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Robotics Technology Development Program (RTDP)

RTDP, a Robotics Forum sponsor, is a crosscutting program that supports DOE's focus areas except contaminant plumes containment and remediation. Linton W. Yarbrough, robotics program manager since 1990, directs the program with a philosophy of:

RTDP is divided into six technical application areas.

1. Tank Waste Retrieval-Provides cost-effective manipulator-based technologies for characterization and retrieval of waste from underground storage tanks. The coordinator is Barry L. Burks, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Telephone: (615) 576-7350; e-mail:

2. Contaminant Analysis Automation-Advances the development, implementation, and commercialization of the automated environmental analytical laboratory. It develops automated systems which analyze contaminated samples and interprets the data for characterization before remediation. The coordinator is Robert M. Hollen, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Telephone: (505) 667-3186; e-mail:

3. Mixed Waste Operations-Develops state-of-the-art technologies to store and treat low-level and transuranic mixed wastes. The coordinator is Bruce M. Wilding, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. Telephone: (208) 526-8160; e-mail:

4. Decontamination and Dismantlement-Focuses on facility deactivation and ongoing surveillance and maintenance activities with extended application to final facility D&D tasks. The coordinator is Dennis C. Haley, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Telephone: (615) 576-4388; e-mail:

5. Landfill Operations-Develops teleoperated systems for uncovering and opening buried waste containers. The coordinator is Clyde R. Ward, Savannah River Technology Center. Telephone: (803) 725-5891; e-mail:

6. Cross Cutting and Advanced Technology-Addresses common needs across all of the technical application areas, with an emphasis on controls, sensing systems and analysis, robot simulation, multi-arm manipulation, and university R&D. The coordinator is Daniel S. Horschel, Sandia National Laboratories. Telephone: (505) 845-9836; e-mail:

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