sewage and waste water
Solid waste
Objectives: Improve access to information
Improve environmental efficiency
Increase public awareness
Increase use of clean technology
Increase use of ecological building materials
Increase use of renewable resources
Reduce resource consumption
Waste recycling
Instruments: Demonstration and pilot project


Hartberg Ecopark in the Austrian region of Steiermark is a business park which combines on its premises a wide range of ecologically conscious businesses and industries, scientific research institutions as well as a permanent public exhibition on environmental protection technology and the natural environment. The aim is to provide scientific, structural economic and marketing support to ecological businesses by facilitating cooperation and interaction and by presenting the environmental problem in an attractive and imaginative manner to the general public. Through the eco-park it is intended to meet economic development needs in a sustainable way. Hartberg Ecopark is a remarkable example of sustainable development for several reasons:

Concept and aims

Hartberg Ecopark is a commercial park set up exclusively for firms in the environmental sector or applying environmentally friendly methods which at the same time - and this characterises its novelty - serves as extended public exhibition grounds for environmental sciences and technology. The idea is to present to customers as well as to the general public the range of environmental techniques developed for areas such as water and waste treatment, heating or building. At the same time, a deeper understanding of natural processes and interconnections between different environmental problem areas is to be imparted. The overall goal is to point out both the dire necessity and the economic feasibility of applying environmentally sound techniques, and to promote their use.

The concept chosen for Hartberg Ecopark is based on three interconnected fields of activity:

First, an ecological business park. Hartberg Ecopark will provide space for medium- sized companies covering large sections of environmental production and many ecological service providers and retailers. With the idea of natural cycles in mind, preferences in selecting businesses to move in is given to those which can and wish to enter into cooperation and symbiosis with neighbouring firms. For instance, a waste paper recycler provides the resources for a firm producing insulation materials, which in turn can be utilised by an ecological building company. From this cooperation, positive side effects are expected for the environment as well as the individual company's balance sheet. Furthermore, customers have a chance to be informed in an integrated and comprehensive manner.

Second, an explorative exhibition and recreational park. An integral part of Hartberg Ecopark, permanent exibitions on major subjects such as water, energy, waste, ecology are addressed to the general public consisting of adults as well as (school) children. The aim is to explain in an imaginative and interactive way the manifold aspects of environmental problems and to indicate practical ways to solve them. Included in the exhibition will be, for instance, a walk-in dung heap and explorative installations centred around the topics of energy or human cognition. For recreation, woods, a biotope and other natural areas are designed. A solar train will make the different sections of the ecopark accessible to the visitor. Moreover, following a policy of 'open doors', the businesses will be open for visitors. Thus, basic technical processes as well as their ecological contexts and impacts can be made transparent.

Furthermore, based on the idea that pleasurable learning is the most effective, the exhibition grounds include artistic and recreative elements, such as a restaurant offering organically grown food, a '(wonder)bar', 'natural' playing grounds and more. While biotopes and other parts of the exhibition are spread over the entire ecopark, a central pavilion provides room for seminars, presentations, the restaurant, as well as for shops offering environmentally friendly products.

Third, a centre for applied research . Continuous scientific and conceptual guidance is provided by a research centre to be established in Hartberg Ecopark. The underlying thought is to point out the way from scientific research to development and, thus, to help technical innovations on their way to practical application. To facilitate this, renowned research institutes are invited to open laboratories in Hartberg Ecopark. Thus, many technical innovations can either be directly put to use in supplying the ecopark with utility services and/or they can be integrated as part of the various exhibitions.

To further demonstrate the feasibility of ecologically sound solutions, the ecopark itself and the surrounding residential area will have a self-sufficient energy supply from renewable sources and with other utilities such as the small-scale sewage treatment plants situated on the ecopark grounds.

It is the Ecopark's initiators' intent to attract national and possibly even international attention, and, thus, to promote the economic and environmentally sustainable development of Hartberg and at the same time pose a positive example for other regions.

In summary, Hartberg Eco-Park aims to respond to a range of different needs:



Initiative to establish the Hartberg Ecopark was first taken in 1996 by the management of the local public utilities company, Stadtwerke Hartberg, which is owned by the town of Hartberg. In close cooperation with local government, initial plans were drawn up and a first marketing strategy was designed to raise awareness and support for the project.

To give Hartberg Ecopark a firm financial and organisational base, a development corporation was established in early 1997 which operates under the auspices of Ökoplan, the environmental planning branch of the Stadtwerke Hartberg. It is a partnership consisting of the Stadtwerke Hartberg and two (in future, possibly three) banks. This corporation will coordinate and finance construction needs, rent out the sites on Hartberg Ecopark to interested businesses and coordinate contacts with the research institutions and other parties.

