Table 30. Classes of Wind Power at Heights of 10 and 50 Meters

Wind Power Density Wind Power Density Wind Speed (watts per square meter Wind Speed (watts per square meter Wind Power Class (meters per second) of rotor-swept area) (meters per second) of rotor-swept area) 10 Meters 50 Meters
1................ 0.0-4.4 0-100 0.0-5.6 0-200 2................ 4.4-5.1 100-150 5.6-6.4 200-300 3................ 5.1-5.6 150-200 6.4-7.0 300-400 4................ 5.6-6.0 200-250 7.0-7.5 400-500 5................ 6.0-6.4 250-300 7.5-8.0 500-600 6................ 6.4-7.0 300-400 8.0-8.8 600-800 7................ 7.0-9.4 400-1,000 8.8-11.9 800-2,000
Source: Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the United States, DE86004442 (Golden, CO: Solar Energy Research Institute, October 1986), p. 3.

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