Division of Coastal Management

The Division of Coastal Management (DCM) includes sustainability in their education programs through the NC Coastal Reserve.  The NC Coastal Reserve Staff members conduct educational workshops/tours and provide the public with information that includes environmental sustainability in reference to the coast.  The NC Coastal Reserve is an effort of sustainability through its preservation and protection of tracts of land from development.  The NC Coastal Reserve is an important sustainability initiative which promotes its efforts through research, education and public use of the reserve.

The use of flyers reporting information about Environmental Education programs allows DCM employees to have the opportunity to attend.  Electronic mail is also used to advertise environmental education workshops and opportunities. 

The DCM is very conscious of its part in assisting environmental sustainability.  Employees talk amongst themselves about their personal efforts, and announcements of individual efforts can be made using electronic mail or during staff meetings and encourage others adopting similar practices.

The DCM plans to continue its efforts to become more environmentally sustainable and environmentally aware.  The Division is interested in any new sustainability efforts that can reduce cost to the Division, reduce waste, encourage conservation of resources, and/or promote environmental sustainability.

Current Initiatives:

Sustainability initiatives presently being practiced in the Division of Coastal Management (DCM):

  • Carpooling

  • Double-sided copying

  • Bringing lunch to work or walking to work

  • Practicing energy conservation

  • Recycling of office materials such as plastic bottles, cans, newspapers, and copy paper

Future Plans:

The DCM plans to begin several initiatives suggested by its employees:

  • Increase consistency and use of double-sided copying

  • Purchase recycled paper only

  • Buy only U.S. made office supplies

  • Investigate a vanpool including the Parker-Lincoln building in its route

  • Place departmental forms on-line and accept paperwork in electronic format

  • Continue to encourage reuse of notebook binders and other office supplies

  • Coordinate with other divisions in Parker-Lincoln for pick-up and delivery trips to the Archdale building

  • Encourage restaurants near Parker Lincoln to provide a discount on Red Ozone Days for employees who walk to their establishment.

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