An Industry Overview of the Chemical Formulating Industry

If your operation is in the chemical formulating industry category and you use solvents, pesticides, strong acids or bases, ignitable chemicals, reactive chemicals. or solutions or sludges containing metals or toxic organic chemicals, you might be subject to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) requirements covering the generation, transportation, and management of hazardous waste.

The following chemical formulating industry groups are covered by this summary:

Hazardous Wastes From Formulators

While the specific chemical constituents of your waste can vary depending on the type of chemicals you formulate, most formulators will have wastes that fall under one of the following categories:

In addition, specific formulators generate wastes such as used pesticide and pesticide containers, spent catalysts, wastes containing heavy metals, ink wastes, ignitable wastes, and reactive wastes.

Printing ink formulation involves the combination of basic constituents in proportions that depend on the desired properties of the ink. In general, inks are made from coloring materials that can include flushed colors, color concentrates, toners, and pigments; resins and varnishes; and solvents. Pigments might contain heavy metals or other toxic constituents. Resins and varnishes might contain toxic organic constituents. Many spent solvents are listed wastes. In addition to these basic ingredients, other ingredients that contain hazardous materials are sometimes added to adjust the ink's properties. These include:

The main categories of wastes generated from the formulation of printing ink include:
Pesticide and agricultural chemical formulators mix concentrated pesticides with carriers and dispersing agents for use by pesticide applicators. The formulations can include a number of compounds that enhance the properties of the pesticide product, The carriers, dispersing agents. and other compounds might contain hazardous constituents. In general, the wastes from pesticide and agricultural formulators are pesticide-contaminated rinse solutions generated from washing and rinsing the drums, vats, and assorted instruments used to mix the formulation.

Formulators of pharmaceutical preparations generate spent solvents and solvent still bottoms, ignitable wastes, and possibly toxic wastewaters and sludges. The formulation of paints and coatings (e.g., varnishes, lacquers. enamels) usually involves the use of solvents, driers, plastic resins. alcohols, phthalates, and inorganic pigments. Potentially hazardous wastes from the formulation of paints and coatings are solvent wastes, sludges, cleaning wastes, spills, and spoiled batches. Formulators of other miscellaneous chemical products often generate hazardous wastes including strong acid/alkaline wastes, spent solvents and still bottoms, reactive wastes, ignitable wastes, and toxic wastes.

Table I summarizes some of the general waste types generated during formulation. If you generate more than 100 kilograms (220 pounds or one-half of a 55-gallon drum) of hazardous waste per month, you must complete a Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest when you ship your waste off your property. The Manifest requires the DOT (Department of Transportation) description of the waste including shipping name, hazard class, and UN/NA ID number. This information is present in Tables 2 through 5 for some wastes generated by formulators. These tables are not comprehensive lists. If you suspect that you generate a hazardous waste that is not on this list, contact your state hazardous waste management agency or EPA Regional office for assistance.

Waste Minimization

An effective waste minimization program can reduce the costs, liabilities, and regulatory burdens of hazardous waste management, while potentially enhancing efficiency, product quality, and community relations. Waste minimization techniques that can help you reduce the amount of hazardous waste that you generate include:

Training and supervision of employees implementing waste minimization techniques is an important part of your successful program. Call the RCRA/Superfund Hotline toll-free at 800-4249346 (or TDD 800-553-7672 for the hearing-impaired) for waste minimization information and publications.

Table 1 Typical Formulators Operations:
Materials Used and Hazardous Wastes that Might be Generated

