Mechanical Removal of Water

[6] Great energy savings can be made by mechanical removal of water from textiles, rather than by evaporation. As stated in reference [31], techniques include centrifugal extractors of the basket type and vacuum systems. According to [14], the cost of removing 0.3 Kg of water from 0.2 Kg/m2 fabric with 150% moisture is 7.46x10-4 dollars/m2 of fabric, and it can be separated into the following:

From 0.3 Kg of water to 0.15 Kg by squeeze rollers 0.257x10-4 dollars
From 0.15 Kg to 0.072 Kg of water by vacuum slots 0.001x10-4 dollars
From 0.072 to total dryness by thermal removal 7.2x10-4 dollars

As it can be seen, the total drying cost, according to this author, is only 3.9% greater than that required for thermal removal, so it can be said that the cost of thermal removal is the dominant proportion of the drying cost. The drying cost could be greatly reduced by increasing mechanical dewatering [14].