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Publications Available

EPA updates tanks guide
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Underground Storage Tanks has updated the manual, How to Evaluate Alternative Cleanup Technologies for Underground Storage Tank Sites; A Guide for Corrective Action Plan Reviewers. State and local regulators can use the guide as a reference to determine the applicability of a proposed cleanup technology and the overall adequacy of the Corrective Action Plan.

Two new chapters have been added to increase coverage of soil vapor extraction, air sparging, bioventing, biopiles, natural attenuation, land farming, and thermal desorption. State and local government personnel can receive a free copy by calling (513) 569-7562 (document no. EPA 510-B-94-003). The guide costs $28 for anyone else and can be obtained by calling the U.S. Government Printing Office at (202) 512-1800 (stock no. 055-000-00499-4).

Call for abstracts, papers, and posters

The Seventh Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems, a biannual event on using robotics in hazardous and radioactive environments, is scheduled for April 27 to May 1, 1997 in Augusta, Georgia. The meeting will be coordinated by the Central Savannah River Section and the Robotics and Remote Systems Division of the American Nuclear Society. One-page abstracts for proposed technical papers are due by July 1, 1996. Abstract submittal forms are available by sending e-mail to or by calling (803) 725-5891.

The Fifth Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference will be held on April 22, 1997. Potential topics include thermal treatment technologies, process and emissions measurements, and risk communications. For more information on submitting an abstract, call (301) 585-2898.

The Sixth International Conference on Geosynthetics will be held on March 25-29, 1998 in Atlanta, Georgia. The conference is sponsored by the International Geosynthetics Society, the North American Geosynthetics Society, and the Industrial Fabrics Association International. Papers to be presented at the conference will be subdivided among three general application themes: transportation, environmental, and geotechnical. Abstracts are due on September 1, 1996. For additional information, call Danette Fettig or Jeanne McGovern at (612) 222-2508.

Professional Analytical and Consulting Services, Inc. sponsors three annual conferences in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The conference titles and dates are listed below. Individuals who have relevant information to share should consider presenting a speech or poster on their specialty. Firms and individuals who have products and services relevant to these conferences should consider participation at the conferences.

For more information, call Barbara Sherman at (800) 367-2587.


Get online with NTTC and KEDS
The National Technology Transfer Center and Knowledge Express Data Systems have formed a new partnership to deliver an online gateway service. For a cost of $9.95 per month, subscribers can access information on NTTC's government technologies, KEDS' university and company technologies, and three of KEDS-licensed business databases. NTTC's government technology data and KEDS' more than 15 business development and technology-focused databases provide users with comprehensive information on partnership and funding opportunities. KEDSnet provides access to emerging technologies and company information, including TechKnowledge, KEDS' new national business technology directory. For more information, call W. Scott Gamble at (800) 529-KEDS.

NTTC offers training courses
The National Technology Transfer Center's full line of 1996 technology commercialization and industrial extension training courses are:

The first five courses will be offered as open enrollments at NTTC headquarters in Wheeling, West Virginia and at other locations. Private delivery at a client's site is also available; and with that option, courses may be customized. For more information about NTTC courses, call (800) 687-6882, or send e-mail to

All you'd ever want to know about ISO 14000
ISO 14000 is a set of international environmental management system standards. The Center for Energy and Environmental Management in Fairfax, Virginia offers information and training courses on ISO 14000. Training courses include:

CEEM also provides training courses on environmental engineering topics, such as Design of Aboveground Storage Tanks and Tank Management.

CEEM's publications dealing with ISO 14000 include:

For additional information, call CEEM at (800) 745-5565.

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