1. Headline: Substitution of less toxic raw materials in the

painting of mobile Street Sweepers extends material usage.

2. Background: See below.

3. Cleaner Production Principle: Material substitution

4. Description of Cleaner Production Application: A

formulation change to eliminate photoreactive solvents in

a primer used in painting operations reduces VOC emissions

by 50%. A substitute machine coolant, with a longer shelf

life, reduces material usage and the volume of spent

coolants sent off-site for recovery. Effort to increase

employee awareness has reduced the amount of waste xylene

requiring off-site incineration.

Material/Energy Balance and Substitution

FEEDSTOCKS: Coolants, chemicals, paints, solvents (xylene)

WASTES: VOC emissions, coolant waste, spent xylene

MEDIUM: Gaseous, liquids

5. Economics:

CAPITAL COST: Not reported



6. Advantages:

DISPOSAL & FEEDSTOCK: VOC emissions - $100,000 saved in

construction of facility to reduce the emissions. Machine

coolant - $14,400/yr in material and disposal costs.

Xylene - $3,800/yr in material and disposal costs

FEEDSTOCK REDUCTION: 75% reduction in machine coolant, and

reduced xylene requirements

WASTE PRODUCTION: VOC emissions reduced by 50%, spent

xylene sent off-site reduced by 1300 gallons/yr,

IMPACT: Significant reduction in VOC emissions and in

hazardous waste generation has been achieved through

material substitutions, chemical reformulations, and

improved employee awareness.

7. Constraints: No information provided.

8. Contact and Citation: "Case Summaries of Waste Reduction

by Industries in the Southeast", Schecter, Roger N., Hunt,

Gary, July, 1989, Page 50.

9. Keywords: United States, USA, mobile street sweeper,

painting, material substitution, solvent, VOC, coolant,

xylene, SIC 3711.

10. Reviewer's Comments: This case study part of a core

collection of case studies from North Carolina, USA and

was originally abstracted for the US Environmental

Protection Agency's Pollution Prevention Information

Clearinghouse. It underwent a UNEP IE funded technical

review in 1994 for quality and completeness. It was

edited for the ICPIC diskette in July 1995.

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