1. Headline: Process modification in a terpene manufacturer

2. Background: Les DÆrivÆs RÆsiniques et TerpÆniques (DRT)

carried out an audit of their production and pollution removal

units in 1992. The inventory and characterization of the

effluents, have led to the implementation of a programme of

works aiming to decrease the COD polluting flow by 30 % within

the framework of an agreement with the River Agency concerning

the decrease in effluents.

3. Cleaner Production Principle: Process modification

4. Description of Cleaner Production Application:

Washing of terpenic water in a workshop manufacturing


Information about the process and wastes

This workshop manufactures terpine through the

hydrogenation of alpha-pinene in an acid environment. The

pollution caused by this activity mainly stems from the terpine

washing and drainage operations. It is due to the presence of

soluble compounds in the effluent : terpene and terpenic

alcohols, and represents a COD of 4.5 t/d before treatment.

For a flowrate of 45 m3/d, about 450 kg/d of oil is

recovered, which will be burnt in a boiler. Concerning the

workshop, the result is that the COD is decreased by 80 %.

The average COD of the plant's raw effluent is decreased

by 15 to 18 %.

These soluble compounds are transformed under heat into

insoluble compounds and then treated using settling.

Processes used include:

-recovery of effluents in a watertight tank,

-continuous feeding of a reactor, with stirring, regulated

heating and introduction of pure sulfuric acid at a constant


-continuous settling, and

-storage of recovered oils.

Material / energy balance and substitution

Recovery of 150 tons of insoluble oil a year and

incinerating in a boiler.

5. Economics:

Cost of direct investment

Tanks-piping 1 030 000

Equipment 330 000

Civil engineering 230 000

Electricity 110 000

Miscellaneous 100 000

Total 1 800 000FF (1993)

6. Advantages: Recovery of 150 t/year of oil incinerated in

a boiler in the factory. Decrease of the COD flowrate by 3,5


7. Constraints: No information provided.

8. Contacts:

Agence de l'Eau Adour-Garonne


TEL: 33


In Charge of the Environment - DRT

TEL: 33

Les DÆrivÆs RÆsiniques et TerpÆniques


TEL: 33

Fax: 33

M. Maton

M. Chatenet

Office International de l'Eau

Direction de la Formation et des Etudes

rue Edouard Chamberland

87065 Limoges Cedex, France

TEL: 33 55114770

FAX: 33 55777115

9. Keywords: ISIC 3513, France, oil, terpene, process

modification, COD

10. This case study was submitted to UNEP IE in 1994 by the

French Office International de l'Eau. It has not undergone a

formal technical review.