All Air Force installations, organizations, or individuals are eligible to participate in a variety of environmental awards programs. The Air Force, the federal government, the Department of Defense, professional societies, and other organizations administer these programs. This Fact Sheet provides general information on award types, eligibility requirements, nomination packages, and recent winners.
The primary policy reference for environmental awards in the Air Force is Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-2817, Civil Engineer Awards Program, 1 July 1996. AFI 36-2817 establishes a program for the Air Force Civil Engineer to recognize Civil Engineer (CE) organizations, major air commands (MAJCOMs), field operating agencies (FOAs), and direct reporting units (DRUs), and encourages them to nominate units and individuals for outstanding achievement and contributions to the Air Force mission. The AFI describes the criteria for each award, establishes eligibility, and explains nomination, selection, and presentation procedures. Although not every award described in AFI 36-2817 recognizes achievements specific to environmental quality, most recognize activities and organizations that must address environmental quality concerns in one way or another.
General Nomination and Selection Procedures
AFI 36-2817 describes over 40 different award categories. The call for award nominations is generally announced in the spring of each year and nomination packages are usually due in the fall of the same year, after the end of the fiscal year. In most cases, the award period covers the fiscal year ending just before the submission date. Air Force winners are announced early in the year following submission of the nomination packages. Nomination and selection procedures may differ between award categories. Readers should consult AFI 36-2817 for specific details.
For the Air Force's General Thomas D. White Environmental Awards, the largest category of AF environmental awards described in AFI 36-2817, installation level organizations submit nominees for award categories to their MAJCOM. The MAJCOM assembles a panel of experts for each award category to review the nominations submitted by their installations. Each panel then selects a recommended winner and submits the package to Headquarters Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (HQ AFCEE). HQ AFCEE assembles a panel of experts to judge each award and forwards the recommended winners to the Office of the Civil Engineer, Headquarters United States Air Force, for final approval. Upon USAF/ILE approval, winners of the General Thomas D. White Environmental Awards are announced by the Chief of Staff of the Air Force and an award cermony is arranged by The Civil Engineer. These Air Force winners then compete at the Department of Defense (DoD) level against environmental award winners from other military departments.
Air Force Award Categories
The following five award categories are from the different types of Air Force Civil Engineer awards described in AFI 36-2817. The award categories described in this fact sheet represent awards that most directly recognize Air Force environmental performance and achievements. Readers should refer to the full text of AFI 36-2817 for additional details on each award and specific nomination procedures. A copy of AFI 36-2817 is available from PRO-ACT or from the Air Force electronic publications World Wide Web site http://afpubs.hq.af.mil/pubs/publist.asp?puborg=AF&series=32.
1. Civil Engineer Awards
Air Force Outstanding Civil Engineer Unit Award -Environmental and Resource Conservation
This award recognizes the outstanding Air Force CE unit at large (400 or more military and civilian authorizations) and small (fewer that 400) installations. The award recognizes the CE unit's exemplary performance and efforts to protect the environment and to conserve natural and cultural resources.
Major General Clifton D. Wright Award
In honor of Major General Clifton D. Wright, this award recognizes the outstanding CE Operations Flight in the performance of quality maintenance, repair, and improvement of installation facilities and infrastructure. Included in the performance criteria for this award are requirements for energy reduction/savings, results of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspections, and Environmental Compliance Assessment and Management Program (ECAMP) results.
Air Force Outstanding Civil Engineer Environmental Flight Award
This award recognizes the CE Environmental Flight demonstrating outstanding performance in environmental compliance, pollution prevention, installation restoration, environmental planning, and natural and cultural resources management.
2. Design Awards
The Air Force Design Awards program recognizes and encourages design excellence in Air Force planning, landscape architecture, architecture, engineering, interior design, and military family housing design. The call for nominations is made by the Design and Construction Directorate, Headquarters Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (HQ AFCEE/DC). In light of current trends toward sustainable development and "green" building concepts, this award has the potential to recognize a number of design features that address environmental quality concerns. Information about the submittal of nominations for the Design Awards is available from PRO-ACT or from HQ AFCEE/DC at http://www.afcee.brooks.af.mil/dc/dcd/AWARDS/AWARDS.HTM.
3. General Thomas D. White Environmental Awards
The Air Force General Thomas D. White Environmental Award winners for Fiscal Year 1998 were announced in December 1998. The winners, as reported by Headquarters USAF, are listed after the applicable award category below.
