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ASTD bridge graphicsASTD program continues

Congressional interest and support of the Accelerated Site Technology Deployment (ASTD) program has continued into FY99. ASTD began as the Technology Deployment Initiative with 14 projects initiated in FY98 for $27 million. The Environmental Management Office of Science and Technology (OST) has already realized extensive benefits from the FY98 projects (consisting of 36 technologies). By the end of FY98, 13 deployments were completed across nine DOE sites, with some technologies being deployed at multiple sites. Combining the efforts of both the original FY98 and new FY99 projects, more than 60 deployments are expected by the end of FY99.

ASTD projects are required to include commitment on the part of a DOE site or facility to use the proposed technology in actual remediation operations. The purpose of ASTD is to bridge the gap between development and deployment of new technologies for environmental cleanup across the DOE weapons complex. Within the ASTD program, DOE sites and OST share project costs and ownership, including the risks associated with deployment of an innovative technology. ASTD acts as a catalyst to bring together problem holders, regulators, developers, and stakeholders to achieve rapid deployment of environmental cleanup technologies.

In conjunction with focus areas, the ASTD program solicited proposals for new deployment projects in May 1998. The competitive process involved DOE EM-30 and EM-40, as well as representatives from the sites and focus areas. In FY99, 32 new ASTD projects will be initiated (see table).

For additional information on the ASTD program, please contact the DOE-ID Field Program Manager, Jihad Aljayoushi, at (208) 526- 8297. Another source of information is the ASTD home page located at

To read about an FY98 ASTD project that is in progress, click here.

New ASTD Projects for FY99

Title Focus Area Site
Deployment of Innovative Characterization Technologies and Implementation of the MARSSIM Process at Radiologically Contaminated Sites DDFA Brookhaven National Laboratory
Release of Concrete for Recycle from Decontamination and Decommissioning Projects DDFA Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
Oversize TRU Waste Laser Cutting and Electrolytic Decontamination DDFA Nevada
A Position-Sensitive Radiation Monitoring System for Surveying Floors in Industrial Areas DDFA Nevada
Deployment of the Mobile Work Platform DDFA Fernald
Providing the Personal Ice Cooling System DDFA Fernald
Accelerated Closure of Building 771 Using Remote/Robotic Technology DDFA Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site
Remote Size-Reduction and Decontamination in Large Hot Cells by Deploying Robotic Technologies DDFA Hanford Site
Deployment of Highly Selective Nuclide Removal System DDFA Savannah River Site
Deployment of Combined Thermal Epithermal Neutron (CTEN) Prototype at Los Alamos Radio Assay and RANT Facility MWFA Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mixed Waste Debris Macroencapsulation Technology MWFA Oak Ridge
Advanced Technologies for Stabilization of Pu-238-Contaminated Combustible Waste NMFA Los Alamos National Laboratory
Remediation of Uranium-Contaminated Soils SCFA Los Alamos National Laboratory
High Explosives Composting Technology Deployment (Pantex Plant) SCFA Pantex
Deployment of Phytoremediation in the 317/319 Area at Argonne National Laboratory SCFA Argonne National Laboratory
Bioremediation and Natural Attentuation for In Situ Restoration of Chloroethene-Contaminated Groundwater SCFA Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
In Situ Sampling of Trichloroethylene at Test Area North SCFA Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
Subsurface Disposal Area Integrated Geophysical Debris Characterization System SCFA Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
Monitoring and Verification of Tank In Situ Vitrification SCFA Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
Implementation of Smart Sampling™ SCFA Miamisburg (Ohio)
Dynamic Underground Stripping and Hydrous Pyrolysis Oxidation at X701B Plume Site (Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant) SCFA Oak Ridge
Passive Reactive Barrier Collection and Treatment of Groundwater SCFA Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site
In Situ Redox Manipulation for Groundwater Remediation 100D Area - The Final Solution SCFA Hanford Site
Enhanced Site Characterization System SCFA Hanford Site
Phased Source Area Contamination SCFA Oakland (California)
Dynamic Underground Stripping SCFA Savannah River Site
SRS Vadose Zone Monitoring System SCFA Savannah River Site
Purge Water Management System SCFA Savannah River Site
Improved Surface Water Monitoring System SCFA Savannah River Site
Processing of Vitrification Expended Materials at WVDP TFA West Valley (Ohio)
Deployment of a Mobile Tank Retrieval System for the Emptying of Small Waste Tanks TFA Oak Ridge
Maintenance-Free Mixer for Active Process Tanks TFA Savannah River Site
DDFA = Deactivation and Decommissioning Focus Area • MWFA = Mixed Waste Focus Area
NMFA = Nuclear Materials Focus Area • SCFA = Subsurface Contaminants Focus Area • TFA = Tanks Focus Area
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