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METC industry programs

Since 1990, the Morgantown Energy Technology Center has managed two types of technology solicitations for the Office of Technology Development: Program Research and Development Announcements (PRDAs) and Research Opportunity Announcements (ROAs). METC also manages the contracts that result from these solicitations. The projects cover all DOE focus areas.

METC produces a book that contains two-page summaries of all technologies developed through METC-managed contracts. The book, Technology Development Through Industrial Partnerships, A Compilation of Technology Development Data Sheets Related to the Field of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management, is divided by focus area. The data sheets are also being made available through METC's Internet homepage at . Currently, data sheets for characterization technologies are available. Plume technologies will be next to go online.

METC also has begun sponsoring workshops for the private-sector entities it has worked with and those that would like to work with DOE through a contract managed by METC. The first workshop was held in November 1994. A similar workshop, to be held in October 1995, will be reported in the December issue of Initiatives. The workshops provide METC a way to gain feedback from the private sector and for businesses to share their experiences with others. Bob Bedick, the METC product manager for environmental and waste management, said, "We really want to hear about barriers to implementation. Our end goal is to get things implemented, and if there are barriers that industry can see, we want to know how we can reduce them and facilitate the relationship between industry and the DOE complex."

If you have a technology development idea you would like to pursue through a contract with METC, call Bob Bedick at (304) 285-4505 or send e-mail to Bedick said, "I can't answer all the questions, but I may be able to help [callers] connect with the right people."

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