General Thomas D. White Environmental Quality Award (CONUS)
AF Installations (Industrial and Non-industrial categories) conducting the best or most improved environmental quality program are recognized by this award. Achievements in all aspects of the installations' environmental program are considered, including sustained achievements in:
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance;
- Integrating environmental policies into base-wide decision making;
- Eliminating environmental violations and permits;
- Cleanup of contaminated sites;
- Waste reduction;
- Pollution prevention;
- Recycling;
- Inter-agency and community relations; and
- Environmental training and awareness.
The winning Air Force installations are nominated for the Secretary of Defense Environmental Quality Awards in the industrial and non-industrial categories.
1999 AF Winners:
- Patrick AFB/Cape Canaveral, FL (AFSPC) (Industrial)
- Fairchild AFB, WA (AETC) (Non-Industrial)
- Rosecrans MAP, MO (ANG) (Reserve Component)
- Hill AFB, UT (AFMC) (Honorable Mention, Industrial)
- Grissom ARB, IN (AFRC) (Honorable Mention, Reserve Component)
General Thomas D. White Environmental Quality Award for Individual or Team Excellence
This award recognizes the individual or team that contributed the most to the Air Force's environmental quality effort. The winner is nominated for the Secretary of Defense Individual/Team Environmental Quality Award.
1999 AF Winners:
- Mr. Terry Madewell, Shaw AFB, SC (ACC)
General Thomas D. White Environmental Quality Award (Overseas)
This optional award is presented by the Air Force Chief of Staff to an installation located outside the U.S. demonstrating exceptional environmental achievement with consideration given to the host country environmental standards and the level of cooperation between the installation and the local community. Final governing standards specified in DoDD 6050.16, DoD Policy for Establishing and Implementing Environmental Standards at Overseas Installations, and the DoD Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document (OEBGD) are considered by the award panel when evaluating overseas programs.
1999 AF Winner:
- Thule, Greenland (AFSPC)
General Thomas D. White Environmental Restoration Award
All installations are eligible for this award. Nominations are evaluated for overall merit focusing on the installation's initiatives in planning to close, or have in final remediation, all contaminated sites by 2015. Installations are also recognized for the best or most improved environmental restoration program that seeks to limit the spread of contamination, speed up final cleanup, and participate in local community public affairs activities. The winning installation is nominated for the Secretary of Defense Environmental Cleanup Award.
1999 AF Winner:
- Elmendorf AFB, AK (PACAF)
General Thomas D. White Restoration Award for Individual or Team Excellence
This award recognizes contributions by an individual or team to Air Force environmental restoration efforts. Award criteria include outstanding initiatives and achievements in identifying and investigating contaminated sites, developing and implementing remediation plans, rehabilitating natural resources, and fostering good community relations.
1999 AF Winner:
- F.E. Warren AFB, WY (AFSPC) (Team)
General Thomas D. White Pollution Prevention Award
Achievements in reducing or eliminating waste streams and pollution throughout base operations are included in the performance criteria for this award. Other criteria include reducing the use of ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) and other hazardous chemicals, and fostering pollution prevention awareness. The Air Force winners in each category are nominated for the Secretary of Defense Pollution Prevention Awards (Industrial and Non-industrial Installations).
1999 AF Winners:
- Cape Canaveral/Patrick AFB, FL (AFSPC) (Industrial)
- Sheppard AFB, TX (AETC) (Non-Industrial)
- Eielson AFB, AK (PACAF) (Honorable Mention, Non-Industrial)
- Mr. Robert Tomlinson, USAF Academy, CO, (USAFA) (Individual Excellence)
General Thomas D. White Pollution Prevention Acquisition Team Award
This award recognizes the acquisition or procurement team contributing the most in the Air Force to the incorporation of pollution prevention into acquisition practices. Award criteria also include the team's achievements in identifying and implementing material substitutions and process improvements. The winning team is nominated for the Secretary of Defense Pollution Prevention Weapon System Acquisition Team Award.
1999 AF Winner:
- Logistics Environmental Team, HQ AFMC, OH (AFMC)
General Thomas D. White Recycling Award
Installations (industrial or non-industrial) demonstrating achievements in a variety of recycling activities and programs are eligible for this award. The performance criteria include implementing "closed-loop" recycling methods, solvent recovery, office/work recycling programs, curbside recycling, purchasing recycled content items, and composting. The winning Air Force installation is nominated for the Secretary of Defense Recycling Award in the applicable industrial or non-industrial category.