Process/OperationMaterials UsedGeneral Types of Waste Generated
Printing Ink FormulationColoring materials, resins, varnishes, solvents, driers, antioxidants, thickeners, gellants, waxes, defoamers, wetting agents, surfactantsAcid/alkaline wastes, Toxic heavy metal waste, (dust and sludge)
Ink - sludges with chromium or lead
Solvent wastes
Other toxic wastes
Pesticide and Agricultural Chemical FormulationPesticides, solvents, organic chemicals. heavy metalsPesticide wastes
Empty containers
Solvent wastes
Toxic wastes
Pharmaceutical Preparations FormulationSolvents, resins, lubricants, gelatinsSolvent wastes
Ignitable wastes
Toxic wastewaters and wastewater treatment sludges
Acid/alkaline wastes
Toxic heavy metal wastes (dust and sludge)
Other toxic wastes
Paint and Coating FormulationPaints, solvents, heavy metals, acids/alkalies, driers, plastic resins, plasticizersPaint wastes
Solvent wastes
Spoiled batches
Acid/alkaline wastes
Toxic heavy metal wastes (dust and sludge)
Chemical Product Formulation Not Classified ElsewhereSolvents, chemicals, catalysts, acids/alkalies, heavy metalsOther toxic wastes
Ignitable wastes
Reactive wastes
Solvent wastes
Spent catalysts
Emission control dusts and sludges

Table 2 Printing Ink Formulators Waste Descriptions

Waste TypeDesignations/Trade Names
Strong Alkaline Wastes
Ammonium Hydroxide 
TolueneToluene, Methacide, Methylbenzene, Methylbenzol, Phenylmethane, Toluol, Antisal LA
Methyl Ethyl Ketone-Methyl acetone, Meetco, Butanone, MEK. 2-butanone
XyleneXylene, Xylol
Ethyl AcetateEthyl Acetate
n-Butyl AcetateButyl Acetate
Isopropyl AcetateIsopropyl Acetate
DOT Shipping NameHazard Class 10UN/NA Number
Waste Methyl Ethyl KetoneFlammable LiquidUN1193
Spent Solvents, Solvent Still Bottoms, and Ignitable Toxic Wastes Containing: Ammonium Hydroxide, NH4OH, Spirit of Hartshom, Aqua Ammonia
Waste Ammonium Hydroxide
  • (containing not less than 12% but not mom than 44% ammonia)
  • (containing less than 12% ammonia

  • Corrosive Material

  • ORM-A

  • NA2672

  • NA2672
  • Waste Benzene (Benzol)Flammable LiquidUN1114
    Waste AcetoneFlammable LiquidUN1090
    Waste Toluene (Toluol)Flammable LiquidUN1294
    Waste Xylene (Xylol)Flammable LiquidUN1307
    Waste Ethyl AcetateFlammable LiquidUN1173
    Waste n-Butyl AcetateFlammable LiquidUN1123
    Waste Isopropyl AcetateFlammable LiquidUN1220
    Waste TypeDesignations/Trade Names
    Glycol EthersMay include numerous compounds including diethylene glycol and hexylene glycol
    Ethyl AlcoholEthanol
    Isopropyl AlcoholIsopropanol
    Propyl AlcoholPropanol
    NaphthaMineral Spirits, VM&P Naphtha, White Spirits
    Chlorobenzene*Chlorobenzene, Monochlorobenzene, Phenylchloride
    Cresols*o-Cresol, m-Cresol, p-Cresol, (m,p) Cresol, (o,m,p)-Cresol
    Heavy Metal SolutionsHeavy Metal Solutions
    Ink SludgeInk Sludge Containing Chromium or Lead
    Other Wastes
  • Ignitable Wastes, NOS
  • Aqueous washing solutions from ink formulation, ink tub washwater
  • Organic Heavy Metal Sludges
  • DOT Shipping NameHazard ClassUN/NA ID Number
    Waste Combustible Liquid. NOS*Combustible Liquid 4NA1991
    Waste Ethyl AlcoholFlammable LiquidNA1170
    Waste IsopropanolFlammable LiquidUN1219
    Waste Propyl AlcoholFlammable LiquidUN1274
    Waste HexaneFlammable LiquidUN1208
    Waste HeptaneFlammable LiquidUN1206
    Waste NaphthaCombustible LiquidUN2553
    Waste ChlorobenzeneFlammable LiquidUN1134
    Waste ChloroformORM-AUN1888
    Waste CresolCorrosive MaterialUN2076
    Hazardous Waste, Liquid, NOSORM-ENA9189
    Hazardous Waste, Liquid, NOSORM-ENA9189
    Waste Flammable Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN1993
    Waste Flammable Solid, NOSFlammable SolidUN1325
    Waste Combustible Liquid, NOSCombustible LiquidNA1993
    Hazardous Waste, Liquid or Solid, NOSORM-EUN9189

    Hazardous Waste

    Toxicity Characteristic constituent. Any waste that results in a TCLP extract containing a Toxicity Characteristic constituent equal to or above regulatory levels is hazardous.

