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Electronic Media Available

EPA database indexes environmental monitoring methods

The National Technical Information Service offers the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's official analytical methods database on disk. At three times its original size, EMMI offers rapid search capabilities that streamline the selection of appropriate analytical methods for testing environmental pollutants regulated by EPA. There is information on over 4,000 analytes, 3,400 analytical and biological methods, and 47 regulatory and non-regulatory lists. A variety of search options--chemical names, trade names, CAS registry number, apparatus, and matrix--are available. The new 2.0 version includes the following features.

The cost is $385 plus handling. To order, call (703) 487-4650 (order #PB95-501748KYJ). For more information, call Renee Edwards, NTIS, at (703) 487-4778.

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