1999 AF Winners:
- Robins AFB, GA (AFMC) (Industrial)
- Grand Forks AFB, ND (AMC) (Non-Industrial)
General Thomas D. White Recycling Award for Individual or Team Excellence
This award recognizes individual or team achievement in the areas of hazardous chemical recycling, office and curbside recycling programs, and purchase of recycled content materials. The winner is nominated for the Secretary of Defense Recycling Individual Award. In 1998, the individual and team winners all received individual awards due to the noteworthiness of both nominations.
1999 AF Winners:
- Mr. William Meinerding, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH (AFMC)
- TSgt David Berdis, RAF Lakenheath, UK (USAFE) (Honorable Mention)
- Ms. Cheryl Paige, Elmendorf AFB, AK (PACAF) (Honorable Mention)
General Thomas D. White National Environmental Policy Act Award (Environmental Planning)
Environmental planning includes addressing environmental issues as they affect, and are affected by, development activities at the installation. This award recognizes achievements in the application of the environmental impact analysis process as mission decisions are made.
1999 AF Winners:
HQ ACC/CEVP, Langley AFB, VA (ACC) (Honorable Mention)
General Thomas D.White Natural and Cultural Resources Management Awards
Large (400 or more military and civilian personnel) and small (fewer than 400) Air Force installations in the U.S., Guam, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are eligible and encouraged to compete for each of these two awards. Performance criteria include program improvements, interagency cooperation, education, and command support. Sustained achievements in the following areas are also considered:
- Natural Resources Plan development and implementation;
- Landscaping and grounds management;
- Urban forest and wildlife management/protection;
- Wetland protection;
- Compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act;
- Cooperation with other agencies, Indian tribes, and the public; and
- Promoting cultural/natural resources awareness and education.
Winning Air Force installations are nominated for the Secretary of Defense Natural Resources Conservation Awards (large and small installations) and the Secretary of Defense Cultural Resources Management Award.
1999 AF Winners - Natural Resources Management:
- Robins AFB, GA (AFMC) (Small Installation)
- USAF Academy, CO (USAFA) (Large Installation)
- Eielson AFB, AF (PACAF) (Honorable Mention, Large Installation)
1999 AF Winner - Cultural Resources Management:
General Thomas D. White Natural and Cultural Resources Management Awards for Individual or Team Excellence
These awards recognize the individuals or teams that contributed the most to the Air Force's natural and cultural resources management efforts. Award criteria include outstanding achievements in conducting inventories of natural resources, preparing and implementing integrated natural resources plans, applying innovative management techniques, and promoting natural/cultural resources awareness. The Air Force winners are nominated for the Secretary of Defense Natural Resources Conservation Individual Award and the Secretary of Defense Cultural Resources Management Individual Award.
1999 AF Winners - Natural Resources Management:
- Mr. David Nutt, RAF Mildenhall, UK (USAFE)
- Ms. Nancy Read, Vandenberg AFB, CA (AFSPC) (Honorable Mention)
1999 AF Winners - Cultural Resources Management:
- Mr. Robert Peterson, Vandenberg AFB, CA (AFSPC)
- Mr. Michael Hastings, RAF Lakenheath, UK (USAFE) (Honorable Mention)
4. Secretary of Defense Environmental Security Awards
The purpose of the annual Secretary of Defense Awards is to provide incentives for DoD members to develop, maintain, and improve natural resources; to protect the natural beauty and environmental quality of DoD installations; and to recognize outstanding achievements in support of DoD environmental policy. The Secretary of Defense Awards are presented to any level within DoD military departments in the categories listed below.
The Secretary of the Air Force nominates the winners of the corresponding Air Force General Thomas D. White Environmental Awards for the Secretary of Defense Environmental Security Awards. In 1998, Air Force installations and individuals won seven of 17 Secretary of Defense awards, or 41 percent! DoD officials presented the awards to all military service winners at a ceremony held 27 April 1999 at the Pentagon. [Note: The 1999 Secretary of Defense Environmental Security Awards are scheduled for 26 April 2000.]
The categories of the Secretary of Defense Awards are listed below, including all 1998 winners.
