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Integrated approach introduced

In January 1994, the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Management introduced a new integrated approach for addressing waste issues based on five focus, or problem areas. In addition, there are three crosscutting technology areas that support the five focus areas. This national focus on solving environmental remediation problems is designed to:

Each of the five areas is managed by a multidisciplinary team of representatives from DOE's Office of Science and Technology (EM-50), Waste Management (EM-30), Environmental Restoration (EM-40), and Office of Nuclear Materials and Facility Stabilization (EM-60); DOE technical programs; and stakeholders. The wide range of focus area management team members will link technical and non-technical offices within the DOE community. The focus areas represent the application of business principles to technology development through emphasis on return on investment and cost avoidance.

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