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Technology TIP just a phone call away

A toll-free telephone call (1-800-845-2096) will help identify matches between private sector technologies and DOE's Integrated Demonstrations (IDs) and Integrated Programs (IPs), and provide information about programs and business opportunities in the Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM).

The Technology Integration Program (TIP) within DOE's Office of Technology Development, has not only set up a toll-free hotline but has established regional points-of-contact to provide technology transfer support to the IPs and IDs. These individuals interface with EM field programs, as well as the procurement offices and externally with businesses, state and local business assistance organizations, and other federal organizations. They also function as a network to improve the exchange of technical information and know-how across the complex and to EM's Central Point-of-Contact. TIP packages and disseminates the EM Technology Catalogue featuring detailed descriptions of technologies successfully demonstrated in the field through the IDs. TIP is also collecting information on EM-funded technologies available for licensing by industry. TIP coordinates industry meetings and regional small business workshops which provide a forum for businesses to provide information on their technologies, products, and services, as well as to learn about EM programs and business opportunities. Small business workshops held this year took place in Houston, in March, Albuquerque, in August and San Francisco, Portland, and Richland, in November.

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