Natural Resources Conservation
1998 Winner - Large Installation:
- Camp Ripley, Army National Guard, MN
1998 Winner - Small Installation:
- U.S. Army Garrison, Fort Belvoir, VA
1998 Winner - Individual/Team:
- Mr. Lynn Andrews, Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, IN
Cultural Resources Management
1998 AF Winner - Installation:
- Vandenberg AFB, CA (AFSPC)
1998 AF Winner - Individual/Team:
- Dr. Janet E. Ferguson, Wright Patterson AFB, OH (AFMC)
Environmental Quality
1998 Winner - Industrial:
- Indian Head Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, MD
1998 AF Winner - Non-industrial:
- Luke AFB, AZ (AETC)
1998 AF Winner - Individual/Team:
- Capt Theodore B. Bloomer, Andersen AFB, Guam (PACAF)
Pollution Prevention
1998 AF Winner - Industrial:
- Robins AFB, GA (AFMC)
1998 Winner - Non-industrial:
- Marine Corps Base Hawaii
1998 AF Winner - Individual/Team:
- Mr. Donald K. Gronstal, McClellan AFB, CA (AFMC)
1998 Winner - Weapon System Acquisition Team:
- Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle Team, Woodbridge, VA
1998 AF Winner - Industrial:
- Hill AFB, UT (AFMC)
1998 Winner - Non-industrial:
- Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, NC
1998 Winner - Individual/Team:
- Mr. Paul Bailey, Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, TX
Environmental Cleanup
1998 Winner - Installation:
- Naval Air Engineering Station Lakehurst, NJ
1998 Winner - Individual/Team:
- Ms. Patricia L. Kelly, Naval Submarine Base Bangor, WA
Nomination packages for the Secretary of Defense Environmental Security Awards are prepared by the Air Force winners in accordance with category-specific formats described in Secretary of Defense Environmental Security Awards Guidelines, available from PRO-ACT or DENIX.
5.0 Outside Agency Awards
National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Federal Engineer of the Year Awards
These awards recognize the accomplishments of federal government engineers (military and civilian). Upon receiving annual instructions from National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), The Civil Engineer provides nomination guidance to each MAJCOM Commander, Air Staff, and the FOAs. One military and one civilian engineer may be nominated by each MAJCOM and FOA, as well as by The Civil Engineer. The two Air Force winners are then placed in competition with other federal agency winners for the title of Federal Engineer of the Year. The top 10 finalists receive special recognition and the Federal Engineer of the Year receives a gold medallion.
Major Barry Mines, P.E., Chief Pavement Evaluation Section, Headquarters Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency (HQ AFCESA), was recognized as the U.S. Air Force Engineer of the Year by the NSPE. Major Mines has also been named a "Top Ten" finalist, from which the Federal Engineer of the Year is chosen.
Federal Environmental Engineer of the Year Award
This award is presented annually by the Conference of Federal Environmental Engineers (CFEE) in recognition of exemplary work and accomplishments by environmental engineers in the federal service. Award criteria established by CFEE include the nominee's environmental contributions during the previous two calendar years and professional prestige. HQ AFCEE distributes nomination guidance annually to MAJCOMs and FOAs.
General Edwin W. Rawlings Awards for Environmental Excellence
These awards are offered annually by the Air Force Association to Air Force officers, enlisted personnel, and civilian personnel who spend less than half of their assigned duty time directly involved in environmental disciplines. An individual from each of two classifications, 1) Management (GS-9 and above - Officer or civilian equivalent); and 2) Technical (GS-8 and below - Enlisted or civilian equivalent), may be nominated in any one of the following environmental categories:
- Pollution Prevention;
- Recycling;
- Environmental Compliance; and
- Protection of Natural and Cultural Resources.
HQ AFCEE reviews all nomination packages, makes a final selection, and submits them to the Air Force Association.
For More Information...
MSgt Charles Brantley, Headquarters Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency, Personnel Directorate (HQ AFCESA/DP), is the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for AFI 36-2817, Civil Engineer Awards Program. Questions about AFI 36-2817 may be addressed to MSgt Brantley at DSN 523-6412, (850) 283-6412, or charles.brantley@afcesa.tyndall.af.mil.
Capt Charles Aukland, P.E., Environmental Analysis Division, (HQ AFCEE/ECA), is the primary POC for the Air Force General Thomas D. White Environmental Awards, the NSPE Federal Environmental Engineer of the Year (FEEY) Awards, and the General Edwin W. Rawlings Awards. Specific questions about these awards may be directed to Capt Auckland at (210) 536-5480, DSN 240-5480, or charles.aukland@ hqafcee.brooks.af.mil.
PRO-ACT has available for distribution the USAF Environmental Program's 1999 edition of the Sustaining Readiness booklet. This booklet showcases the Air Force's many environmental achievements and includes summaries and photographs highlighting this year's winners of the General Thomas D. White Environmental Awards. For a copy of this booklet, contact PRO-ACT at DSN 240-4214 or pro-act@hqafcee.brooks.af.mil.