NC Division of Air Quality

Ø      N.C. Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Central Office uses 2 CNG vehicles and an electric pick-up truck.  The Raleigh Regional Office has 4 ethanol TLEV vehicles and 1 LEV.  All regions will soon have similar fleets.

Ø      New office space at DAQ Central Office at Parker-Lincoln uses energy saving light actuators that control lights automatically using motion sensors.

Ø      The DAQ laboratory on Reedy Creek Drive has initiated a recycling program for mercury and glass through an outside contractor. 

Ø      DAQ’s annual and every third year Emission Inventories are now being submitted with machine readable forms, allowing time to be saved from normal key-entry database requirements.

Ø     Carpooling has been promoted with the use of maps to help people identify those who live near them.  Special Carpooling spaces have been allotted close to the Central Office building to as a reward.

Ø      DAQ created an Air Awareness Program to combat high smog conditions during the summer.  The program educates the public on how to reduce exposure as well as reducing car emissions by requesting carpooling, refraining from driving at lunch, home maintenance habits and refueling modifications.  The program has a high level of publicity that promotes environmental awareness.

Ø     DAQ has begun a telecommuting / teleworking program of allowing employees to work at home one day per week, reducing drive time and emissions of employees during ozone season.

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