Division of Purchase and Services

The Division of Purchase and Services continues its efforts of support for all Sustainability aspects.  The following initiatives are underway and will be expanded in 2000:

  • The Division now has a HP 4050TN printer that is installed in operation. Staff members have been trained and set up to use the duplex feature when printing more than one page.

  • Efforts are being made to convert the Division’s key process forms to electronic version so that accessibility can be made from the Division’s web site.

  • Division staff members are assisting in the recycling of old phone books in several DENR locations by picking up hampers and carrying them to the designated pickup locations.

  • Staff members of the sub team of the Waste-Wise Team have completed its recommendation phase and now await the programming activities to make their plans a reality.  When completed, the new process will allow government agencies to search a database of all excess property to see if they can match their need with available commodities.  This will provide buyers another avenue to find functional items at little cost within government.  This is another way of “recycling” items and providing cost avoidance to agencies.

  • Purchasing staff members continuously provide technical assistance to DENR customers on the availability of recycled products on state term contract, specifications on copies and printers that duplex and office equipment that is energy efficient and carries the ENERGY STAR logo.

  • Division personnel are have become more aware of the sustainability initiatives and a more conscience effort has been made to recycle all possible paper, magazines, plastic and aluminum items.

  • Purchasing staff members have provided technical information regarding alternative fuel vehicles to Divisions, which purchase trucks.  This will allow the associated Division to make a conscience effort to purchase these types of vehicles.

  • Purchasing staff members send more notices via e-mail rather than hard copies.  These notices include term contract information, surveys and general purchasing information.

  • Purchasing staff members have completed EFF training at the Division level. All purchase and service requests are sent electronically to the buyer(s) responsible for that particular service or commodity.

  • The Division of Purchase and Services is actively involved in calculating savings through placing forms/processes on line such as time sheets and eliminating three part NCR forms.

Future Plans:

Future plans include working on a sub-team of the Waste Wise Team that is focusing on excess property and a method for advertising items to all state agencies before being placed on the public surplus bid list.  This will increase the exchange of items between agencies while reducing costs for state government.  The Division of Purchase and Services would like to encourage all Divisions to buy, build, and lease "green" and will continue to promote this practice.

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