RESOURCE: WATER   Urban Conservation Practice Physical Effects  
      Subsurface water flows onto the surface of the land. Water accumulates on the surface of the land. Subsurface water accumulates in the soil profile, which adversely affects plant growth and production operations.   Water quantity that affects drainage ditches, road ditches, culverts, and canals. Water quantity that affects drainage ditches, road ditches, culverts, and canals. Water quantity that is affected because of the loss of storage capacity as well as the loss of conveyance capacity.     Water pollution problems from pesticides.  Pesticide means "all" chemicals used to manage weeds, insects, and diseases. Water pollution problems from natural or human-induced common nutrients of N, P, K, Ca, Na, and Mg. Water pollution problems from natural and human-induced common metals or metal compounds, such as iron, lead, zinc, copper, and cobalt. Surface water pollution problems from pesticides.  Pesticide means "all" chemicals used to manage weeds, insects, and diseases. Surface water pollution problems that result from the use of all applied plant nutrients with emphasis on phosphorus and total organic carbon. Water pollution suspended sediment and turbidity.  Suspended sediment is sediment held in surrounding fluid.  Turbidity is reduced clarity of fluids because of presence of suspended matter. Water pollution from common salts such as sodium, calcium, boron and selenium. Water pollution from natural and human-induced common metals and metal compounds, such as iron, lead, zinc, copper, and cobalt. Water pollution from bacteria, viruses, protozoans, helminths, and fungi.  Pathogens can be transported in both fluid and particulate forms.
800 - Urban Stormwater Wetlands A constructed system of shallow pools that create growing conditions for wetland plants to lessen the impacts of stormwater quality and quantity in urban areas.   Significant decrease because of water management if seep is incorporated in constructed wetland.  Slight to significant increase if seep develops downstream of constructed wetland or if existing seep is managed as wetland. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased water storage area relative to runoff quantity. Negligible to moderate increase because of water management dependent on extent of impoundment creation and management.   Slight to significant decrease because of increased hydrophytic vegetation and impounded water will reduce erosion and sedimentation. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased hydrophytic vegetation and impounded water will reduce erosion and sedimentation. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased hydrophytic vegetation and impounded water will reduce erosion and sedimentation.     Negligible to moderate decrease because habitat reduces need for use of chemicals and increased vegetation will uptake pesticides. Negligible to moderate decrease because wetland management reduces need to add nutrients and uptake of nutrients by hydrophytes. Negligible to slight decrease because of uptake of heavy metals by hydrophytes. Moderate to significant decrease because permanent habitat reduces need to use chemicals.  Hydrophytes will uptake pesticides. Impoundments will reduce runoff and transport of pesticides. Moderate to significant decrease because permanent habitat reduces need to use chemicals.  Hydrophytes will uptake pesticides. Impoundments will reduce runoff and transport of nutrients and organics. Moderate to significant decrease because impoundments and hydrophytes will trap sediment. Moderate to significant decrease because hydrophytes will uptake salts and reduce runoff and transport of salinity. Moderate to significant decrease because hydrophytes will uptake heavy metals and reduce runoff and transport of heavy metals. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased assimilation of pathogens in wetland and reduced runoff and transport of pathogens.
806 - Construction Road Stabilization The stabilization of temporary construction access routes, subdivision roads, on-site vehicle transportation roads, and construction parking areas with stone immediately after grading.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.     Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.
808 - Culvert Inlet Protection A temporary sediment filter located at the inlet to storm sewer culverts.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.     Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.
815 - Diversion A channel and supporting ridge constructed across the slope to collect and divert runoff.   Slight decrease because of protection of down slope areas. Significant decrease because of protection of area below diversion. Negligible.   Slight to significant decrease because of decreased sediment load, and because of proximity and control of ephemeral gullies and other erosion sources. Negligible to moderate decrease because of decreased sediment load. Negligible to slight decrease because of decreased sediment load.     Slight increase because of increased infiltration of soluble pesticides. Slight increase because of increased infiltration of solubles, such as nitrate nitrogen. Negligible. Slight decrease because of decrease in sediment bound pesticides. Slight increase in solubles off-site because of increased concentrated flow. Slight to moderate decrease because of decrease in sediment bound phosphorus and total organic carbon. Slight increase in off-site solubles because of increased concentrated flow. Slight decrease because of reduced sediment yield. Negligible. Negligible to moderate decrease because of managed runoff. Could be significant decrease if diversion is placed above a contaminant waste source with metals. Negligible to moderate decrease because of managed runoff. Could be significant decrease if diversion is placed above a contaminant waste source with pathogens.
820 - Diversion Dike A dike or dike and channel constructed along the perimeter of a disturbed construction area.   Negligible to moderate increase because of temporary storage within dike area. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased flooding. Negligible.   Negligible to significant decrease because of flood water management. Negligible to significant decrease because of flood water management. Negligible to significant decrease because of flood water management.     Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Slight to moderate decrease because of flood water management. Slight to moderate decrease because of flood water management. Slight to moderate decrease because of flood water management. Negligible. Negligible. Slight to moderate decrease because of flood water management.