    1. These descriptions may change given variations in waste characteristics or conditions. Note that the DOT shipping name, hazard class, and UNINA ID number do not directly correspond to RCRA categories of hazardous waste.

    2. A flammable liquid has a flash point below 100 deg.F..

    3. NOS - Not otherwise specified.

    4. A combustible liquid has a flash point between 100 deg.F. and 200 deg.F.

    Table 3 Pesticide and Agricultural Chemical Formulators Waste Descriptions

    UN/NA Waste TypeDesignations/Trade Names
    Pesticides Containing Arsenic*
    Arsenic pentoxideArsenic Acid Anhydride, Arsenic (v) Oxide
    Arsenic trioxideArsenic Sesquioxide, Arsenic (HI) Oxide, Arsenous Acid (anhydride), White Arsenic
    Cacodylic acidHydroxydimethylarsine Oxide, Dimethylarsinic Acid, Phytar
    Monosodium MSMA, Ansar 170 H.C. and 529 H.C., methanearsonateArsanote Liquid, Bueno 6, Daconate 6, Dal-E-Rad, Herb-All, Merge 823, Mesamate, Monate. Tans-Vert, Weed-E-Rad, Weed-Hoe
    DOT Shipping NameHazard ClassID Number
    Waste Arsenic Pentoxide, SolidPoison BUN1559
    Waste Arsenic Trioxide, SolidPoison BUN1561
    Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2759
    Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2759
    Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2760
    Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2759
    Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2759
    Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2760
    Waste TypeDesignations/Trade Names
    DisodiumDSMA, Ansar 8 1 00, Affhena[, Arsinyl, monomethanearsonate Dinate, Di-Tac,: DMA.: Methar: 30. Sodw. Vemw DSMA LQ, Weed E RAD 3 (,O
    Pesticides Containing Carbamates
    TemikAldicarb,: OMS: 771.: UC: 21149
    Pesticides Containing Mercury*
    2-MethoxyethylmercuricMEMC, Agallol,: Cekusil: Universal-C. chloride: Ceresan-Universal-Nassbeize,: Emisan 0
    Phenylmercuric acetatePMA.: PMAS,: Agrosan,: Cekusil. Celmer,: Gallotox,: Hong: Nien. Liquiphene,: Mersolite,: Pamisan, Phix, Seedtox,: Shimmer: ex. Tag: HL: 331
    Pesticides Containing Nicotine
    NicotineBlack Leaf 40
    Pesticides Containing Substituted Nitrophenols
    DinitrocresolDNC, DNOC, Chemsect, Detal, Eigetol 30, Nitador, Selinin, Sinox, Trifocide, Tfifrina
    DinosebDNBP,: Bas@ite,: Caldon,: Chemox General, Chemox PE, Dinitro, Dinitro General,: Dynamite,: Elgetot: 318, Gcbutox,: Be]-Fim,: Nitropone: C. Prcmerge 3, Sinox General, Subitex, Venac General: Weed: Killer,: Vemc Selective Weed Killer
    Organophosphate: Pesticides
    DimethoateAC-12880, Bi: 58: EC,: Cekuthoate, Cygon,: Daphenc,: De-Fend,: Demos-L40,: Devigon,: Dimet,: Dimethogen, Perfekthion,: Rebelale,: Rogodial, Bogor, Roxion, Trimetion
    DisulfolonBAY 19639 and S276, Dithiodemeton, Dithiosystox, Di-Syston, Ethylthiodemeton,: Fmmin: AL,: M-74, Solvirex, Thiodemeton
    FmphurBash, Bo-Ana, Dovip, F=fos,: Wubex
    Methyl Parathion Cekumethion,E-601,: Devithion, Folidol M, Fosfemo M50, Ge@hos, Metacide, Metaphos, Nitrox 80, Puataf, Puatox, Pmron M, Penncap-M, Wofatox
    ParathionAC-3422,: Alkron,: Aileron,: Aphmite, Bladw, Corothion, E-605, ENT 15108, Ethyl Pwathion, Etilon, Folidol E-605, Fostemo 50, Niran, Orthophos,: Pmthion,: Parmar, Paraphos, Parathene, Parawet, Phoskil, Rhodiatox,: Soprathion,: Station, Thiophos
    DOT Shipping NameHazard ClassUN/NA ID Number
    Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2759
    Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2759
    Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2760
    Waste Carbamate Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2757
    Waste Carbamate Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2757
    Waste Carbamate Pesticide, Liquid, NOSHmable

