Effects of Clay-lined Manure Storage
Systems on
Ground Water Quality in Minnesota: A Summary
David B. Wall, Paul Trapp and Randy
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
The use of manure storage systems can have many benefits for
producers and for protection of surface water quality. However, concerns have long been
raised about the effect of manure storage systems on ground water quality, and many people
have asked, "Do earthen manure storage basins and lagoons result in ground water
contamination?" To answer this question, it is important to understand that there are
many different kinds of manure storage system designs and construction techniques. These
construction requirements vary greatly across the United States and have changed
considerably in many states during the past decade. Numerous manure storage facilities
have been constructed with minimal compacted clay liners or no liner at all.
Soil and ground water monitoring studies conducted throughout the
country have determined effects on ground water from earthen manure storage basins which
were constructed without a two-foot thick minimum clay-liner or synthetic liner
material. Results from 42 such monitored basins reported in the literature1
show that most of these sites have some evidence of elevated chloride and nitrogen in
ground water or soil water resulting from the manure storage systems. The degree of
reported ground water contamination varies widely, ranging from very slight elevations in
contaminant concentrations to some sites with total nitrogen concentrations over 100 mg/l
above background levels. No ground water contamination or only slight evidence of
degradation was reported at about half of the monitored facilities, with the other half
showing total nitrogen concentrations at least 10 mg/l above background.
Several different factors are expected to affect seepage rates and
measured ground water degradation from manure storage systems, such as soil type, basin
age, manure properties, climate, basin maintenance and management. The wide ranging
reported effects on ground water from unlined basins could be due to these factors, along
with the type of monitoring system used and the location of monitoring wells. Since the
seepage from basins is not expected to be uniform, a limited number of monitoring wells
may miss contaminant plumes. While all of the variables affecting seepage are not
understood from the literature, the studies clearly demonstrate the potential for ground
water degradation from unlined or poorly-lined manure storage systems.
With the concerns about seepage from unlined basins, the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has required, with some exceptions, that earthen basins
and lagoons be lined with a compacted cohesive soil liner. The requirements2
have become more specific and stringent during recent years, and since the early 1990's
the goals of design and construction of manure storage systems have been to:
- Ensure that if the basin were filled with water, it would seep no more than 1/56 inch
per day
- Prevent problems in construction and operation caused by high seasonal ground water
- Prevent damage to cohesive soil liners from occurring after construction
All earthen basins constructed in Minnesota need to be permitted by the
MPCA prior to construction. Permit applications must include a soils investigation report
which indicates soil type, texture and depth of seasonal saturation as indicated by soil
coloration. Drainage systems are required for liner protection where a high seasonal water
table is evident. All design plans and specifications for the drainage system and storage
structure must be prepared by or under direct supervision of a registered professional
engineer. The plans must include a construction QA/QC plan and an operation and
maintenance plan. A construction report is required upon completion.
While the Minnesota requirements for construction of earthen basins are
among the most protective in the country, there has remained some concern regarding the
impacts of clay-lined manure storage systems on ground water quality, especially with the
marked increase in the size of these systems constructed recently. Some concerns stem from
a shortage of monitoring data for clay-lined manure storage systems and several
uncertainties about seepage rates, pollutant treatment, liner damage and construction
It is widely recognized that there is a sealing effect of manure at the
manure/soil interface, which further reduces seepage below the designed seepage rates.
However, this sealing effect varies with manure type and has not been quantified for
entire manure storage basins. Also, there are uncertainties regarding the amount of
pollutant reduction occurring as manure seeps through the soil liner and underlying soils.
The liner sealing by manure and treatment of pollutants passing through the liner both
work to reduce ground water impacts from the manure storage system. However, these
benefits can be counteracted by damage to the cohesive soil liner caused by wetting/drying
cycles, worms, roots, freeze/thaw cycles, agitation during pumping, etc.
To begin to resolve some of the questions regarding the effects of
earthen manure storage basins and lagoons being constructed in Minnesota and ensure that
ground water is being protected, the MPCA began to require ground water monitoring around
certain manure storage facilities and initiated studies to determine liquid quantity and
quality passing through cohesive soil liners.
Macro-lysimeter Research
A cooperative research effort by the Natural Resources Conservation
Service, University of Minnesota, Morrison County and the Minnesota Pollution Control
Agency was initiated in 1993. The objectives were to collect seepage waters, which move
through a large portion of a cohesive soil liner and measure the volume and chemistry of
these seepage waters. The farm chosen for the study was a 100 cow dairy operation in
central Minnesota, where a 600,000 gallon earthen basin (130'x115' top dimensions) was to
be constructed during the fall of 1993. The glacial till at the site was classified as
sandy clay and silt loam soils.
Following excavation of the basin, and prior to construction of the
cohesive soil liner, a 35'X70' geomembrane was installed in a position to separately
collect seepage waters from a portion of the basin bottom and a portion of the sidewall.