825 - Dust Control Controlling dust blowing and movement on construction sites and roads.   Not applicable. Negligible. Negligible.   Negligible to slight increase if materials applied enter small conveyance or cause runoff which includes sediment. Negligible. Not applicable.     Negligible unless liquid is applied immediately after pesticide application. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.
830 - Erosion Blanket The application of a preformed protective blanket of straw or other plant residue, or plastic fibers formed into a mat, usually with a plastic mesh on one or both sides.   Negligible to slight increase because of increased infiltration. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased infiltration. Negligible to slight increase due to more surface water infiltration.   Negligible to slight decrease due to more surface water infiltration and reduced sediment load in runoff water. Negligible to slight decrease due to reduced sediment load. Negligible.     Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible to moderate decrease depending on amount of coverage of the soil surface. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.
835 - Filter Strip A created or preserved area of vegetation designed to remove sediment and other pollutants and to enhance the infiltration of surface water runoff.   Negligible to slight increase because of temporary storage within filter area. Not applicable. Negligible.   Slight to significant decrease because of reduced sediment transport. Slight to moderate decrease because of reduced sediment transport. Slight to moderate decrease because of reduced sediment transport.     Negligible to slight increase because of increased downward movement of soluble pesticides, and because of concentration and increased infiltration. Slight decrease because of increased plant uptake. Slight decrease because of increased plant uptake. Negligible to slight decrease in soluble pesticides due to sediment trapping and plant uptake. Slight decrease because of decrease in sediment bound phosphorus due to plant uptake. Slight to moderate decrease because of filtering action of sediment trapping. Slight decrease because of trapped sediment. Slight to moderate decrease because of trapped sediment. Negligible.
840 - Grass-Lined Channel A natural or constructed channel that is shaped or graded to required dimensions and established with suitable vegetation for stable conveyance of runoff.   Negligible. Moderate to significant decrease because of providing stable outlet. Negligible.   Slight to moderate decrease because of decreased sediment loads by treating the eroding drainageway. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased sediment loads. Slight to moderate decrease because of decreased sediment loads.     Negligible to slight increase because of transport of soluble pesticides. Negligible to slight increase because of transport of soluble nutrients. Negligible. Slight to moderate decrease because of decrease in sediment bound pesticides. Slight to moderate decrease because of decrease in sediment bound phosphorus and total organic carbon. Slight decrease of soluble nutrients because of infiltration and plant uptake. Slight to moderate decrease because of decreased sediment yield. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.
841 - Impoundment Structure-Full Flow A dam or excavation which creates an impoundment to collect and store debris, sediment, or water.   Slight to moderate increase because of increased infiltration especially during the dormant season. Slight to moderate decrease because of reduced runoff and increased infiltration depending on watershed characteristics, such as soils, climate, plant communities, and topography. Slight increase because of increased infiltration.   Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased sediment load. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased sediment load. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased sediment load.     Negligible to slight increase if chemical treatment of a pond is used. Negligible to slight increase because of wildlife use. Negligible. Negligible to moderate increase if chemical treatment of a pond is used. Negligible to moderate increase because of wildlife use. Negligible. Not applicable. Negligible. Negligible to moderate increase because of aquatic animal feed and feces and products of vegetative decay.
842 - Impoundment Structure-Routed A dam or excavation which creates an impoundment to collect and store debris, sediment, or water.   Slight to moderate increase because of increased infiltration especially during the dormant season. Slight to moderate decrease because of reduced runoff and increased infiltration depending on watershed characteristics, such as soils, climate, plant communities, and topography. Slight increase because of increased infiltration.   Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased sediment load. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased sediment load. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased sediment load.     Negligible to slight increase if chemical treatment of a pond is used. Negligible to slight increase because of wildlife use. Negligible. Negligible to moderate increase if chemical treatment of a pond is used. Negligible to moderate increase because of wildlife use. Negligible. Not applicable. Not applicable. Negligible to moderate increase because of aquatic animal feed and feces and products of vegetative decay.
847 - Infiltration Trench An excavated trench filled with coarse granular material in which stormwater runoff is collected for temporary storage and infiltration.   Slight to moderate increase because of increased infiltration. Slight to significant decrease in flooding due to temporary storage of stormwater runoff. Slight to moderate increase because of increased infiltration.   Slight decrease due to trapping of sediment in pits or trenches from collection and temporary storage of runoff water. Slight decrease due to trapping of sediment in pits or trenches from collection and temporary storage of runoff water. Slight decrease due to trapping of sediment in pits or trenches from collection and temporary storage of runoff water.     Slight to moderate increase if trapped runoff is laden with pesticides. Slight to moderate increase if trapped runoff is laden with nutrients. Slight to moderate increase if trapped runoff is laden with heavy metals. Slight to moderate decrease because of infiltration and reduced sediment. Slight to moderate decrease because of infiltration and reduced sediment. Slight to moderate decrease because of infiltration and reduced sediment. Slight to moderate decrease because of infiltration and reduced sediment. Slight to moderate decrease because of infiltration and reduced sediment. Slight to moderate decrease because of infiltration and reduced sediment.
