Division of Forest Resources

Current Internal Operations

All offices are now electronically networked in order to reduce paper use
Some offices offer interactive training via Internet and CD and dispersed training to reduce travel.
Conference calls are used when appropriate to reduce the need for meetings and travel.
At Carriage Nursery organic wastes are being utilized as a soil supplement and a more efficient irrigation system has been installed.
Re-use of used paper with one clean side is encouraged for internal use to reduce paper waste.
The use of radiant heat is being integrated in field office workshops over time to reduce energy consumption.
Oil, batteries, and tires are re-cycled and a contract for a dumpster to recycle cardboard at the Hickory airport facility has been implemented.

Recent program initiatives

The NC Forestry Incentives Workgroup appointed by the Division Director has issued a report on recommendations, including funding mechanisms, to make forestry more sustainable  (increase reforestation, increase timber productivity, enhance multiple use and environmental benefits, and increase forestland retention). 

  • The Prescribed Burning Act passed in 1999 promotes use of prescribed fire for forest management which, among other things, will help sustain fire-dependent ecosystems, improve wildlife habitat, reduce loss from wildfires, and help increase reforestation acreage.
  • The Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program encourages better community planning and increases planting, retention and maintenance of trees in our urban areas.

  • Funds from the Fran Restoration and Rehabilitation Program are helping reforest and protect from wildfire the forestland damaged by hurricanes Fran and Bertha in 1996.

  • Southern Center for Sustainable Forests (Coalition between NC State University’s College of Forest Resources, Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment, and the NC Division of Forest Resources) is helping educate the citizens of NC on difficult forestry, ecological and environmental issues and promoting/facilitating research on such issues.


Plans for 2000 and Beyond 

  • NC is entering the federal Forest Legacy Program, which is a volunteer land conservation program that buys easements from landowners interested in maintaining their forestland as a working forest.

  • The federal Conservation Education Program will be implemented in the six Educational Forests to increase public educational efforts on conservation of natural resources.

  • The federal Forest Fire Prevention Teams Program is being implemented which, during severe fire weather, brings in specialized teams to locales highly vulnerable to wildfire occurrence to educate landowners on forest fire prevention.


  • The use of biodegradable gear oil in motor vehicles will be tested.

  • Ways to improve recycling of cardboard in the Division will be explored.

  • The county forestry associations in five selected counties will be revitalized to promote interaction among forest landowners so that more forestland will come under sustained management.
  • The Division will assist the USDA, Forest Service in (1) completing the periodic forest survey currently underway and (2) in initiating an annual survey in the near future to ascertain the status of the state’s forest resources.

Division of Forest Resources

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