Year 2000 Plans
Division of Purchase and Contract

Electronic Requisitions, Tracking, and Bid Tabulation System
Interactive Purchasing System (IPS)

Participating state agencies submit their requisitions electronically to Purchase and Contract. This eliminates re-keying all of the information throughout the solicitation process. Information used in the solicitation document is also used for bid tabulations, awards, and certifications. All correspondence with the participating agencies is completed electronically.

Environmental Sustainability Benefits
  • Reduction in paper and mailing expenses

Contacts: Percy Richardson Jr., State Purchase Administrator
Division of Purchase and Contract (919) 733-6604

Russell Nemitz, Special Projects Engineer
Division of Purchase and Contract (919) 733-3241

Flexible Work Options

Participating employees are given the option to work flexible hours that meet both employee and employer needs. This policy improves employee morale and reduces stress, and has the potential to improve productivity, with employees experiencing fewer interruptions during non-standard work time.

Environmental Sustainability Benefits

  • Reduced costs due to less days traveling to work
  • Reduced pollution from less automobile traffic
  • Decreased need for larger road systems because of less-congested highways

Contact: Ray Broughton, Chief Operations
Division of Purchase and Contract (919) 733-3581 

E-Procurement Project

This is a multi-agency* e-commerce project that seeks to incorporate a single statewide business and purchasing module for all state agencies. When completed, the module will enable an individual to select a needed item from an electronic catalog; requisition the item; receive the necessary approvals, including funds checking; order the item; receive it; approve it; and then pay for it -- all electronically in a secure system.

Environmental Sustainability Benefits

  • Reduction in paper and mailing expenses incurred during non-electronic business transactions
  • Cost reduction to vendor by printing fewer catalogs
  • Elimination of many other vendor expenses associated with non-electronic business transactions

Contacts: Ray Broughton, Chief Operations, Division of Purchase and Contract
(919) 733-3581 

Mervyn Gould, Standards Engineer, Division of Purchase and Contract
(919) 733-7624 

*Dept. of Administration/Purchase and Contract
Dept. of Commerce/Information Technology Services
Office of State Controller

Bluebird House Project


Old shipping pallets are being turned into homes for bluebirds; state prisoners are being put to work cutting out the birdhouse pieces for assembly; and the state’s fifth graders are putting the birdhouses together and getting a lesson in environmental sustainability.

All this is happening following the formation of a partnership among the Department of Administration (Division of Purchase and Contract/State Surplus Property); Department of Correction; Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Office of Environmental Education and Wildlife Resources Commission); Department of Public Instruction; Department of Transportation; and International Paper and other groups.

The State Surplus Office has shipped its old shipping pallets to Harnett Corrections Institution, where inmates cut the pieces for assembly. The Office of Environmental Education and Wildlife Resources Commission has produced the instructional materials. The Department of Transportation shipped the kits to International Paper in Wilmington, which included the nest boxes and instructions as part of its "Love A Tree" environmental education programs where 6,500 kits were delivered to education centers for pickup by fifth grade teachers. Administration Secretary Katie Dorsett is pictured above displaying a bluebird house made from the recycled pallets, flanked by students at Timber Drive Elementary School in Garner.

Environmental Sustainability Benefits

  • Reduction in the number of wooden pallets going to the landfill
  • Aid in teaching children the benefits of environmental sustainability

Contact: Jeff Nance, State Surplus Property Officer
(919) 733-3889 

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