1. Headline: Membrane Electrolysis Results in almost

Complete Recovery of Nickel from Electroplating


2. Background: See below.

3. Cleaner Production Principle: process modification

4. Description of Cleaner Production Application:

This technology involves in-process modifications using

membrane electrolysis to recover nickel and reduce rinse

water flow from electroplating processes.

Case Study Summary

Process and Waste Information: Water purification was

previously accomplished in a DND installation. For the new

process, membrane electrolysis was selected because the

high iron concentration in the solution can impair

electrolysis operation. The wastewater is sent to ion

exchangers where the stream of 4 m3/hr with 0.5 g/l of

nickel is concentrated to 10 m3/week with a concentration

of about 12 g/l. The wastestream is then passed to a

membrane electrolysis cell where 99.8% or 5000 kg/yr of

nickel is reclaimed through batch treatment. The nickel

content in the stream is reduced to less than 6 mg/l. The

membrane in the cell is composed of perfluorinated PTFE.

The cell operates at 7 V and with 900 A 4 days/week.

The new technology reduces the rinse water flow,

eliminates chlorine and sludge production, and recovers

nickel for sale or reuse. There is no effect on the final


Stage of Development: The technology is fully


Level of Commercialization: From the case study, it was

not clear whether the equipment was purchased or developed

in the plant itself. On further inquiry, it became

apparent that the equipment comes from Esmil, Diemen in

the Netherlands.

Material/Energy Balances and Substitutions: 5000 kg/yr of

nickel are reclaimed from the rinsewater.

6. Economics

Investment Costs: Investment costs for the electrolysis

system were reported as Dfl 715,000. Capital costs were

reported as Dfl 100,000. No further breakdown was


Operational & Maintenance Costs: Operating and

maintenance costs were reported to be Dfl 5,000 for

energy, Dfl 15,000 for labor, and Dfl 14,000 for


Payback Time: Nickel savings can be estimated to be about

Dfl 100,000 since 5000 kg/yr of nickel are recovered at a

rate of Dfl 20/kg. Savings on sludge hauling were not

specified, however, the amount of sludge not produced was

indicated as "tens of tons" and hauling rates are

estimated at Dfl 300 to 500.

6. Advantages: This process recovers nickel for sale or

reuse, reduces the quantity of wastewater requiring

further treatment, and eliminates chlorine and sludge

production. Benefits from improved public relations,

reduced liabilities, and changes in regulatory compliance

were not discussed.

7. Constraints

One problem which arose during implementation of the

technology was the plugging of anode compartments with

iron sludge from steel anodes. This was solved by using

activated titanium anodes with a layer or iridium oxide

which also increased efficiency.

At the end of the process, a basic mist was produced above

the anode compartments. This problem was eliminated by

placing mist filters above the anode compartments.

It was found that removal of nickel from the electrodes

took about 5 to 6 hours. Using cathode cylinders treated

with a contact oil before starting the process decreased

the time to about 2 hours.

The problem of the control of the voltage rectifier being

destroyed frequently was corrected by using oil cooling

instead of air cooling.

8. Contacts and Citations

Membrane electrolysis in practice.

J. Manders. Tijdschrift voor oppervlaktetechnieken en


Vol. 34, No. 1, January 1990, p.14-16.

Level of Detail of the Source Material: Schematic

diagrams of plating and membrane electrolysis

processes, including additional efficiency and mass

balance data, are available in source document.

Industry/Program Contact and Address

Egidius Jansen

Witveldweg 14

5951 AV Belfeld

The Netherlands

TEL: 31-4705-1444

9. Keywords: the Netherlands, metal, electroplating, process

modification, ISIC 3471, nickel, electrolysis, ion

exchange, iron, PTFE, chlorine, sludge.

10. Reviewer's Comments: This case study was originally

compiled by the UNEP IE Working Group on Metal Finishing.

It underwent a UNEP IE funded technical review in 1994 for

quality and completeness. It was edited for the ICPIC

diskette in July 1995.