Table 3 - Pesticide and Agricultural Chemical Formulators Waste Descriptions'

An Industry Overview Of The Chemical Formulating Industry

Table 3 Pesticide and Agricultural Chemical Formulators Waste Descriptions'

Waste TypeUN/NA Designations/Trade NamesDOT Shipping NameHazard ClassID Number
Pesticides Containing Arsenic*
Arsenic pentoxideArsenic Acid Anhydride, Arsenic (v) OxideWaste Arsenic Pentoxide, SolidPoison BUN1559
Arsenic trioxideArsenic Sesquioxide, Arsenic (HI) Oxide, Arsenous Acid (anhydride), White ArsenicWaste Arsenic Trioxide, SolidPoison BUN1561
Cacodylic acidHydroxydimethylarsine Oxide, Dimethylarsinic Acid, PhytarWaste Arsenical Pesticide, Solid, NOS
Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Liquid, NOS
Poison B
Poison B
Monosodium methanearsonateMSMA, Ansar 170 H.C. and 529 H.C., Arsanote Liquid, Bueno 6, Daconate 6, Dal-E-Rad, Herb-All, Merge 823, Mesamate, Monate. Tans-Vert, Weed-E-Rad, Weed-HoeWaste Arsenical Pesticide, Liquid, NOS
Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Solid, NOS
Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Liquid, NOS
Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Liquid, NOS
Flammable Liquid
Poison B
Poison B
Flammable Liquid
Pesticide and Agricultural Chemical Formulators Waste Descriptions
Waste TypeDesignations/Trade Names
DisodiumDSMA, Ansar 8 1 00, Affhena[, Arsinyl, monomethanearsonate Dinate, Di-Tac,: DMA.: Methar: 30. Sodw. Vemw DSMA LQ, Weed E RAD 3 (,O
Pesticides Containing CARBAMATES
TemikAldicarb,: OMS: 771.: UC: 21149
Pesticides Containing Mercury*
2-MethoxyethylmercuricMEMC, Agallol,: Cekusil: Universal-C. chloride: Ceresan-Universal-Nassbeize,: Emisan 0
Phenylmercuric acetatePMA.: PMAS,: Agrosan,: Cekusil. Celmer,: Gallotox,: Hong: Nien. Liquiphene,: Mersolite,: Pamisan, Phix, Seedtox,: Shimmer: ex. Tag: HL: 331
Pesticides Containing Nicotine
NicotineBlack Leaf 40
Pesticides Containing Substituted Nitrophenols
DinitrocresolDNC, DNOC, Chemsect, Detal, Eigetol 30, Nitador, Selinin, Sinox, Trifocide, Tfifrina
 Dinoseb: DNBP,: Bas@ite,: Caldon,: Chemox General, Chemox PE, Dinitro, Dinitro General,: Dynamite,: Elgetot: 318, Gcbutox,: Be]-Fim,: Nitropone: C. Prcmerge 3, Sinox General, Subitex, Venac General: Weed: Killer,: Vemc Selective Weed Killer
DimethoateAC-12880, Bi: 58: EC,: Cekuthoate, Cygon,: Daphenc,: De-Fend,: Demos-L40,: Devigon,: Dimet,: Dimethogen, Perfekthion,: Rebelale,: Rogodial, Bogor, Roxion, Trimetion
DisulfolonBAY 19639 and S276, Dithiodemeton, Dithiosystox, Di-Syston, Ethylthiodemeton,: Fmmin: AL,: M-74, Solvirex, Thiodemeton
FmphurBash, Bo-Ana, Dovip, F=fos,: Wubex
Methyl Parathion Cekumethion,E-601,: Devithion, Folidol M, Fosfemo M50, Ge@hos, Metacide, Metaphos, Nitrox 80, Puataf, Puatox, Pmron M, Penncap-M, Wofatox
ParathionAC-3422,: Alkron,: Aileron,: Aphmite, Bladw, Corothion, E-605, ENT 15108, Ethyl Pwathion, Etilon, Folidol E-605, Fostemo 50, Niran, Orthophos,: Pmthion,: Parmar, Paraphos, Parathene, Parawet, Phoskil, Rhodiatox,: Soprathion,: Station, Thiophos
DOT Shipping NameHazard ClassUN/NA ID Number
Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2759
Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2759
Waste Arsenical Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2760
Waste Carbamate Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2757
Waste Carbamate Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2757
Waste Carbamate Pesticide, Liquid, NOSHmable: LiquidUN2758
Waste Mercury Based Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2777
