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ASTD projects
DOE’s Office of Science and Technology is placing great emphasis on deploying innovative technologies. In FY98, OST’s Accelerated Site Technology Deployment program (formerly known as the Technology Deployment Initiative) will fund 13 projects that promise to reduce the cost of environmental management and accelerate cleanup throughout the DOE complex. Some of the projects on the final list were submitted as separate proposals, but they were combined due to their similarities in scope. Those currently funded were selected from 17 finalists based on a review of their deployment plans.

For more information, see the Accelerated Site Technology Deployment program’s Web site located at

FY98 Accelerated Site Technology Deployment Projects

Alternative Landfill Cover System Deployment on the SNL Mixed Waste Landfill, Albuquerque
An evapo-transpiration cover, in lieu of a more expensive RCRA cover, combined with an innovative fiber optic monitoring system that eliminates the need for long-term ground-water monitoring will be deployed on an actual radioactive mixed waste landfill.

Decontamination and Volume Reduction System, Albuquerque
A combination of technologies will be used to decontaminate and reduce the volume of transuranic-contaminated gloveboxes in storage.

Deployment of a Permeable Reactive Treatment Wall for Radionuclides and Metals, Albuquerque
This treatment wall will contain a barrier impermeable to certain radioactive materials and a permeable “gate” that will allow other materials to pass through.

In-Well Air Stripping Technology to Remediate an Off-Site Organic Plume, Brookhaven National Laboratory
In-Well Air Stripping will remove VOCs from the ground water in situ through mass transfer to the air phase in the well.

Development of an Integrated Technology Suite for Cost-Effectively Delineating Contamination
in Support of Soil Remediation Actions,
Fernald Environmental Management Project
The technologies will improve detection and location of gamma-emitting radionuclides in surface soils and provide data analysis for decision support.

Integrated Decontamination and Decommissioning (combined with) Decontamination & Decommissioning of 29 Structures at Fernald, Idaho and Fernald Environmental Management Project
A suite of technologies that have been successfully demonstrated at previous D&D large-scale demonstration projects will be deployed.

Contaminated Soil Clean-Up Using the ACT*DE*CONSM Process, Ohio (Mound)
The ACT*DE*CON process will be used for cleanup of soils/sediments contaminated with radionuclides and heavy metals that must be transported and disposed of.

Segmented Gate System (combined with) Integrated Soil Processing, Ohio (Mound) and Idaho
The Segmented Gate System will mechanically separate radioactively contaminated soil into a clean stream and a contaminated stream.

Improved Systems for Tank Sludge Retrieval, Conditioning, and Transfer, Oak Ridge
Technologies developed by private industry participants will be used to enhance mixing and mobilization of sludge from various tank configurations and subsequent transfer to intermediate storage tanks and/or treatment facilities.

Electrochemical Ion Exchange for Contaminant Removal & Waste Reduction (combined with) Modular Evaporator System for Waste Volume Reduction in Tanks, Oak Ridge
A modular, single-stage, subatmospheric system will concentrate liquid radioactive waste prior to immobilization for disposal. Also, a proposed highly selective crystalline silicotitanate ion-exchange process will remove radiological contaminants.

Slurry Monitoring, Richland
New instruments will reduce the probability of pipeline blockage due to solids segregation, crystallization, and gelation, and therefore unnecessary line replacement costs.

Enhanced In Situ Decontamination and Size Reduction of Gloveboxes, Rocky Flats
Combination of in situ technologies that provides for the radiological characterization, decontamination, and site reduction of transuranic-contaminated materials.

AEA Fluidic Sampler, Savannah River
Two fluidic samplers will be deployed to obtain accurate and representative samples from sludge feed tanks containing high- level waste.

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