    Waste Mercury Based Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2777
    Waste Mercury Based Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2777
    Waste Mercury Based Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2779
    Waste Mercury Based Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2777
    Waste Mercury Based Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2777
    Waste Mercury Based Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2778
    Waste Poison B, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2811
    Waste Poison B, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2810
    Waste Flammable Liquid, Poisonous, NOSFlammable LiquidUN1992
    Waste Substituted Nitrophenol Pesticide, SolidPoison B
    Waste Substituted Nitrophenot Pesticide, LiquidPoison BUN2780 NOS
    Waste Substituted Nitrophenol Pesticide, LiquidFlammable LiquidNOS
    Waste Substituted Nitrophenol Pesticide, SolidFlammable LiquidUN2780 NOS
    Waste Substituted Nitrophenol Pesticide, Liquid,NOS 
    Waste Substituted Nitrophenol Pesticide, LiquidNOS 
    Waste Organophosphoms Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2783
    Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2783
    Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2784
    Waste DisulfotonPoison BNA2783
    Waste Disulfolon Mixture, DryPoison BNA2783
    Waste Disulfoton Mixture, LiquidPoison BNA2783
    Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2784
    Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2783
    Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2783
    Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2784
    Waste Methyl Parathion, LiquidPoison BNA2783
    Waste Methyl Parathion, Mixture, DryPoison BNA2783
    Waste Methyl Puathion Mixture, Liquid (containing 25% or less methyl parathion)Poison BNA2783
    Waste Methyl Puadiion Mixture, Liquid (containing more than 25% methyl puathion)Poison BNA2783
    Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2784
    Waste Pmthion, LiquidPoison BNA2783
    Waste Pwathion Mixture, DryPoison BNA2783
    Waste Pmthion Mixture, LiquidPoison BNA2783
    Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2784
    Waste TypeDesignations/Trade Names
    Strychnine PesticidesStrychnine
    Strychnine Salts
    Thallium Sulfate PesticidesThallium Sulfate
    Thallous Sulfate,
    Triazine PesticidesAmitrole Amerol, Amino Trinot Weedkiller 90, Amizol, AT-90, AT Liquid, Azolm, Azole,: Cytrol,: Diurol,: Famco, Herbizole,: Sim@ol.: Weed@ol, Weednol TL
    Phenoxy Pesticides2,4-D-Amoxone, Bmsh Killer, Bmsh Rhap, Chloroxone, Cmp Rider, D50, DMA 4, Dacmine,: Ded-: Weed,: Desomone, Dinoxol, Emulsmine BK and E3, Enven DT and 17 1, Hedonal, Miracle, Pe@mine D, Rhodia, Salvo, Super D-Weedonc, Venon, Visko-Rhap, Weed Tox,: W@-B-Gone,: Wmd-Rhap. Weedar, Weedone, Weed@] 2.4.5-T Bmsh-Rhap,: Dacmine,: Ded-Weedon, Esteron, F@co Fence Rider, Fouon, Invenon 245. Line Rider, Super D Weedone, Tomona, Tr@smine, U 46, Veon 245, Weedw, Weedone Silvex-: 2,4,5-Fenoprop,: AquaVex,: Double Strength, Fmitone T, Kuron, Kumsal. Silvi-Rhap, Weed-B-Gone
    Organdchlorine PesticidesAldrin: HHDN, Aldmx 30, Aldrite, Aldwsol, Altex, Drinox. Octalene, Seedrin Liquid Chlordane- Belt, Chlord@, ChlorKil, Chionox, Co@e, Gold Cmst C-100, Kypchlor, Vesicol 1068, Topictor 20, Nim, Oc=hlor, Octa-Kior, Ortho-Klor, Synklor, Temi-Ded DDr Dedelo, Didimic, Digmu, Genitox, Gyron, Hildit, Kopsol, Nemid, Pentachlorin, Rukse=,: Zerdme Dichloropmpcne: 1,3-Dichloropropene, Telone 11 Soil Fumigant Dieldrin: Dieldmx, Dieldrite, OcWox, Pmorm D-31 Endrin*: Endmx, Hexadrin Endosulf@: Beosit,: Chlorthiepin,: Crisulf=, Cyclodm, Endmel, EnSum, FMC 5462, Hild@, H@ 2671, Malix, Thifor, Thimul, Tbiodm, Thiofor, Thionex, Thiovel
    DOT Shipping NameHazard ClassUN/NA ID Number
    Waste: Strychnine, SolidPoison BUN1692
    Waste: Strychnine Salt, SolidPoison BUN1692
    Waste: Thallium Sulfate, SolidPoison BNA1707
    Waste: Flammable Liquid, Poisonous, NOSFlammable LiquidL'N 1992
    Waste Tn@ine Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2763
    Waste Tri@ine Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2763
    Waste Tri@ine Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2764