Waste Mercury Based Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2777
Waste Mercury Based Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2779
Waste Mercury Based Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2777
Waste Mercury Based Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2777
Waste Mercury Based Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2778
Waste Poison B, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2811
Waste Poison B, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2810
Waste Flammable Liquid, Poisonous, NOSFlammable LiquidUN1992
Waste Substituted Nitrophenol Pesticide, Solid
Poison BUN2779
Waste Substituted Nitrophenot Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2780
Waste Substituted Nitrophenol Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable Liquid 
Waste Substituted Nitrophenol Pesticide, SolidFlammable LiquidUN2780 NOS
Waste Substituted Nitrophenol Pesticide, Liquid, NOS  
Waste Substituted Nitrophenol Pesticide, Liquid, NOS  
Waste Organophosphoms Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2783
Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2783
Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2784
Waste DisulfotonPoison BNA2783
Waste Disulfolon Mixture, DryPoison BNA2783
Waste Disulfoton Mixture, LiquidPoison BNA2783
Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2784
Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2783
Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2783
Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2784
Waste Methyl Parathion, LiquidPoison BNA2783
Waste Methyl Parathion, Mixture, DryPoison BNA2783
Waste Methyl Puathion Mixture, Liquid (containing 25% or less methyl parathion)Poison BNA2783
Waste Methyl Puadiion Mixture, Liquid (containing more than 25% methyl puathion)Poison BNA2783
Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2784
Waste Pmthion, LiquidPoison BNA2783
Waste Pwathion Mixture, DryPoison BNA2783
Waste Pmthion Mixture, LiquidPoison BNA2783
Waste Orgmophosphoms Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2784
Pesticide and Agricultural Chemical Formulators Waste Descriptions
Waste TypeDesignations frrade Names
Strychnine Pesticides
StrychnineStrychnine Salts
Thallium Sulfate Pesticides
Thallium SulfateThallous Sulfate,: Ratox.: Zelio
Triazine PesticidesAmitrole Amerol, Amino Trinot Weedkiller 90, Amizol, AT-90, AT Liquid, Azolm, Azole,: Cytrol,: Diurol,: Famco, Herbizole,: Sim@ol.: Weed@ol, Weednol TL
Phenoxy Pesticides2,4-D-Amoxone, Bmsh Killer, Bmsh Rhap, Chloroxone, Cmp Rider, D50, DMA 4, Dacmine,: Ded-: Weed,: Desomone, Dinoxol, Emulsmine BK and E3, Enven DT and 17 1, Hedonal, Miracle, Pe@mine D, Rhodia, Salvo, Super D-Weedonc, Venon, Visko-Rhap, Weed Tox,: W@-B-Gone,: Wmd-Rhap. Weedar, Weedone, Weed@]
 2.4.5-T Bmsh-Rhap,: Dacmine,: Ded-Weedon, Esteron, F@co Fence Rider, Fouon, Invenon 245. Line Rider, Super D Weedone, Tomona, Tr@smine, U 46, Veon 245, Weedw, Weedone
 Silvex-: 2,4,5-Fenoprop,: AquaVex,: Double Strength, Fmitone T, Kuron, Kumsal. Silvi-Rhap, Weed-B-Gone
Organdchlorine Pesticides
AldrinHHDN, Aldmx 30, Aldrite, Aldwsol, Altex, Drinox. Octalene, Seedrin Liquid
 Chlordane- Belt, Chlord@, ChlorKil, Chionox, Co@e, Gold Cmst C-100, Kypchlor, Vesicol 1068, Topictor 20, Nim, Oc=hlor, Octa-Kior, Ortho-Klor, Synklor, Temi-Ded
 DDr Dedelo, Didimic, Digmu, Genitox, Gyron, Hildit, Kopsol, Nemid, Pentachlorin, Rukse=,: Zerdme
Dichloropmpcne1,3-Dichloropropene, Telone 11 Soil Fumigant
DieldrinDieldmx, Dieldrite, OcWox, Pmorm D-31
