Phosphorus Availability for Corn and RyeGrass
in Organic-Based Fertilizer-Amended Soils
Hountin, J.A. and
J.W. Paul
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Pacific Agriculture Research Centre
Animal manures contain significant concentrations of nitrogen (N)
and phosphorus (P), and their utilization for crop production is beneficial in terms of
nutrient recycling and reducing commercial fertilizer use. With intensive animal
production, it is difficult to recycle manure nutrients for crops. Composting and
production of value-added organic based fertilizers is one approach to improve nutrient
recycling because the nutrients are concentrated and therefore more economical to
transport than raw manure.
One technique of organo-mineral fertilizer
(OMF) production used in
Europe consists of mechanically mixing commercial fertilizer with peat, followed by
pelleting and drying (Richards et al. 1993). The advantages to using OMF include the
"slow release" effect, where the rate of nutrient release can be controlled by
the diameter of the pellet. In North America, OMF is also being produced from composted
poultry manure mixed with fine or granular ammonium nitrate fertilizer. We also produced
organic-based fertilizer (OBF) using various compost materials mixed with inorganic
In addition to characterize the release rates of N from these
fertilizers, it is also important to understand the fate of phosphorus. This is important
for optimal phosphorus uptake by plants as well as minimizing environmental pollution
through phosphorus runoff. The organic ligands present in OMF or in manure compete with
phosphorus at the same adsorption sites in soil. This increases the release rate of
phosphorus adsorbed onto the soil (Singh and Jones, 1976).
The objectives of this research were to:
(i) determine if phosphorus
availability from OBF for corn and if soluble phosphate leaching in the high rainfall
conditions of south coastal British Columbia (B.C.) were affected by a mixture of
commercial granular fertilizer and compost materials, and (ii) compare the P efficiency
from three new OBF products to that of inorganic fertilizer and a commercially available
organic-based fertilizer.
Materials and Methods
Three new different sources of organic materials were composted and
used in this study as follows: LHPM - a mixture of hog liquid manure (50%) and poultry
broiler litter (50%) was composted for two months using enhanced moisture removal;
DPMa mixture of separated dairy solids and poultry broiler litter, and
BSCbiosolids (75%) and poultry broiler litter (25%) composted for six weeks using
enhanced moisture removal. Chemical fertilizers were added to the composts to make three
new organic based fertilizers (OBF). The LHPM and DPM fertilizers were pelleted and
crumbled to give approximately 2-3 mm size products. The fertilizers were analyzed in
laboratory and their chemical composition was comparable to a commercial organic-based
fertilizer available in B.C. (Table 1).
A field experiment was carried out our research centre on a fine
silt loam soil cropped to silage corn (Zea mays L.) Treatments included four rates of
chemical fertilizer N (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg N ha-1) and two rates of
(150, 225 kg N ha-1) surface applied immediately prior to planting. Soil cores
at depth increments of 0-15, 15-30 and 30-60 cm depth were taken before fertilizer
application, at the sixth leaf stage of corn growth, and after corn harvest in October.
The soils were extracted for Bray-P1and soluble phosphorus determination (Sharpley, et
A greenhouse experiment was conducted on two soil types, a clay loam
and a sandy loam. Pots contained 3 kg of soil which consisted of a 75% soil and 25% silica
sand mixture. Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was planted in each of the pots, and two cuts
(40-60 cm height) were harvested before addition of fertilizers in order to establish the
grass and deplete some of the soil nutrients. Treatments consisted of four OBF fertilizers
at each of two rates (150 and 300 kg N ha-1 equivalent) in each soil. A N and P
free nutrient solution was provided to provide other nutrients. Four cuts of grass were
harvested during a 16-week period. The soil was analyzed for Bray-P1 and water soluble P
at the beginning of the experiment, and after completion.
Results and Discussion
In the field experiment, silage corn yields and total P uptake from
OBF and inorganic fertilizer treatments were significantly higher than the control, but
not significantly different from each other (Table 2). There was no effect of increasing
rates of P. This was probably due to the high soil test-P. Paul and Beauchamp (1993)
reported similar results during the first year in a 3-year field trial from a silt loam
cropped to maize. OBF-amended treatments contained a significantly higher P concentration
than inorganic fertilizer treatments and the control. Phosphorus uptake was significantly
correlated with water soluble Pw (r=0.51) and with corn yield (r=0.81). Our
results were similar to that of Guang et al. (1997). The intensity factor (Qi) represents
the quantity of P in soil solution available for plant growth. The Qi that is critical for
growth of most plants ranges between 0.01 to 0.2 ppm (Fox and Kamprath, 1970). In this
experiment, the Qi ranged from 0.05 to 2.08 ppm and was dependant on the organic and
chemical fertilizer sources and application rates of OBF based either on N or manure-P.
