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Grass, Forb and Sedge Species
for Low Maintenance Areas
Table A
(acre or sq ft)
CODE 880
Table A. Grass, forb, and sedge species for low maintenance areas. | |||||||||
Species 1/ | Common name |
Native |
Moisture |
Sunlight |
Seeding rate 2/ |
Aggressive |
Salt tolerance |
Seeds/oz. 3/ |
Recommended planting method |
GRASSES | |||||||||
Agrostis alba |
red top |
N |
mesic-wet |
full-partial |
.5-1.0 |
N |
High |
312000 |
seed |
Andropogon gerardi |
big blue stem |
Y |
mesic |
full |
2.0-5.0 |
N |
No consensus |
8200-10000 |
seed |
Avena sativa |
oats |
N |
mesic-dry |
full |
30-50 |
N |
Moderate |
3/ |
seed |
Bouteloua curtipendula |
side oats grama |
Y |
mesic-dry |
full |
5 |
N |
Low |
6000-8000 |
seed |
Bromus inermis |
smooth brome |
N |
mesic-dry |
full |
24 |
Y |
High |
8500 |
seed |
Bromus pubescens |
woodland brome |
Y |
mesic |
shade-partial |
0.031 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
70875 |
seed |
Calamagrostis canadensis |
blue joint grass |
Y |
wet |
full |
.03-.25 |
N |
Low |
95000-280000 |
transplants (plugs) |
Cinna arundinacea |
common wood reed |
Y |
mesic |
shade-partial |
0.1-1.0 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
56700 |
seed |
Dactylus glomerata |
orchard grass |
N |
mesic-wet |
full-partial |
4-8 |
N |
High |
41000 |
seed |
Echinochloa crusgalli |
barn yard grass |
Y |
mesic-wet |
full-partial |
.375-4.0 |
Y |
High |
31500 |
seed |
Elymus canadensis |
nodding wild rye |
Y |
mesic-wet |
full-partial |
.02-3.0 |
N |
Low-Moderate |
4200-5200 |
seed |
Elymus virginicus |
Virginia wild rye |
Y |
mesic-wet |
full-partial |
.06-1.0 |
N |
No consensus |
4200-4500 |
seed |
Festuca elatior |
tall fescue (many varieties) |
N |
mesic-dry |
full-partial |
10-30 |
N |
Moderate to High |
14000 |
seed |
Festuca rubra |
red fescue (many varieties) |
N |
mesic |
full-partial |
10-20 |
N |
Moderate to High |
38000 |
seed |
Glyceria striata |
fowl manna grass |
Y |
mesic-wet |
full-partial |
.05-1.0 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
113000-160000 |
seed |
Hystrix patula |
bottlebrush grass |
Y |
mesic |
shade-partial |
0.062 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
4700-7600 |
seed |
Leersia oryzoides |
rice cut grass |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
.1-1.0 |
N |
No consensus |
34000-94000 |
seed, rhizomes |
Lolium multiflorum |
annual ryegrass |
N |
mesic-dry |
full-partial |
10-30 |
N |
Moderate to High |
14000 |
seed |
Lolium perenne |
perennial ryegrass |
N |
mesic-dry |
full-partial |
10-30 |
N |
Moderate to High |
14000 |
seed |
Panicum virgatum |
switch grass |
Y |
mesic-wet |
full-partial |
.125-1.0 |
N |
Moderate to High |
14000-18000 |
seed |
Phleum pratense |
timothy |
N |
mesic |
full-partial |
.375-2.0 |
N |
High |
77000 |
seed |
Schizachyrium scoparium |
little blue stem |
Y |
dry |
full |
1.0-6.0 |
N |
No consensus |
8800-15000 |
seed |
Sorghastrum nutans |
Indian grass |
Y |
mesic |
full |
2.5-6.0 |
N |
Moderate to High |
8300 |
seed |
Spartina pectinata |
prairie cord grass |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
.125-2.0 |
N |
High |
157500 |
rhizomes, transplants |
Sporobolus heterolepis |
prairie drop seed |
Y |
dry |
full |
.5 |
N |
Low |
14000-16000 |
seed |
Zizania aquatica |
wild rice |
Y |
wet |
full |
3 |
N |
No consensus |
3/ |
seed |
FORBS & GRAMINOIDS (grass-like) |
Acorus calamus |
sweet flag |
Y |
6-20in. water |
full-partial |
.006-.25 |
N |
No consensus |
750-3300 |
rhizomes |
Asclepias incarnata |
swamp milkweed |
Y |
wet |
full |
.31 |
N |
Moderate to High |
4650 |
seed |
