1-1 U.S. Independent PWB Manufacturers: Market Share by Size of Company
1-2 U.S. Dollar Denominated Share of World Rigid PWB Market for Selected Countries/Regions
1-3 U.S. Dollar Denominated Production of World Rigid PWB Market by Type of Substrate
1-4 Historical World Market Share for Rigid and Flexible Circuits
1-5 Comparison: Multilayers (including high-performance multilayers) vs. All Other Rigid PWBs (excluding flex)
1-6 Historic Trends of Make vs. Buy for PWB Production in the U.S.
1-7 Market for PWBs in the United States in 1993
1-8 Sales of Various Process Consumables for Rigid Boards in 1993
1-9 Historical Trends for Layer Count in Multilayer PWBs
1-10 Historical Trends on Surface Mount Applications in PWB Production
1-11 Use of Fine-pitch Technology
1-12 Density of PWB Production Based on Dollar Value of Producti on: OEM vs. Independents
1-13 Percent of Production for Various Hole Sizes Based on Dollar Value of Production for 1993
1-14 Percent Usage of 2 0.019" Holes from 1985 through 1993 Based on Dollar Value of Production
1-15 Historical Trends in PWB Surface Finish Techniques Based on Dollar Value of Production
1-16 Historical Trends in PWB Protective Coating Techniques
1-17 Worldwide IC Packaging Methods
2-1 The Basic Manufacturing Flow for the Fabrication of Rigid Multilayer PWBs
2-2 The Simplified Subtractive Process for Manufacturing Inner Layers of Rigid Multilayers, and a Cross-Section of Two Inner Layer Cores within a Multilayer Structure
2-3 The Simplified Full-Build Additive Process for Manufacturing Inner Layers of Rigid Multilayers, and a Cross-Section of a Multilayer Structure
2-4 Typical Process Flow for PWB Manufacture
2-5 Inner Layer Image Transfer Use Cluster
2-6 Schematic Drawing of an Exposure Tool for Inner Layers
2-7 Typical Oxide Process Line
2-8 Drill Holes Use Cluster
2-9 Clean Holes Use Cluster
2-10 Typical Desmear Process Line
2-11 Make Holes Conductive Use Cluster
2-12 Typical Electroless Copper Plating Line
2-13 Outer Layer Image Transfer Use Cluster
2-14 Typical Pattern Plate, Etch-resist, Photoresist Strip Process Line
2-15 Typical Ammoniacal Etch Process
2-16 Surface Finish Use Cluster