In the greenhouse experiment, both soil type and OBF treatment
significantly affected cumulative dry matter yields (Figure 2). Yield response was greater
on the clay loam than on the sandy loam. This is probably due to more available P in the
sandy loam than in the clay loam, even though total P was higher in the clay loam than in
the sandy loam. The highest yields were obtained with LHPM fertilizer in clay loam and
with DPM fertilizer in the sandy loam. The new organic based fertilizer products performed
at least as well as the commercially available product. Additional results on P uptake by
the ryegrass will be presented later when analyses are complete.
Phosphorus from the new organic fertilizer materials was readily
available for a corn crop in a one-year field experiment. Ryegrass yields in the
greenhouse experiment showed that nutrients in the new organic fertilizer products were
readily available as demonstrated by the superior growth. Crop response was significantly
affected by soil type. Further research is required to determine whether manure
application should be based on phosphorus or nitrogen.
Fox, R.L. and E. J. Kamprath. 1970. Phosphate sorption isotherms for evaluating the
phosphate requirements of soils. Soil Science Society of American Proceedings. 34:902-906.
Guang, W., T. E. Bates, and R. P. Voroney. 1997. Comparison of phosphorus availability
with application of sewage sludge, sludge compost, and manure compost. Communications in
Soil Science and Plant Analysis 28: 1481-1497
Paul, J.W., and E.G., Beauchamp . 1993. Nitrogen availability for corn in soils
ammended with urea, cattle slurry, and solid and composted manures. Canadian Journal of
Soil Science. 73:253-266
Richard, J.E., J.-Y. Daigle, P. LeBlanc, R. Paulin and I
Ghanem. 1993. Nitrogen
availability and nitrate leaching from organo-mineral fertilizers. Canadian Journal of
Soil Science 73: 197-208
Sharpley, A., T.C. Daniel, J.T. Sims and
D.H. Pote. 1996. Determining environmentally
sound soil phosphorus levels. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 51: 160-166.
Singh, B.B., and J.P. Jones. 1976. Phosphorus sorption and desorption characteristics
of soil as affected by organic residues. Soil Science Society of American Journal.
Table 1. Selected chemical and physical
characteristics of the organic-based fertilizers used in this study.
Organic sources 1:2 ratio |
pH (H2O) dSm-1 |
EC % |
C % |
N % |
P % |
K ratio |
C/N ratio |
E4/E6 g L-1 |
Salt |
6.91 |
27.20 |
40.40 |
4.72 |
4.49 |
4.06 |
8.5 |
6.19 |
17.41 |
DPM2 |
7.02 |
31.55 |
37.75 |
5.18 |
4.49 |
4.33 |
7.3 |
6.78 |
19.48 |
BSC3 |
7.71 |
72.00 |
31.65 |
5.91 |
4.18 |
4.94 |
5.3 |
4.14 |
22.91 |
6.15 |
34.85 |
36.02 |
6.35 |
3.85 |
4.35 |
5.7 |
9.70 |
22.27 |
1 Fertilizer produced from composted hog
and poultry manure + inorganic fertilizer
2 Fertilizer produced from composted dairy solids and poultry manure +
inorganic fertilizer
3 Fertilizer produced from composted biosolids and poultry manure + inorganic
4 Commercial organic-based fertilizer |
Table 2. Silage corn yield, Bray-P1 (0-15 cm), water soluble P (0-15
cm) and total P uptake by plant tissue in one-year field experiment with various inorganic
and organic fertilizers.
Treatments |
Dry matter
(t ha-1) |
(mg kg-1) |
(mg kg-1) |
Total P-uptake
(kg ha-1) |
1-Control 0-0-0 |
12.7b |
37a |
0.05g |
15.8c |
2-75-60-120 |
10.0ab |
39a |
0.63fe |
20.4abc |
3-150-60-120 |
12.6ab |
49a |
1.41bc |
23.6abc |
4-225-60-120 |
14.4ab |
48a |
1.18bcd |
22.2abc |
5-225-120-120 |
12ab |
45a |
0.33fg |
21.3abc |
6-COBF-N based |
15.3ab |
38a |
0.96cde |
28.2ab |
7-COBF-P based |
15.1ab |
49a |
0.75fde |
25.8abc |
8-Hog-poultry-N based |
14.3ab |
50a |
0.63ef |
19.5bc |
9-Hog-poultry-P based |
12.3ab |
47a |
0.79fde |
25abc |
10-Dairy-poultry-N based |
16.6a |
37a |
2.08a |
25abc |
11-Dairy-poultry-P based |
16.36a |
51a |
1.57b |
36a |
LSD (=0.05) |
5.4 |
20 |
0.5 |
27 |
Means with the letter are not significantly
different at p 0.01 |