United States Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Solid Waste

The Municipal Solid Waste Factbook

The Municipal Solid Waste Factbook is an electronic reference manual containing over 250 screens of information about household waste management practices. It contains information about the federal MSW program as well as profiles of individual state programs, and comparisons of practices in major developed nations. Tables, charts and maps display useful facts and figures about source reduction, recycling, land disposal and combustion of MSW. Other tables contain information about the generation rates and composition of waste. There are also names, addresses and phone numbers for contacts in the MSW field. Other information includes: the complete text of EPA's regulations for MSW landfills, complete inventories of incinerators (150), composting facilities (30), and large landfills (350), lists of MSW periodicals, publications available from the National Technical Information Service, and names and addresses of trade and environmental associations.

The Factbook may be used directly on-line or may be downloaded as a self-extracting, Windows executable application. Both versions contain the same information, but the on-line version includes hyperlinks to more than 100 related sites. Information in the Factbook may be viewed on screen in full color, printed out as formatted reports (including in color), or copied electronically into other documents. The downloadable version works better for printing high resolution, camera-ready copy or color transparencies, while the on-line version works better for copying graphical images into other documents. The downloadable version can only be used on Windows based (Win 3.x, NT or 95) PCs.

Download the Municipal Solid Waste Factbook
(1,083,387 bytes - self-extracting Windows executable file)

HELP! Downloading the file


If you see this dialog box, or one like it, click on "Save File..." and accept the suggested filename. A progress bar will then appear. When the bar is complete and disappears, continue to the next step.

Microsoft Windows 3.1, 95 and NT users: "mswfacts.exe" is self-extracting. When the download is complete, find the "mswfacts.exe" file where you instructed the browser to save it, and double-click to start the setup program. "mswfacts.exe" will take over from there.

HELP! Installing the software

The MSW Factbook is very easy to install but if you have any doubts or questions review the following steps.

  1. Download the file to your local hard drive as explained above.
  2. Locate the file "mswfacts.exe" using File Manager or Windows Explorer.
  3. Execute the file (Double Click on the file) and the MSW Factbook Installation program will appear on the screen.
  4. Select a directory to install the program. If you have a previous version of the Factbook, we recommend that you overwrite the previous version by selecting the same directory.
  5. After selecting a target directory (c:\factbook or other sub-directory) continue the installation.
  6. The installation program will create a program group and four new icons.
  7. Exit the installation program and run the MSW Factbook software.
  8. The program is very easy to use with online help if necessary.

For Further Information:

Steven J. Levy
Municipal & Industrial Solid Waste Division
Office of Solid Waste (MC: 5306W)
Washington, DC 20460
Tel: (703) 308-7267
Fax: (703) 308-8686
Internet: levy.steve@epamail.epa.gov

Technical Information

This Version 4.0 is an update to previously released versions, and contains major changes in the data and information. It also has been modified to allow direct installation on PC's running on any version of Windows. If you are using an earlier version, you should download this file and install it "over" your current version.

The Factbook was developed using ToolBook, an object oriented programming language, and is distributed with all necessary runtime software needed to install and run the application. The "MSW Factbook" is public domain software, and as such may be installed on multiple PC's and networks, and may be freely copied and redistributed. The included Runtime Version 1.5 of ToolBook is a copyrighted product of the Asymetrix Corp., Bellvue, WA, and may only be copied as a part of the MSW Factbook application.

The MSW Factbook will only run on IBM compatible PC's equipped with Microsoft Windows and a mouse or other pointing device. The program, after installation, takes 2,569,906 bytes of disk space.


From URL: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/muncpl/factbook/index.htm
Last Updated: December 22, 1997