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D&D focus area publishes its 1995 annual report

The decontamination and decommissioning focus area provides support to the Office of Science and Technology in three main areas: facility deactivation, facility decontamination, and facility dismantlement and material disposition, including recycling. During 1995, the D&D focus area restructured its program to concentrate on three large-scale demonstrations that will incorporate a suiteof improved technologies. The redirection moved the FY96 program toward technologies that DOE customers had identified as high-priority due to their wide applicability to DOE problems. In its 1995 Decontamination & Decommissioning Focus Area Annual Report, the D & D focus area describes tasks accomplished in 1995 and highlights the contributions of OSTŐs crosscutting areas and private industry partners. The report is available through the Internet on the D&D focus area homepage at

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