Endrin*Endmx, Hexadrin
 Endosulf@: Beosit,: Chlorthiepin,: Crisulf=, Cyclodm, Endmel, EnSum, FMC 5462, Hild@, H@ 2671, Malix, Thifor, Thimul, Tbiodm, Thiofor, Thionex, Thiovel
DOT Shipping NameHazard ClassUN/NA ID Number
Waste: Strychnine, SolidPoison BUN1692
Waste: Strychnine Salt, SolidPoison BUN1692
Waste: Thallium Sulfate, SolidPoison BNA1707
Waste: Flammable Liquid, Poisonous, NOSFlammable LiquidL'N 1992
Waste Tn@ine Pesticide, Solid, NOSPoison BUN2763
Waste Tri@ine Pesticide, Liquid, NOSPoison BUN2763
Waste Tri@ine Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2764
Waste 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacelic AcidORM-ANA27(,5
Waste 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic EsterORM-ENA2765
Waste Phenoxy Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2766
Waste 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyacelic AcidORM-ANA2765
Waste 2,4,5-Tfichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (amine, ester, or salt)ORM-ENA2765
Waste Phenoxy Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2766
Waste 2-(2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) propionic AcidORM-ANA2765
Waste 2-(2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) propionic Acid EsterORM-ENA2765
Waste Phenoxy Pesticide, Liquid, NOSR=mabic: LiquidUN2766
Waste AldrinPoison BNA2761
Waste Aldrin Mixture, Dry (with mom than 65% Aldrin)Poison BNA2761
Waste Aldrin Mixture, Dry (with 65% or less Aldrin)ORM: ANA2761
Waste Aldrin Mixture, Liquid (with mom than 60% Aidrin)Poison BNA2762
Waste Aldrin Mixture, Liquid (with 60% or less Aldrin)ORM-ANA2762
Waste Orgmmhlorine Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2762
Waste Chlord@e, LiquidFlammable LiquidNA2762
Waste Chlord@e, LiquidCombustible: Liquid: 4NA2762
Waste DDTORM-ANA2761
Waste Org@@hlorine Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable: LiquidUN2762
Waste: DichloropropeneFlammable LiquidUN2047
Waste DieldrinORM-ANA2761
Waste Orgwmhloride Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable: LiquidUN2762
Waste EndrinPoison BNA2761
Waste Endrin Mixture, LiquidPoison BNA2761
Waste Orgmmhlorine Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2762
Waste Endosulf=Poison BNA2761
Waste Endosulf@ Mixture, LiquidPoison BNA2761
Waste Orgmmhlorine Pesticide, Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN2762
Pesticide and Agricultural Chemical Formulators Waste Descriptions
Other Pesticides
Hexachlorobenzene-1.2-Dibromo 3-chloropropane
Designations frrade Names
Gold Crest H 60, DTinox H 34, Heplamul. Heptox Chlordecone. GC I] 99 Exgama, Forlin, Gallogama, Gamaphex. Gammex, Inexit, Isotox, Lindafor, Lindagam, Lindagrain, Lindagranox, Lindalo, Lindamul, Lindapourdre, Lindateua, No@igam, Silvanot Flo Pro MeSeed Prolectant, Marlate 1,2-Dichloropropane
Attac 4-2, 4-4, 6, 6-3, 8, Camphochlor, Motox. Phenacide, Phcnatox, Strobane T-90, Toxakil, Toxon 63
TMTD, AAiack, Aras@, Aules, Evershield T Seed Protec=t, Femide 850, Femasm, Flo Pro T Seed Protectant, Hexathir, Mercuram, Nomersan, Pomarsolfone, Polyram-Ultra, Spotmte-F, Tetrapom, Thimer, Thioknmk, Thiotex, Thiramad, Thirasan, Thiurmin, Tirampa, Trametm, Tripomol, Thylate, Toads, V@cide TM Co-Rax, Cov-R-Tox, Kypfarin, Liqua-Tox, RAX, Redex, Rodex Blox, Tox-Hd
PCP, Penta, Penchlorol, Pentacon, Penwar, Sinituho, Santophen
PCNB, Avicol, Botrilex, Brassicol, Earthcide, Folosan, Kohn, Pentagen, Smiclor 30, Teaaclor, Tilc=x, Tritisan
Pemhlorobenzene,: Anticarie,: Ceku C.B., HCB, No Bunt DBCP. Nemafume, Nemmox, Nem@et, Nematmide
