Case Study # 128

1. Headline: Rotalyt-Alutop process for aluminum plating

reduces emission of cadmium into the environment while

also reducing costs.

2. Background: See below.

3. Cleaner Production Application: New technology

4. Description of Cleaner Production Application: The

Rotalyt-Alutop process for aluminum plating is based on

the chemo-mechanical plating of pieces in a medium

containing an impact body, and metal particles and

catalysts, using relative movement. The pieces are loaded

into a perforated drum, and lowered into a plating bath

where glass balls are added as the impact body and the

aluminum flakes are added. The drum passes through a

separation tank where the glass balls are separated for

reuse, to a centrifuge unit, and to an unloading station

for drying. The cathodic corrosion protection properties

are considerably improved by the use of zinc containing

aluminum alloys, or preplating to add a zinc/tin layer.

Material/Energy and Balances and Substitution

FEEDSTOCKS: Electric energy - 140 kWh/t, Al metal - 14

kg/t, rinse water -200 l/t, catalyst - 5 kg/t, pre- and

post- treatment - 20 kg/t

WASTES: Wastewaters, chemical baths

MEDIUM: Aqueous

5. Economics

CAPITAL COST: 500,000 DM (1983)

OPERATION/MAINTENANCE: 294 DM/t treated goods

DISPOSAL & FEEDSTOCK: 100,000 DM reduction in capital

cost, 94 DM/t of treated goods reduction on process costs

6. Advantages:

FEEDSTOCK REDUCTION: Electrical requirements reduced by

780 kWh/t, rinsewater by 800 l/t, 14 kg/t Al required

compared to 15 kg/t Cadmium, treatment chemicals by 100


WASTE PRODUCTION: Wastewaters produced from conventional

process contains cadmium, cyanide, and chromium compounds.

The waters are neutralized, precipitated, and dumped. The

low waste technology reduces the toxicity of the waste.

IMPACT: Reduction of environmental pollution from the

proven toxicity of cadmium while reducing costs.

7. Constraints: No information provided.

8. CITATION/PAGE: Compendium on Low and Non-waste Technology,

United Nations Economic and Social Counsel, Monograph

"Rotalyt-Alutop" ENV/WP.2/5/Add.124

9. Keywords: Germany, metal, aluminum, plating, new

technology, cadmium, chemical bath, electroplating, ISIC


10. Reviewers Comments: This case study was originally

abstracted for the US EPA Pollution Prevention Information

Clearinghouse. It underwent a UNEP IE funded technical

review in 1994 for quality and completeness. It was edited

for the ICPIC diskette in July 1995.

(DOCNO: 400-124-A-331)