    Waste 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacelic AcidORM-ANA27(,5
    Waste 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic EsterORM-ENA2765
    Waste Phenoxy Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2766
    Waste 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyacelic AcidORM-ANA2765
    Waste 2,4,5-Tfichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (amine, ester, or salt)ORM-ENA2765
    Waste Phenoxy Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2766
    Waste 2-(2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) propionic AcidORM-ANA2765
    Waste 2-(2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) propionic Acid EsterORM-ENA2765
    Waste Phenoxy Pesticide, Liquid, NOSR=mabic: LiquidUN2766
    Waste AldrinPoison BNA2761
    Waste Aldrin Mixture, Dry (with mom than 65% Aldrin)Poison BNA2761
    Waste Aldrin Mixture, Dry (with 65% or less Aldrin)ORM ANA2761
    Waste Aldrin Mixture, Liquid (with mom than 60% Aidrin)Poison BNA2762
    Waste Aldrin Mixture, Liquid (with 60% or less Aldrin)ORM-ANA2762
    Waste Orgmmhlorine Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2762
    Waste Chlord@e, LiquidFlammable LiquidNA2762
    Waste Chlord@e, LiquidCombustible: Liquid 4NA2762
    Waste DDTORM-ANA2761
    Waste Org@@hlorine Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2762
    Waste: DichloropropeneFlammable LiquidUN2047
    Waste DieldrinORM-ANA2761
    Waste Orgwmhloride Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable Liquid UN2762
    Waste EndrinPoison BNA2761
    Waste Endrin Mixture, LiquidPoison BNA2761
    Waste Orgmmhlorine Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2762
    Waste Endosulf=Poison BNA2761
    Waste Endosulf@ Mixture, LiquidPoison BNA2761
    Waste Orgmmhlorine Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2762
    Other Pesticides
    Thiram   Warfann   Pentachlorophenol-
    Pentachloronitrobenzene   Hexachlorobenzene-1.2-Dibromo 3-chloropropane
    Designations/Trade Names
    Gold Crest H 60, DTinox H 34, Heplamul. Heptox Chlordecone. GC I] 99 Exgama, Forlin, Gallogama, Gamaphex. Gammex, Inexit, Isotox, Lindafor, Lindagam, Lindagrain, Lindagranox, Lindalo, Lindamul, Lindapourdre, Lindateua, No@igam, Silvanot Flo Pro MeSeed Prolectant, Marlate 1,2-Dichloropropane
    Attac 4-2, 4-4, 6, 6-3, 8, Camphochlor, Motox. Phenacide, Phcnatox, Strobane T-90, Toxakil, Toxon 63 TMTD, AAiack, Aras@, Aules, Evershield T Seed Protec=t, Femide 850, Femasm, Flo Pro T Seed Protectant, Hexathir, Mercuram, Nomersan, Pomarsolfone, Polyram-Ultra, Spotmte-F, Tetrapom, Thimer, Thioknmk, Thiotex, Thiramad, Thirasan, Thiurmin, Tirampa, Trametm, Tripomol, Thylate, Toads, V@cide TM Co-Rax, Cov-R-Tox, Kypfarin, Liqua-Tox, RAX, Redex, Rodex Blox, Tox-Hd
    PCP, Penta, Penchlorol, Pentacon, Penwar, Sinituho, Santophen
    PCNB, Avicol, Botrilex, Brassicol, Earthcide, Folosan, Kohn, Pentagen, Smiclor 30, Teaaclor, Tilc=x, Tritisan
    Pemhlorobenzene,: Anticarie,: Ceku C.B., HCB, No Bunt DBCP. Nemafume, Nemmox, Nem@et, Nematmide
    DOT Shipping Name
    Waste Heplachlor
    Waste Organmhlonne Pesticide, Liquid. NOS
    Waste Kepone
    Waste: Orgmmhlonne: Pesticide, Liquid, NOS
    Waste Lind@e
    Waste Organmhlofine Pesticide, Liquid, NOS
    Waste Methoxychlor
    Waste Org@mhlorine Pesticide, Solid, NOS
    Waste Organmhlorine Pesticide, Liquid, NOS
    Waste Organmhlonne Pesticide, Liquid, NOS
    Waste Propylene: Dichloride
    Waste Toxaphene
    Waste Organmhlofine Pesticide, Liquid, NOS
    Waste Thir=
    Waste Flammable Liquid, Poisonous, NOS
    Hazardous Waste, Solid NOS
    Hazardous Waste, Liquid, NOS
    Waste Flammable Liquid, NOS
    Waste Combustible Liquid, NOS
    Waste Pentachlorophenol
    Waste Flammable Liquid
    Waste Combustible Liquid
    Hazardous Waste, Solid, NOS
    Hazardous Waste, Liquid, NOS
    Waste Fl@able Liquid, NOS
    Waste Combustible Liquid, NOS
    Hazardous Waste, Solid, NOS
    Hazardous Waste, Liquid, NOS
    Waste Fl@able Liquid, NOS
    Waste Combustible Liquid, NOS
    Hazardous Waste, Solid, NOS
    Hazardous Waste, Liquid, NOS
    Waste Fl@able Liquid, NOS
    Waste Combustible Liquid, NOS
    Ignitable and/or Toxic Solvents Used in Pesticides

