![]() on the Robotics Technology Development Program |
About the focus areas The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Management has established an integrated approach for addressing waste issues based on problem, or focus, areas. The focus areas are subsurface contaminants; mixed waste characterization, treatment, and disposal; radioactive tank waste remediation; deactivation and decommissioning; and plutonium stabilization. Three crosscutting technology areas support the focus areas: characterization, monitoring, and sensor technology; efficient separations and processing; and robotics. Within the Office of Science and Technology, the Robotics Technology Development Program helps OST incorporate robotics into integrated systems for cleaning up contaminated Department of Energy sites. Remotely controlled, rugged manipulation systems are particularly important to the Tanks and the Deactivation and Decommissioning focus areas because robots can perform in DOE's high-level storage tanks and hazardous/radioactive facilitiesplaces that expose humans to unacceptable risks. Robotic system cleans
radioactive Oak Ridge tanks The Modified Light-Duty Utility Arm is a large, robotic manipulator with seven degrees of freedom. It can deploy a 200-pound payload through risers as small as 12 inches in diameter. The MLDUA is equipped with a gripper end-effector that allows the arm to grasp other tools such as the Confined Sluicing End-Effector. The MLDUA is also equipped with two cameras located at the mast and arm junction and an additional camera in the gripper. It is skid mounted so a crane can position it on the tank platform where it rests on adjustable outriggers. A second skid contains the hydraulic power unit, oil reservoir, pumps, oil chiller, and controls cabinets.
The project Gunite tank cleanup began in July 1997 and has resulted in the removal of mixed transuranic waste from two gunite tanksW-3 and W-4 in the GAAT North Tank Farm. Houdini has participated by shoveling waste with its plow; manipulating the CSEE; and using other end effectors to cut and remove intank debris, obtain core samples, and perform characterization and inspection tasks. Houdini has proved that it can even operate while hanging, which was the case when the remotely controlled robot cut and removed cables and steel pipes while hanging below manways in tank W-3. The MLDUA and Houdini have worked well together in the gunite tank cleanup. The plow on Houdini pushed sludge toward the MLDUA and accumulated piles of sludge to be sluiced. The MLDUA has worked best for removing thicker piles of sludge, while Houdini is better at cleaning floor surfaces. A coring tool deployed by Houdini obtained core samples. The walls were cleaned with the MLDUA and CSEE at 7,000 psi. This scarifying action removed loose contamination and much of the scale on the walls. During wall cleaning, a dense fog developed in the tank, limiting visibility. The ability to preprogram robotic trajectories for the MLDUA enabled wall cleaning without fear of collisions with the tank walls or floor. After scarifying, a characterization end-effector confirmed that radioactivity in the walls was reduced by approximately 20 percent. Approximately 12,600 gallons of waste was removed from tank W-3 during the 10-week waste removal campaign that began in July 1997. Less than 0.3 percent of the original tank volume remainssludge and liquid heel. The Radioactive Tank Cleaning System removed an estimated 331 Ci of the original 344 Ci present in tank W-3, i.e., more than 96 percent contaminant removal efficiency. Successful partnering
On to new gunite tank
challenges For a more detailed account of the cleanup of gunite tank W-3 at Oak Ridge, see Radwaste Magazine, March 1998, pages 5561. Robotics and the
D&D Focus Area BOA (Asbestos Pipe Insulation Removal System) is a mobile, pipe-external robotic crawler for remotely stripping and bagging asbestos-containing lagging and insulation material from pipes. It was featured in Initiatives, June 1997. Since then, BOA has undergone its first field demonstration at the East Tennessee Technology Park and has been winning rave reviews. The robot placed second in a national design competition hosted by Design News and in March was showcased at the annual National Design Engineering Show and Conference in Chicago. The low productivity and high cost of manual asbestos removal make this mechanical system a cost-effective component of D&D activities across the DOE weapons complex. During FY 1998, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in Philadelphia continued their BOA work. The system has been modified to fit a 3-inch-diameter pipe, and the electronic control box has been refurbished with higher voltage components. The next step for BOA is a full-scale field test at a DOE or private industry site. RoboCon (Operator Interface for Robotic Applications) is a robot operator control station that is designed to be adaptable to a variety of remote and robotic selective equipment removal systems. It is being developed by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The system consists of a large, multiscreen projection TV system framed on both sides by several high-resolution TV monitors, embedded computing, stereo speakers, and a reconfigurable operator console and control chair with various removable interface modules (such as joysticks, buttons, and touch-screens). CMU demonstrated RoboCon at its Pittsburgh facility using the Houdini robot also developed by CMU. Houdini was remotely operated from the console to showcase different features of the system. RoboCon has been installed at the International Union of Operating Engineers' training center in Beaver, West Virginia, where it will undergo a human factors and ergonomic analysis. Three-Dimensional, Integrated Characterization and Archiving System (3D-ICAS) was demonstrated at Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Robotics Technology Assessment Facility in October 1997. Developed by Coleman Research Corporation and jointly sponsored by RTDP and Industry Programs, 3D-ICAS consists of a mobile sensor platform and a mobile mapper platform that operate in contaminated areas, and an integrated workstation that remains in a safe area. Capable of detecting organic compounds at the parts-per-billion sensitivity level while simultaneously measuring alpha and beta radiation on structural materials, the system operates without contacting the surface of interest by deploying a robotically controlled sensor head. The cycle time for 3D-ICAS is less than two minutes per sample. The Robot Task Space Analyzer will be a sensor and software system that allows robot operators to automate robotic tasks. Combining laser and stereo imaging, human-interactive modeling, and semiautomatic object recognition, RTSA will help human operators quickly and efficiently create three-dimensional models of the work environment in which a robot operates. Hanford canyons: From
liability to asset?
HCDI is part of a CERCLA remedial investigation/feasibility study on the costs and risks of alternatives for the disposition of the chemical reprocessing canyons, including use as a low-level radioactive waste disposal facility. Extensive characterization is required to complete a performance/risk assessment, which in turn will lead to a Record of Decision in FY 2000. Using Hanford's five canyon facilities for disposal of low-level wastes has the potential to save more than $1.1 billion over the current baseline of long-term surveillance and maintenance followed by complete facility D&D. Besides Hanford, the potential use of fuel processing facilities for waste disposal also has application to three facilities at DOE's Savannah River Site and one facility at Idaho Falls. Current RTDP involvement in the HCDI project includes
The railroad tunnel-characterization task has begun, using Andros, an 18-inch-wide, tethered robot that is owned by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. RTDP in collaboration with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory fitted Andros with a radiation sensor and a video camera. In June and July 1998, the sensor was integrated with Andros and operational testing and a readiness review were completed. In August, a crane placed Andros in the tunnel, and the robot began gathering radiation data. PNNL staff are also considering using Andros to deploy a rotating-drum smear-sampling unit within the railroad tunnel. Andros will next be used to characterize a ventilation tunnel. For more information on RTDP's role in HCDI, contact Dennis Haley, robotics coordinator for HCDI, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, (423) 576-4388, haleydc@ornl.gov. For more information on RTDP, contact Linton W. Yarbrough, Ph.D., RTDP field office lead, at the DOE field office in Albuquerque, (505) 845-6569, lyarbrough@doeal.gov. |
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