Alisma subcordatum |
water plantain |
Y |
0-6in. water |
full |
.06-.5 |
N |
Moderate to High |
60000-70000 |
seed |
Aster leavis |
smooth blue aster |
Y |
mesic-dry |
full-partial |
.02-.125 |
N |
Low |
48000-55000 |
seed |
Aster lanceolatus |
panicled aster |
Y |
mesic-wet |
full-partial |
.03-.06 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
3/ |
seed |
Aster novae-angliae |
New England aster |
Y |
mesic-wet |
full-partial |
.03-.375 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
66000-70000 |
seed |
Bidens cernua |
nodding beggarsticks |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
.25-.5 |
N |
Moderate to High |
14000-21000 |
seed |
Bidens frondosa |
common beggarsticks |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
.125 |
Y |
Moderate to High |
28000 |
seed |
Carex comosa |
bristly sedge |
Y |
0-12in. water |
full-partial |
.125-.375 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
29000 |
transplants (plugs) |
Carex cristatella |
crested oval sedge |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
.125 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
141750 |
fresh seed |
Carex granularis |
pale sedge |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
.031 |
N |
Low |
3/ |
fresh seed |
Carex hystricina |
porcupine sedge |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
0.125 |
N |
Low |
29840 |
seed |
Carex lanuginosa |
wooly sedge |
Y |
wet |
full |
.125 |
N |
Moderate to High |
23625 |
seed |
Carex scoparia |
lance-fruited oval sedge |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
0.125 |
N |
Low |
84000 |
seed |
Carex stipata |
awl-fruited sedge |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
.125 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
35000 |
seed |
Carex vulpinoidea |
fox sedge |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
.06-.5 |
N |
Moderate |
100000-141000 |
seed |
Coreopsis tripteris |
tall coreopsis |
Y |
mesic |
full-partial |
.25-.5 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
11500-14000 |
seed |
Coreopsis palmata |
prairie coreopsis |
Y |
mesic |
full |
.015-.5 |
N |
Low |
8800 |
seed |
Echinacea pallida |
pale purple cone flower |
Y |
mesic |
full |
.25-.5 |
N |
Low |
5100 |
seed |
Eleocharis obtusa |
blunt spike rush |
Y |
wet |
full |
.02-.4 |
N |
Moderate |
3/ |
seed |
Eleocharis smallii |
creeping spike rush |
Y |
wet |
full |
.02-.4 |
N |
Moderate |
3/ |
seed |
Eupatorium maculatum |
spotted joe pye weed |
Y |
wet |
full |
.06-2.0 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
85000-95000 |
seed |
Eupatorium perfoliatum |
common boneset |
Y |
wet |
full |
.06-.125 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
160000-200000 |
seed |
Gentiana andrewsii |
bottle gentian |
Y |
mesic-wet |
full-partial |
.015-.125 |
----- |
Low to Moderate |
800000 |
seed |
Geranium maculatum |
wild geranium |
Y |
mesic |
shade-partial |
0.54 |
N |
Low |
350 |
seed |
Helenium autumnale |
sneezeweed |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
.12-.5 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
130000 |
seed |
Helianthus grosseserratus |
sawtooth sunflower |
Y |
wet |
full |
.15-.31 |
Y |
Moderate to High |
15000 |
seed |
Iris virginica |
blue flag iris |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
.06-.625 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
850-1000 |
rhizomes, transplants |
Juncus effusus |
common rush |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
.37 |
N |
Moderate to High |
3/ |
rhizomes |
Juncus torreyi |
Torrey's rush |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
.006-.375 |
N |
Moderate to High |