    Methyl Alcohol: Methanol: Waste Methyl Alcohol Ethyl Alcohol: Ethanol, Alcohol: Waste Ethyl Alcohol lsopropyl Alcohol: Isopropanol: Waste Isopropmol Toluene: Methyl Benzene, Toluol: Waste Toluene, (toluol) Xylene: Dimethylbenzene, Xylol: Waste Xylene (xylol) Chlorofom-: Chlorofom: Waste Chlorofom Carbon Tetrachloride-: Pemhlommethane, Tetrafom, Carbons: Waste: Carbon: Tetmchlofide : Halon 104 Benzene-: Benzol: Waste Benzene (Bemol)

    Hazard ClassUN/NA ID Number
    Flammable LiquidUN2762
    Flammable LiquidUN'762
    Flammable LiquidUN2762
    Poison BUN2701
    Poison BUN2761
    Flammable LiquidUN2762
    Flammable LiquidUN1279
    Flammable LiquidUN2762
    Flammable LiquidUN1992
    Flammable LiquidUN1993
    Combustible LiquidNA1993
    Flammable LiquidLTN1993
    Combustible LiquidNA1993
    Flammable LiquidUN1993
    Combustible LiquidNA1993
    Flammable LiquidUN1993
    Combustible LiquidNA1993
    ORM-E NA9]89
    Flammable LiquidUN1993
    Combustible LiquidNA1993
    Flammable LiquidUN1230
    Flammable LiquidUN1170
    Flammable LiquidUN1219
    Flammable LiquidUN1294
    Flammable LiquidUN1300
    Flammable LiquidLTN I114
    Waste Type
    Solvent Mixtures
    Other Wastes