DOT Shipping Name
Waste Heplachlor
Waste Organmhlonne Pesticide, Liquid. NOS
Waste Kepone
Waste: Orgmmhlonne: Pesticide, Liquid, NOS
Waste Lind@e
Waste Organmhlofine Pesticide, Liquid, NOS
Waste Methoxychlor
Waste Org@mhlorine Pesticide, Solid, NOS
Waste Organmhlorine Pesticide, Liquid, NOS
Waste Organmhlonne Pesticide, Liquid, NOS
Waste Propylene: Dichloride
Waste Toxaphene
Waste Organmhlofine Pesticide, Liquid, NOS
Waste Thir=
Waste Flammable Liquid, Poisonous, NOS
Hazardous Waste, Solid NOS
Hazardous Waste, Liquid, NOS
Waste Flammable Liquid, NOS
Waste Combustible Liquid, NOS
Waste Pentachlorophenol
Waste Flammable Liquid
Waste Combustible Liquid
Hazardous Waste, Solid, NOS
Hazardous Waste, Liquid, NOS
Waste Fl@able Liquid, NOS
Waste Combustible Liquid, NOS Hazardous Waste, Solid, NOS
Hazardous Waste, Liquid, NOS
Waste Fl@able Liquid, NOS
Waste Combustible Liquid, NOS
Hazardous Waste, Solid, NOS
Hazardous Waste, Liquid, NOS
Waste Fl@able Liquid, NOS Waste Combustible Liquid, NOS
Ignitable And/Or Toxic Solvents Used In Pesticides
Methyl Alcohol: Methanol: Waste Methyl Alcohol Ethyl Alcohol: Ethanol, Alcohol: Waste Ethyl Alcohol lsopropyl Alcohol: Isopropanol: Waste Isopropmol Toluene: Methyl Benzene, Toluol: Waste Toluene, (toluol) Xylene: Dimethylbenzene, Xylol: Waste Xylene (xylol) Chlorofom-: Chlorofom: Waste Chlorofom Carbon Tetrachloride-: Pemhlommethane, Tetrafom, Carbons: Waste: Carbon: Tetmchlofide: Halon 104 Benzene-: Benzol: Waste Benzene (Bemol)
Hazard ClassUN/NA ID Number
ORM-E: NA2761
Flammable: Liquid:UN2762
Flammable LiquidUN'762
ORM-A NA2761
Flammable LiquidUN2762
ORM: ENA2761
Poison: BUN2701
Poison: BUN2761
Flammable LiquidUN2762
Flammable LiquidUN1279
Flammable LiquidUN2762
Flammable LiquidUN1992
Flammable: LiquidUN1993
Combustible: LiquidNA1993
Flammable LiquidLTN1993
Combustible: LiquidNA1993
Flammable: LiquidUN1993
Combustible: LiquidNA1993
Flammable LiquidUN1993
Combustible: LiquidNA1993
Flammable: LiquidUN1993
Combustible: LiquidNA1993
Flammable: LiquidUN1230
Flammable: LiquidUN1170
Flammable: LiquidUN1219
Flammable: LiquidUN1294
Flammable: LiquidUN1300
Flammable: LiquidLTN I114
Waste TypeTetrachloroethylene*
Solvent Mixtures
OTHER WASTESIgnitable Wastes, NOS
Pesticide and Agricultural Chemical Formulators Waste Descriptions
Designations/Trade NamesPerc. Perclene, Tetralex, Nema. Tetracap. Persec. Antisal 1. Perawin, Didakene
DOT Shipping NameHazard ClassUN/NA ID Number
Waste TetrachloroethyleneORM-AUN1897
Waste Combustible Liquid, NOS (flash point between 100deg. and 200deg.)Flammable LiquidNA1993
Waste Flammable Liquid, NOS (flash point less than 100deg.)Flammable LiquidUN1991
Waste Flammable Liquid, NOSFlammable LiquidUN1993
Waste Flammable Solid, NOSFlammable SolidUN1325
Waste Combustible Liquid, NOSCombustible LiquidNA1993
Hazardous Waste, Liquid or Solid. NOSORM-EUN9189

Hazardous Waste

Toxicity Characteristic constituent. Any waste that results in a TCLP extract containing a Toxicity Characteristic constituent equal to or above regulatory levels is hazardous.

  1. These descriptions may change given variations in waste characteristics or conditions. Note that the DOT shipping name, hazard class, and UNINA ID number do not directly correspond to RCRA categories of hazardous waste.
  2. A flammable liquid has a flash point below 100 deg.F..
  3. NOS - Not otherwise specified.
  4. A combustible liquid has a flash point between 100 deg.F. and 200 deg.F.

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Last Updated: February 20, 1996