1. Headline: Use of Acid Purification Unit on Concentrated

High Temperature Pickling Liquor Reduces Iron


2. Background: See below.

3. Cleaner Production Principle: new technology and process


4. Description of Cleaner Production Application: This

technology involves the use of an acid purification unit

(APU) consisting of filters and an ion exchanger to reduce

iron content of the pickle acid.

Case Study Summary

Process and Waste Information: In the original pickling

process, no purification of the acidic liquor was

undertaken. The liquid was discarded in a continuous

"bleeding" process after the "bleed" was neutralized with


The new process involves use of equipment consisting of

three basic pieces and one optional piece: an Eco-Tec Acid

Purification Unit AP30-24 HT cartridge filter and ion

exchanger, a feed pump, an Eco-Tec sand filter and an

optional 400 gallon (1100 liter) water supply tank. The

pickle acid is pumped from the reservoir tank through a

media filter to remove dirt and oil particles. The acid

then passes through a second filter (0.5 m) to remove very

fine particulate and filter media from reaching the resin

bed in an ion exchange unit. The following stage contains

three steps per cycle: the water displacement stage, the

byproduct (iron) removal stage, and the produce (acid)

return stage.

The water displacement phase allows the pickle acid into

the resin bed, displacing the water from the previous

cycle. This water can be reused by sending it to the

water supply tank, or sent to drain. This stage lasts

approximately one minute.

The by product stage allows the pickle acid to continue

its flow through the resin bed trapping the sulfate ions

and allowing the iron to pass through and sent to drain.

This phase also takes about one minute.

The product return phase stops the flow of acid from the

reservoir and starts a counterflow of water from a

pressurized source (main water line or water supply tank

pump). The water picks up the sulfate ions and returns

them to the tank of sulfuric acid. This stage takes about

two minutes.

This three phase cycle continues automatically until the

dirt build-up in the media filter causes the process to

automatically shut down. A back flush procedure is

necessary to clean the filter before restarting the

system again. Backflushing time is approximately one


Using the new process results in the reduction of the iron

content of the acid solution from an initial 7.7% to a

steady 2-3% during the latter half of the test period. An

89% decrease in use of sulfuric acid and lime also

resulted. No new materials are introduced in the process.

Since pickling uniformity is a product quality

improvement, product quality is at least as good as before

using the APU, but this was not quantified.

Stage of Development: The installation is fully

implemented. Data are derived from the last month of


Level of Commercialization: The installation is fully

commercially available. The vendor seems well equipped

and experienced in construction and maintenance of the


Material/Energy Balances and Substitutions:

Material Category Quantity Before Quantity


Waste Generation: N/A N/A

Feedstock Use:

Sulfuric acid 629,089 67,558


Lime (tons/yr) 252 28


Water Use: N/A

N/A Energy Use: N/A


5. Economics

Investment Costs: Investment costs were as follows:

Design and supply of equipment

$84,000.00 Equipment installation

$10,000.00 Start-up, supplies, etc.

$ 2,500.00



These costs do not include the test program or the

management personnel costs for the project.

Operational & Maintenance Costs: These costs are

estimated at $2500/yr.

Payback Time: Payback time was calculated as 2.33 years.

Annual savings on chemicals were calculated as $43,937.

Not included in the calculations are an estimated $8,000

saved annually on sludge hauling.

6. Advantages: Annual savings on chemicals were $25,942 for

sulfuric acid and $17,995 for lime, or a total of $43,937.

An estimated $8,000 were saved on sludge hauling. The

project demonstrated that sulfuric acid used in preparing

steel strip for electrogalvanizing could be reclaimed for

continuous use.

7. Constraints: Except for some start-up problems, no other

problems seem to have been encountered.

8. Contacts

Name & Location of Company

Metal Koting

Continuous Colour Coat Ltd.

1430 Martin Grove Road

Rexdale Ontario M9W 4Y1


TEL 1 416 743-7980

Mr. M. Schulz

Head Training Section

Environment Canada

3439 River Road South

Ottawa, Ontario K1 OH3


TEL: 1 613 991-1954

FAX: 1 613 991-1635

9. Keywords: Canada, metal, iron and steel, pickling, new

technology, acid purification, ion exchange, pickle acid,

sulfate, acid.

10. Reviewer's Comments: This case study was originally

compiled by the UNEP IE Working Group on Metal Finishing.

It underwent a UNEP IE funded technical review in 1994 for

quality and completeness. It was edited for the ICPIC

diskette in July 1995.