    Ignitable Wastes, NOS

    Designations/Trade Names
    Perc. Perclene, Tetralex, Nema. Tetracap. Persec. Antisal 1. Perawin, Didakene
    DOT Shipping NameHazard ClassUN/NA ID Number
    Waste TetrachloroethyleneORM-AUN1897
    Waste Combustible Liquid, NOS (flash point between 100deg. and 200deg.)Flammable LiquidNA1993
    Waste Flammable Liquid, NOS (flash point less than 100deg.)Flammable LiquidUN1991
    Waste Flammable Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN1993
    Waste Flammable Solid, NOSFlammable SolidUN1325
    Waste Combustible Liquid, NOSCombustible LiquidNA1993
    Hazardous Waste, Liquid or Solid. NOSORM-EUN9189

    Hazardous Waste

    Toxicity Characteristic constituent. Any waste that results in a TCLP extract containing a Toxicity Characteristic constituent equal to or above regulatory levels is hazardous.

    1. These descriptions may change given variations in waste characteristics or conditions. Note that the DOT shipping name, hazard class. and LIN/NA ID number do not directly correspond to RCRA hazardous waste categories.
    2. 3A flammable liquid has a flash point below 100 deg.F.
    3. NOS - Not othewise specified.
    4. A combustible liquid has a flash point between 100deg. and 200 deg.F.

    Table 4 Pharmaceutical Preparations Waste Descriptions

    Waste TypeDesignations/Trade NamesDOT Shipping NameHazard ClassUN/NA ID Number
    Spent Solvents, Still Bottoms, and Other Ignitable or Toxic Wastes Containing:
    AcetoneAcetoneWaste AcetoneFlammable Liquid2UN1090
    Benzene*BenzeneWaste Benzene (Benzol)Flammable LiquidUN1134
    Chloroform*ChloroformWaste ChloroformORM-AUN1888
    Carbon Tetrachloride.Perchloromethane, Tetraform, Carbona, Halon 104Waste Carbon TetrachlorideORM-AUN1846
    Waste PhenolPoison BUN1671
    Other Wastes
     Ignitable Waste, NOS3Waste Flammable Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN1993
     Ignitable Waste, NOS3Waste Flammable Solid, NOSFlammable SolidUN1325
     Ignitable Wastes, NOSWaste Combustible Liquid, NOSCombustible LiquidNA1993
     Hazardous WasteHazardous Waste, NOSORM-EUN9189
    Toxicity Characteristic constituent.Any waste that results in a TCLP extract containing a Toxicity Characteristic constituent equal to or above regulatory levels is hazardous.
    1. These descriptions may change given variations in waste characteristics or conditions. Note that the DOT shipping name, hazard class, and UN/NA ID number do not directly correspond to RCRA hazardous waste categories.
    2. NOS - Not otherwise specified.
    3. A flammable liquid has a flash point below 100 deg. F.
    4. A combustible liquid has a flash point between 100 deg. F. and 200 deg. F.

