Local Lake Protection to State
Policy Development: The Benefits
of Producer Participation

Marlin Pankratz
Swine Producer


In 1988, a watershed project to protect a lake near my swine farm in Minnesota prompted me to get involved in environmental issues surrounding feedlots. As a result, my environmental awareness increase, leading to management changes on my own farm. My local role led me to become a representative of Minnesota's statewide Feedlot Advisory Group, a forum initiated by the state agency regulating feedlots. Minnesota's Legislature formalized this advisory process and renamed the group the Feedlot and Manure Management Advisory Committee (FMMAC). FMMAC meets regularly to review and discuss policy issues pertaining to feedlots. The Committee is represented by producers, environmental groups, farm organizations, state agencies, county feedlot officers, University researchers, and others. Through the years of involvement in these forums, I have observed how dialogue among the various groups has led to increased trust and understanding between producers, regulatory agencies and private environmental organizations.

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