70875 |
rhizomes |
Liatris pycnostachya |
prairie blazing star |
Y |
mesic-wet |
full |
.125 |
N |
Low |
11500 |
seed |
Liatris spicata |
marsh blazing star |
Y |
wet |
full |
.125 |
N |
Low |
11500 |
seed |
Lotus corniculatus* |
bird's foot trefoil |
N |
mesic |
full |
8 |
Y |
High |
25000 |
seed |
Medicago sativa* |
alfalfa |
N |
mesic |
full |
8 |
Y |
Moderate to High |
12500 |
seed |
Lobelia cardinalis |
cardinal flower |
Y |
wet |
full-partial |
.06 |
N |
No consensus |
300000-400000 |
seed |
Monarda fistulosa |
wild bergamot |
Y |
mesic |
full-partial |
.125-1.0 |
N |
Moderate |
75000-78000 |
seed |
Petalostemum purpureum* |
purple prairie clover |
Y |
mesic |
full |
.25 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
19000 |
seed |
Phlox divaricata |
woodland phlox |
Y |
mesic |
shade-partial |
0.13 |
N |
Low |
12500 |
seed |
Polygonum amphibium |
water smartweed |
Y |
0-20in. water |
full |
.5-1.5 |
N |
No consensus |
3/ |
seed |
Pycnanthemum virginianum |
common mountain mint |
Y |
mesic-wet |
full |
.02-.06 |
N |
No consensus |
220000-284000 |
seed |
Ratibida pinnata |
yellow cone flower |
Y |
mesic |
full |
.125-.25 |
N |
No consensus |
27000-30000 |
seed |
Rudbeckia hirta |
black-eyed susan |
Y |
mesic |
full-partial |
.125-.5 |
N |
Moderate |
92000-100000 |
seed |
Sagittaria latifolia |
broadleaf arrowhead |
Y |
6-20in. water |
full-partial |
.06-.25 |
N |
Moderate |
56700 |
rhizomes, transplants |
Scirpus acutus |
hardstem bulrush |
Y |
0-36in. water |
full |
.06-.25 |
N |
High |
18000-30000 |
rhizomes |
Scirpus americanus (pungens) |
chairmaker's rush |
Y |
0-16.5in. water |
full |
.06-.125 |
N |
Moderate to High |
3/ |
rhizomes |
Scirpus fluviatilis |
river bulrush |
Y |
0-30in. water |
full-partial |
.06-.125 |
N |
Moderate to High |
3375 |
rhizomes |
Scirpus tabernaemontani (validus) |
soft-stem bulrush |
Y |
12-20in. water |
full |
.06-.25 |
N |
Moderate to High |
31000-38000 |
rhizomes |
Silphium laciniatum |
compass plant |
Y |
mesic |
full |
.03-.19 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
655 |
seed |
Silphium terebinthinaceum |
prairie dock |
Y |
mesic-wet |
full |
.03-.19 |
N |
Moderate |
1050 |
seed |
Smilacina racemosa |
false solomon's seal |
Y |
mesic |
shade-partial |
----- |
N |
Low to Moderate |
900-1000 |
seed, transplants |
Solidago gigantea |
late goldenrod |
Y |
mesic-wet |
full |
.06-.3 |
N |
Moderate to High |
378000 |
seed |
Sparganium eurycarpum |
common burreed |
Y |
0-12in. water |
full-partial |
.2-.375 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
550 |
rhizomes |
Tradescantia ohiensis |
spiderwort |
Y |
mesic-dry |
full-partial |
.06-1.0 |
N |
Low to Moderate |
8000 |
seed |
Trifolium hybridum* |
alsike clover |
N |
mesic |
full-partial |
4-8 |
N |
High |
44000 |
seed |
Trifolium pratense* |
red clover |
N |
mesic |
full-partial |
4-8 |
N |
Moderate to High |
17000 |
seed |
Verbena hastata |
blue vervain |
Y |
wet |
full |
.015-.125 |
N |
Moderate to High |
93000-100000 |
seed |
Vernonia fasciculata |
common iron weed |
Y |
wet |
full |
.01-.19 |
N |
No consensus |
20000-24000 |
seed, transplants |
1/ The nomenclature (plant names) used follow Kartesz (1994) which has been largely adopted as a national standard.Some commonly used synonyms are given in parentheses. |
All seeding rate information is pounds per acre and based upon Pure Live
Seed (PLS). |
3/ The seeds per ounce data is taken from supplier catalogues where available.Where no data was available or where large conflicts between sources existed this entry is blank. |
* Legumes requiring proper inoculant. |
urbst880a.xls |
October-01 |