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Call for abstracts Abstracts are sought for presentation at the Second Annual Sampling, On-Site Analysis and Sample Preparation Conference scheduled for June 26-27 in Pittsburgh. Abstracts of 150 to 250 words on sampling, on-site analysis, or sample preparation should be submitted by April 1 to Henry Nowicki, Professional Analytical and Consulting Services, Inc., 409 Meade Drive, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania 15108; phone: (412) 457-6576. Abstracts will be given to conference attendees and distributed in the conference proceedings. Oral presentations should be 15 to 20 minutes long. Two time slots or half time slots (10 minutes) are also available. Posters are welcome.

Government Institutes' training schedule for 1996 available

Government Institutes, Inc. of Rockville, Maryland offers a broad spectrum of training courses to meet the needs of environmental, health, and safety professionals. These courses are offered across the country and at three levels of expertise. On-site training is also available.

Environmental law training courses provide a broad understanding of the major environmental laws and regulations and how to cost effectively comply with their requirements. A self-study package is available. GI also offers three specialized compliance courses: 1996 Environmental Briefing: Updates, Trends, and Developments; Workshop on Environmental Regulations Impacting the Oil and Gas Industry: Practical Explanations and Strategies to Ensure Compliance; and Environmental and Safety Solutions for the Mining Industry.

Courses in federal facility compliance, hazardous waste management, and environmental management can also be taken through GI. For people interested in using the Internet to find environmental information, GI offers three courses, including one that explores intellectual property, First Amendment rights, and how they apply to operations on the Internet. GI provides four new computer-based, self-paced training packages to meet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Office of Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) training requirements: Resource and Conservation Recovery Act Compliance; Hazard Communication; Personal Protective Equipment; and Hearing Conservation.

In the area of health and safety compliance, GI's curriculum includes courses on OSHA laws and regulations, toxicology, obligations under the Toxic Substances Control Act, industrial hygiene, and total quality as it applies to safety and health.

Specialized courses cover regulations pertaining to underground and aboveground storage tanks and topics such as chemistry, environmental sampling, environmental release reporting, environmental risk assessment, and pesticide regulations. Rounding out the curriculum are courses on clean air and water, international environmental issues, and state environmental compliance laws.

To receive GI's 1996 training schedule, call (301) 921-2345.

Publications Available

Get the lowdown on ground water treatment

Ground Water Currents, a publication of the Environmental Protection Agency's National Center for Environmental Publications and Information, may hold valuable information for Initiatives readers with an interest in new developments in the treatment of ground water.

The four-page newsletter covers topics ranging from abiotic degradation to the ZENON cross-flow pervaporation system. The articles are written by professionals at universities, laboratories, and government agencies. Published every other month, the newsletter is free. To be included on the mailing list, fax a request to the National Center for Environmental Publications and Information at (513) 489-8695, or mail a request to:

P.O. Box 42419,
Cincinnati, OH 45242-2419.

EPA's progress report tracks remediation technologies

The seventh edition of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's annual status report, Innovative Treatment Technologies: Applications of New Technologies at Hazardous Waste Sites was recently released. It features 42 innovative technologies selected in fiscal year 1994 Superfund records of decision. Prepared by the Technology Innovation Office of EPA's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, the report also covers innovative treatment technologies used at non-Superfund sites and is especially useful to site managers for comparing potential markets. Progress in the application of established technologies is tracked, along with innovative treatment technologies.

For a free copy of the report (EPA-542-R-95-008) or database (ITT Database, EPA-542-C-95-002), order by fax: (513) 489-8695; or write:

National Center for Environmental Publications and Information (NCEPI)
P.O. Box 42419
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242-2419

Free publication from NTIS

The National Technical Information Service has announced the availability of the latest edition of its environmental electronics products catalog. On CD-ROM, diskette, and magnetic tape is the 1995 Environmental Software and Datafiles with 180 product descriptions. Readers will also find:

There is no charge for the information. Contact NTIS at (703) 487-4650 (order no. PR-758KYP); Fax: (703) 321-8547; E-mail:

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