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TDI projects

Sixteen projects have been selected to receive funding under the Technology Deployment Initiative--a program the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science and Technology is proposing in its fiscal year 1998 budget. In its budget request to Congress, OST is seeking $50 million to offer incentives to encourage DOE sites to deploy cleanup technologies. OST sees TDI as a bridge to multisite deployment of superior environmental technologies (see Initiatives, April 1997).

The 16 winning projects were selected from a field of 89 proposals submitted from around the DOE complex. Four review teams composed of DOE, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and private-sector participants evaluated the screened proposals against selection criteria in four categories:

  • impact/technical,
  • business management,
  • cost, and
  • stakeholder/regulatory.

After the review teams deliberated in Idaho Falls, Idaho May 19-23, they sent the highest scoring proposals to a selection committee, made up of DOE employees across the country. The selection committee met in Idaho Falls June 2-6.

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