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Although we verify the information in these listings, readers should confirm locations and times. For more timely notices, please access Initiatives Online at


Flexible Parts Feeding for Automated Handling & Assembly Workshop,October 22-24, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Sponsored by Robotic Industries Association. Call (313) 994-6088.

Defense Cleanup Northwest Conference and Exhibition, October 22-23, Seattle, Washington. Sponsored by Pasha Publications. Call Defense Cleanup at (713) 460-9200; fax: (713) 460-9150.

Industry Partnerships to Deploy Environmental Technology Conference, October 22-24, Morgantown, West Virginia. Sponsored by the Morgantown Energy Technology Center. Call (304) 285-4750; fax: (304) 285-4459; Internet:

World Environmental Congress: Promoting the Science, Technology, and Business of the Environment, October 26-29, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sponsored by Air and Waste Management Association, the University of Western Ontario, United Nations Environment Program, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Call Science and Technology Integration Inc. at (519) 858-5055; fax: (519) 858-5056; e-mail:


Fourth Annual RIA Robotics Industry Forum and Annual Meeting, November 6-8, 1996, Orlando, Florida. Call (313) 994-6088; fax: (313) 994-3338; e-mail:

Nineteenth World Energy Engineering Congress, November 6-8, Atlanta, Georgia. Sponsored by the U.S. Departments of Energy and Commerce, the Alliance to Save Energy, the Electrification Council, National Association of Energy Service Companies, and American Gas Cooling Center. Fax (770) 381-9865.

Tenth International Forum on Electrolysis in the Chemical Industry--Turn on the Power, November 10-14, Clearwater Beach, Florida. Sponsored by the Electrosynthesis Company, Inc. Call Pamela Kluczynski at (716) 684-0513.

International Meeting of the American Nuclear Society and the European Nuclear Society, November 10-15, Washington, D.C. Sponsored by ANS and ENS. Call Donald Hoffman at (301) 984-4400; fax: (301)984-7600.

Embedded Topical Meeting on Decommissioning, Decontamination, and Reutilization, November 10-15, Washington, D.C. Sponsored by the American Nuclear Society as part of the International Meeting of the ANS and ENS. Call the ANS Meeting Department at (708) 352-6611.

Central Savannah River Area Waste Management '96, November 14, Augusta, Georgia. Sponsored by Savannah River Waste Management Association. Call or fax (803) 648-9545.


Environmental Remediation Short Course, December 4-8, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Sponsored by the Environmental Remediation Committee of the American Society for Mechanical Engineers, and the Institute for Regulatory Science. Call Gary Benda at (803) 345-2170 or Alan Moghissi at (703) 765-3546.

First International Symposium on Energy and Environmental Management and Technology, December 5-6, Irvine, California. Sponsored by the International Consortium for Research on Energy and Environmental Management and Technology. Contact Dr. M. M. Mansouri by fax: (714) 509-1124; e-mail:

Third Annual Nuclear Decommissioning Decisionmakers Forum, December 9-12, Lansdowne, Virginia. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's Morgantown Energy Technology Office. Call (847) 234-2353.

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