The Ecopark covers a 15 ha area owned by Stadtwerke Hartberg on the outer edge of Hartberg. Part of it had previously been in use as the town's waste site and for commercial purposes. These businesses and facilities, i.e. the municipal utilities' composting and waste management facility, a producer of wooden low energy houses and a construction waste recycling and disposal firm, will be integrated into the Ecopark.

According to current project planning, an additional 8 ha will be made available for further businesses. Especially firms specialised in paper and plastic recycling, energy and heating systems with emphasis on biomass, solar technology, environmental planning and marketing, are encouraged to settle on the premises. As of July 1997, two firms had signed contracts.

By 1996, first stages of practical implementation had started. At that time, the Stadtwerke had begun to install the biogas and solar power plants, which are to provide heat for the ecopark as well as the neighbouring residential area. Part of the basic infrastructure, such as water and electricity supply lines, were being put in.

Furthermore, work on the exhibition sites, for which an area of 30,000 m 2 has been reserved, had started. An independent company specialised in explorational exhibitions and recreational park design has been contracted for the conceptual planning and maintenance of the exhibition's components .

By mid-1997 important progress had been made with regard to establishing a scientific research centre. Two major Austrian research institutes, Arsenal and Joanneum Research, agreed to establish branches at Hartberg Ecopark and to cooperate with the businesses in research and development. Negotiations with further research institutes are continuing.

Throughout the planning and beginning construction stages, Hartberg Ecopark's initiators from Hartberg Stadtwerke and local government were intent on making the project known in the region and at the national level. Early on, the local media, public and commercial associations, such as the regional chamber of commerce, were informed and contacts to potential financial supporters such as banks were taken up. At the national and regional government level the project was promoted, e.g. by officially applying to present Hartberg Ecopark as a contribution to the Steiermark regional exposition (Landesausstellung) in the year 2001.


The greater part of the financial needs for the construction phase of Hartberg Ecopark have been provided by Stadtwerke Hartberg as the owner of the property and main partner of the development corporation. Another important contributor are the banks involved in the corporation. In addition, the project is subsidised by public funding made available from national and regional development funds. Possibly, financial support from European Union regional development funds will be acquired for the future. Once the Ecopark has been opened to the public, maintenance costs should be covered in the main by income from rents and leases and entrance fees to the exhibitions.

Impacts and Evaluation

Due to the early stage of implementation, only very general statements on the impacts of the Ecopark project can be made. However, judging from the speed at which the Hartberg Ecopark project has taken on organisational and physical structures, it promises to show substantial results soon.

Some of these are becoming visible in the course of current construction of sewage treatment and renewable energy plants undertaken by the Stadtwerke to supply the vicinity. These will have positive effects on air and water pollution levels and CO2 emissions.

It is expected that upon completion of the ecopark, between 100 and 150 new jobs will have been created on site. If Hartberg Ecopark succeeds in becoming an ecological business centre as well as a recreational attraction for the region, this should also have positive economic effects for other businesses in Hartberg and the vicinity. This publicity in turn will substantially contribute to increasing environmental awareness and possibly to consumers' willingness to act accordingly.

Source of Information

Stadtwerke Hartberg (undated): Öko-Park Hartberg, (Präsentation des Projektes), 12 pp.

"Ökopark Hartberg - Sensationelles Projekt für Landesausstellung 2001", in: Die Steirische Wochenpost, 14. Nov. 1996, p. 25


Telefon: +43/ 3332 / 622 50-10
Telefax:+43/ 3332 / 622 50-20
Address:Stadtwerke Hartberg
Gartengasse 6
A-8230 Hartberg


Hartberg :

Hartberg is a small town with 6,000 inhabitants in the Austrian 'Land' of Steiermark, located between Vienna and Graz. It is the administrative centre of the Hartberg district with 50 settlements and a population of 66,500 on an area of 955 km2. As part of a popular tourist region, Hartberg has many cultural and recreational attractions. It is also home to several national trade schools and is easily accessible via national motorway, the A2, and by rail.



Project was added at 25.07.1997
Project was changed at 12.08.1997

Extract from the database 'SURBAN - Good practice in urban development', sponsored by: European Commission, DG XI and Land of Berlin
European Academy of the Urban Environment · Bismarckallee 46-48 · D-14193 Berlin · fax: ++49-30-8959 9919 · e-mail: husch@eaue.de