    Table 5 Other Chemical Product Formulators Waste Descriptions

    Waste TypeDesignations/Trade NamesDOT Shipping NameHazard ClassUN/NA ID Number
    Strong Acid/Alkaline Wastes
    Ammonium HydoxideAmmonium Hydroxide, NH4OH, Spirit of Hartshom, Aqua AmmoniaWaste Ammonium Hydroxide (containing not less than 12% but not more than 44% ammonia)
    Waste Ammonium Hydroxide (containing less than 12% ammonia)
    Corrosive Material
    Hydrobromic AcidHydrobromic Acid, HBrWaste Hydrobromic AcidCorrosive MaterialUN1788
    Hydrochloric AcidHydrochloric Acid, HC1, Muriatic AcidWaste Hydrochloric AcidCorrosive MaterialNA1789
    Hydrofluoric AcidHydrofluoric Acid, HF, Fluorohydric AcidWaste Hydrofluoric AcidCorrosive MaterialUN1790
    Nitric AcidNitric Acid, HNO2, AquafonisWaste Nitric Acid (over 40%)
    Waste Nitric Acid (40% or less)
    Corrosive Material
    Phosphoric AcidPhosphoric Acid, H3PO4, Orthophosphoric AcidWaste Phosphoric AcidCorrosive MaterialUN1805
    Potassium HydroxidePotassium Hydroxide, KOH, Potassium Hydrate, Caustic Potash, PotassaWaste Potassium Hydroxide Solution
    Dry Solid, Hake, Bead, or Granular
    Corrosive Material
    Corrosive Material
    Sodium HydroxideSodium Hydroxide NaOH, Caustic Soda, Soda Lye, Sodium HydrateWaste Sodium Hydroxide Solution
    Dry Solid, Flake, Bead, or Granular
    Corrosive Material
    Corrosive Material
    Sulfuric AcidSulfuric Acid, H2S04, Oil of VitriolWaste Sulfuric AcidCorrosive MaterialUN1832
    Chromic AcidChrommic AcidWaste Chromic Acid SolutionCorrosive MaterialUN1755
    Spent Solvents, Still Bottoms, and Other Ignitable or Toxic Wastes Containing:
    AcetoneAcetoneWaste AcetoneFlammable Liquid2UN1090
    Benzene*BenzeneWaste Benzene (Benzol)Flammable LiquidUN1114
    Methylene Chloride*Dichloromethane, Methane Dichloride, Methylene Bichloride, NCI-C50102, Solaesthin, Aerothene, Narkotil, SolmethineWaste Dichlotomethane or Methylene ChlorideORM-AUN1593
    TolueneToluene, Methacide, Methylbenzene, Methylbenzol, Phenylmethane, Toluol, Antisal LAWaste Toluene (Toluol)Flammable LiquidUN1294
    Trichloroethylene*TCE, Penn A-Clor, Landain, Lethurin, Nialk, Triklene, Algylen, Trielin, Chlorylene, Dow TriWaste TrichloroethyleneORM-AUN1710
    XyleneXylene, XylolWaste Xylene (Xylol)Flammable LiquidUN1307
    Other Reactive Wastes
    HypochloritesSodium Hypochlofite, NaOC1 Hypochlorous Acid, Cloros, Dazzle, AntiforminWaste Hypochlorite Solution (more than 7% chlorine)
    Waste Hypochlorite Solution (not more than 7% chlorine)
    Corrosive Material
    Organic PeroxidesOrganic PeroxideWaste Organic Peroxide, Liquid or Solution, NOS3
    Organic Peroxide
    Flammable Liquid
    Flammable Liquid
    PerchloratesIrenat, Periodin, PerchlorocapWaste Sodium Perchlorate
    Waste Potassium Perchlorate
    Waste Perchlorate, NOS
    PermanganatesPermanganic Acid, Potassium Salt, Chameleon MineralWaste Potassium Permmaganate
    Waste Sodium Permanganate
    Waste Permanganate, NOS
    SulfidesPotassium Monosulfide, K2S, Sodium Sulfuret, Na2SWaste Potassium Sulfide
    Waste Sodium Sulfide, Anhydrous
    Flammable Solid
    Flammable Solid
    Other Ignitable or Toxic Wastes
    Ignitable Wastes NOS Waste Flammable Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN1993
    Ignitable Wastes NOS Waste Combustible Liquid, NOSCombustible LiquidNA1993
    Ignitable Wastes Waste Flammable Solid, NOSFlammable SolidUN1325
    Hazardous Wastes Hazardous Waste, Solid, NOSORM-ENA9189
    Hazardous Wastes Hazardous Waste, Liquid, NOSORM-ENA9189
    Toxicity Characteristic constituent.Any waste that results in a TCLP extract containing a Toxicity Characteristic constituent equal to or above regulatory levels is hazardous.
    1. These descriptions may change given variations in waste characteristics or conditions. Note that the DOT shipping name, hazard class, and UN/NA ID number do not directly correspond to RCRA hazardous waste categories.
    2. NOS - Not otherwise specified.
    3. A flammable liquid has a flash point below 100 deg. F.
    4. A combustible liquid has a flash point between 100 deg. F. and 200 deg. F.

    For further information call the RCRA/Superfund Hotline 1-800-424-9346

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    Last Updated: January 23, 1996