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CC&AT site wins awardsOn January 12, 1996, the U.S. Department of Energy Robotics Program Cross Cutting and Advanced Technology website received an Award of Excellence by the Dallas chapter of the Society for Technical Communication. The site also received Sandia National Laboratories' Site of the Month Award in September 1995. The site's address is http://www.sandia. gov/cc_at/1cc_at.html.

Cross Cutting and Advanced Technology website One of five areas under the Robotics Technology Development Program, CC&AT provides links to RTDP, and to Pacific Northwest, Los Alamos, and Oak Ridge National Laboratories. The site includes CC&AT's program elements: robotic controls, robotic sensing systems, robotic system analysis, robotic system simulation, co-operating robotic multi-arm manipulation, and university robotic research and development. It also has links to the U.S. Department of Energy's other technical task areas: tank waste retrieval, contaminant analysis automation, mixed waste operations, and decontamination and dismantlement control.

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