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a book you can judge

If the publication has a green and white cover and is published by DOE, look for useful engineering data about environmental technologies inside. Officially known as Innovative Technology Summary Reports and nicknamed the "green books," these 10- to 20-page reports cover one DOE-developed technology per book. DOE's Office of Science and Technology began publishing the reports in April 1995. To date, 13 technologies demonstrated by OST have been the topic of a DOE green book.

The purpose of the publications is to provide a quick reference that will enable technology users to determine if an innovative technology is appropriate for their sites. Each report contains the same seven sections: summary, technology descriptions, performance, technology application and alternatives, cost, regulatory/policy issues, and lessons learned. Demonstration site characteristics and references are included as appendices.

To make the reports useful across federal departments, OST collaborated with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Defense to determine the information they would contain. EPA and DOD produce similar documents about technologies they have developed and demonstrated.

Minus the green cover, eight of the reports are available on the DOE Office of Environmental Management's homepage. Eventually, all the reports will be available online at intech/index.html. The publications currently online cover the following technologies.

The following DOE-developed technologies are also covered in the green books but are not yet on the Internet.

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