Pollution Prevention Opportunities In Paper Manufacturing

Helpful information from
U.S. EPA Region III
Philadelphia, PA

October 1990

For More Information

....... Paper I....
160 Madison Ave.
Now York. MY 10016

Council of the Paper ...For
Air & ... improve Inc.
260 ..... Avenue
New York. NY 10016

Paper ........
24000 ..... Street
...... Heights. IL 60005

T ..... of the Pulp and Paper
P.O. Box 105113
..... GA 30348

703-821-4800 (into)
703-506-1025 (Access)

What Can You Do?

This fact sheet lists specific pollution prevention practices that have been successful in a number of paper manufacturing operations. Use this fact sheet along with the "Pollution Prevention Opportunities" fact sheet to gather ideas on how to reduce your wastes.

Improve Operations

Modify the Process

Reuse & Recycle

We Encourage You to Pursue Pollution Prevention Opportunities Within Your Company. Be a Part of the Cultural Change.

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Last Updated: January 16, 1996