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New rainbow books are ready

If you're baffled about how to pursue business opportunities with the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Technology Development, you need a set of the rainbow books. They're nicknamed the rainbow books because each one has a different color cover. There is a technology summary book for each of OTD's five focus areas and three crosscutting areas of research and development. The books describe OTD's specific technology needs in the focus and crosscutting areas. They also contain two- or three-page summaries of the technologies currently funded by OTD, complete with names and phone numbers for principal investigators and program managers working on each project. Each book ends with a chapter on DOE business opportunities that describes funding mechanisms and where to call for more information.

OTD issued its revised set of technology summary books in June 1995. Some Initiatives readers may have received copies of the rainbow books as part of a mass mailing. If you didn't, you can order a set of the rainbow books by calling the Office of Environmental Management's hotline at (800) 7EM-DATA (736-3282). The set includes the following books.

Radioactive Tank Waste Remediation Focus Area (DOE/EM-0255)

Decontamination and Decommissioning Focus Area (DOE/EM-0253)

Mixed Waste Characterization, Treatment, and Disposal Focus Area (DOE/EM-0252)

Landfill Stabilization Focus Area (DOE/EM-0251)

Contaminant Plumes Containment and Remediation Focus Area (DOE/EM-0248)

Characterization, Monitoring, and Sensor Technology Crosscutting Program (DOE/EM-0254)

Robotics Technology Crosscutting Program (DOE/EM-0250)

Efficient Separations and Processing Crosscutting Program (DOE/EM-0249)

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