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Two focus areas to consolidate

Landfill stabilization and contaminant plumes focus areas are in transition

On March 13, 1996, Jim Brown and Jim Wright announced plans to consolidate the focus areas they manage for the U.S. Department of Energy-the landfill stabilization and contaminant plumes focus areas, respectively. By the end of fiscal year 1996, the two focus areas will have merged into a new focus area called subsurface contaminants, or SubCon. Two objectives of the consolidation are to correct a perception that the two focus areas perform redundant functions and to reduce by five percent the costs of program management. SubCon will be responsible for the containment, treatment, and control of contaminated ground water, soils, vegetation, and other wastes that are within or adjacent to DOE waste disposal sites. Treatments for all waste streams that are transported from DOE source points will shift to the mixed waste focus area. DOE is currently delineating SubCon assignments, roles, and responsibilities and is developing a strategic plan for the new focus area. Plans are for the programmatic transition to be complete on September 30.

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