The purpose of the geomembrane was to intercept liquids, which pass through the cohesive
soil liner, and route these seepage waters to a collection sump located at the side of the
basin. A blanket of sand was placed on top of the geomembrane to act as a drainage
material and the cohesive soil liner was then constructed on top of the sand blanket. The
liner is two feet thick on the bottom and was constructed in ten-foot wide horizontal
lifts on the sidewall. A similar monitoring system design was used at two additional
systems constructed in southern Minnesota during 19963.
The macro-lysimeter was visited every 2 to 3 weeks during the first
five months of operation and has since been visited approximately every 4 to 6 weeks.
Seepage water samples are taken during site visits and analyzed at a laboratory for
nutrients and other major cations and anions. Results from the first three years of
monitoring (August 1994 to September 1997) indicate that the liquids seeping through the
cohesive soil liner and the underlying sand blanket contain only a small fraction of
nitrogen concentrations found in the manure. Total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and
sulfate concentrations in seepage waters have averaged 0.2%, 0.03%, 1.0%, and 5%, of
respective concentrations in manure. Sodium and chloride has shown up at relatively higher
concentrations in seepage waters, averaging 25% and 44% of respective manure
concentrations. Seepage rates have remained much greater through the basin sidewall
compared to the basin bottom. The overall seepage rate has averaged 5 gallons per day from
the basin bottom and 102 gallons per day from the sidewall during the first three years of
While this project has provided some preliminary indications about
seepage quantity and chemistry, few definitive conclusions have been drawn. We intend to
continue this research project for an additional 5 to 12 years and to replicate this type
of monitoring at the other two monitoring sites constructed during 1996. The two
additional sites and continued monitoring should provide more certain answers regarding
the long-term seepage through different types of cohesive soil liners.
Monitoring Requirements at Regulated Facilities
Since 1994, ground water monitoring has been required at 13 newly
constructed earthen basins and lagoons in Minnesota. Eleven of the sites contain swine
manure and two of the sites are dairy operations. All facilities have a design capacity of
between 3 and 10 million gallons. Soils at the sites are mostly fine textured, but
typically contain some veins and lenses of coarse-textured soils.
The ground water monitoring design for each facility was developed by
consultants for the producer and later approved by the MPCA. Five sites use only
monitoring wells (3-6 wells per site), 3 sites use only the drainage tile lines installed
around the perimeter of the basin/lagoon, and 5 sites use a combination of perimeter tile
lines and monitoring wells for the ground water quality effects evaluation.
With the exception of one facility, the site owners were required to
have 4 rounds of baseline ground water samples taken prior to adding any manure into the
storage system. Quarterly sampling began after manure was added and has continued for 2 to
3.5 years at the 13 facilities. The following parameters have been measured: nitrate plus
nitrite, ammonium, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, chloride, sulfate, fecal coliform bacteria,
phosphorus, and field parameters.
The estimated costs for the first five years of monitoring a system
with wells and a perimeter tile, including monitoring system design, construction,
sampling labor, laboratory analytic, reporting, and well permits, is between $16,000 and
Results from the baseline sampling have shown that nitrate levels were
above drinking water standards at most sites prior to adding any manure to the manure
storage system. Eleven of the 13 sites had nitrate-N concentrations in excess of 10 mg/l
in at least one well or perimeter tile due to sources not related to the manure storage
system. The overall average baseline nitrate-N concentration for all sites was 16 mg/l.
Quarterly sampling following manure addition has shown little evidence
that seepage is affecting ground water at 12 of the 13 sites. Contaminant concentration
trends have not increased from pre-basin operation to post-basin operation or from
upgradient to downgradient wells. The one site, which appears that it may be impacted by a
manure storage system, has had perimeter tile line water with elevated ammonia and
chloride concentrations. The source of contaminants needs further investigation at this
site. Fecal coliform bacteria have been detected in tile line water or monitoring wells at
some facilities. Because the detections have been infrequent, at low-levels, and have not
corresponded with increases of other contaminants, it is likely that the bacteria could be
from sources not related to the manure storage system.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Past monitoring in other states has demonstrated that unlined
manure storage basins will often result in ground water degradation. Initial indications
from limited research and monitoring in Minnesota are that earthen manure storage basins
and lagoons meeting current MPCA regulatory requirements are generally protective of
ground water quality during the first few years of operation. Many more years of
monitoring and carefully selected additional monitoring sites are needed to determine
whether the cohesive soil liners provide long-term ground water protection.
Ground water monitoring requirements are costly for producers and
regulatory agencies. Since it is better to prevent pollution than to monitor it, the
resources required for ground water monitoring may be better spent on site selection,
system design, and improved construction and maintenance, and project construction
oversight. Design and construction requirements can be adjusted, if needed, following the
results of sound research conducted by extensive monitoring at a limited number of sites.
1 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. 1996. Seepage from Earthen Manure Storage
Systems. MPCA fact sheet. 4 pp, 17 references.
2 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. 1997. MPCA guidelines for Design of Cohesive Soil
Liners for Manure Storage Structures. 12/97 draft. 28 pp.
3 Swanberg, Scott. 1997. Design and Construction of a Waste Storage Pond Seepage
Monitoring System. Paper #974117 ASAE Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. August 10-14, 1997.
11 pp.
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