850 - Inlet Protection-Block and Gravel A sediment control barrier formed around a storm drain inlet by the use of standard concrete blocks and gravel.   Not applicable. Slight to moderate increase due to ponding around the inlet. Not applicable.   Slight decrease due to trapping in barrier around storm drain inlet. Slight decrease due to trapping in barrier around storm drain inlet. Slight decrease due to trapping in barrier around storm drain inlet.     Negligible to slight decrease due to trapping of pesticide-laden sediment. Negligible to slight decrease due to trapping of nutrient-laden sediment. Negligible to slight decrease due to trapping of sediment laden with heavy metals. Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping. Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping. Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping. Negligible. Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping. Negligible.
855 - Inlet Protection-Excavated Drain An excavated area in the approach to a storm drain drop inlet or curb inlet.   Not applicable. Slight to moderate increase due to ponding around the inlet. Not applicable.   Slight decrease due to trapping of sediments in the excavated area in approach to storm drain. Slight decrease due to trapping of sediments in the excavated area in approach to storm drain. Slight decrease due to trapping of sediments in the excavated area in approach to storm drain.     Negligible to slight decrease due to trapping of pesticide-laden sediment. Negligible to slight decrease due to trapping of nutrient-laden sediment. Negligible to slight decrease due to trapping of sediment laden with heavy metals. Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping. Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping. Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping. Negligible. Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping. Negligible.
860 - Inlet Protection-Fabric Drop A temporary fabric barrier placed around a drop inlet.   Not applicable. Slight to moderate increase due to ponding around the inlet. Not applicable.   Slight decrease due to trapping of sediments in barrier around storm drain inlet. Slight decrease due to trapping of sediments in barrier around storm drain inlet. Slight decrease due to trapping of sediments in barrier around storm drain inlet.     Negligible to slight decrease due to trapping of pesticide-laden sediment. Negligible to slight decrease due to trapping of nutrient-laden sediment. Negligible to slight decrease due to trapping of sediment laden with heavy metals. Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping. Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping. Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping. Negligible. Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping. Negligible.
861 - Inlet Protection-Gravel & Wire Mesh A temporary sediment control barrier formed around a storm drain inlet by the use of gravel and wire mesh.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.     Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.
862 - Inlet Protection-Sod Filter A sediment filter formed around a storm drain drop inlet by the use of sod.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.     Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.
863 - Inlet Protection-Straw Bale Barrier A temporary sediment control barrier formed around a storm drain drop inlet consisting of a row of entrenched and anchored straw bales.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.     Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.
865 - Land Grading Reshaping the ground surface to planned grades as determined by engineering survey evaluation and layout.   Negligible to significant decrease because of removal of depressions. Slight to significant decrease because of removal of depressions. Negligible to slight decrease because of removal of depressions.   Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.     Negligible to moderate decrease because of decreased ponding and more uniform infiltration. Negligible to moderate decrease because of decreased ponding and more uniform infiltration. Negligible. Negligible to slight increase where practice enhances surface drainage. Negligible to slight increase where practice enhances surface drainage. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.
870 - Level Spreader A device used to disperse concentrated runoff over the ground surface as sheet flow.   Negligible to slight decrease due to controlled runoff and increased infiltration. Negligible to slight decrease due to controlled runoff. Negligible.   Slight decrease due to controlled runoff. Negligible. Negligible.     Slight increase due to increased infiltration of soluble pesticides. Slight increase due to increased infiltration of soluble nutrients. Negligible. Slight decrease due to reduced concentrated flow, erosion and sediment bound pesticides. Slight decrease due to reduced concentrated flow, erosion and sediment bound pesticides. Slight decrease due to reduced sediment yield. Negligible. Negligible to slight decrease due to managed runoff. Negligible to slight decrease due to managed runoff.
875 - Mulching The application of plant residues and other suitable materials to the soil surface.   Negligible to slight increase because of increased infiltration. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased infiltration. Slight to moderate increase because of increased infiltration.   Slight to moderate decrease because of decreased sediment yield. Slight to moderate decrease because of decreased sediment yield. Slight to moderate decrease because of decreased sediment yield.     Negligible to slight increase because of increased infiltration. Negligible to slight increase because of increased infiltration. Negligible. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased runoff and erosion. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased runoff and erosion. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased runoff and erosion. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased runoff and erosion. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased runoff and erosion. Negligible to slight decrease because of decreased runoff and erosion.
880 - Permanent Vegetation Establishing permanent vegetative cover to stabilize disturbed or exposed areas.   Slight to moderate increase because of increased infiltration depending on species selected to site location. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased infiltration. Slight to moderate increase because of increased infiltration.   Significant decrease because of vegetative cover, reduced runoff, and sedimentation. Moderate to significant decrease because of vegetative cover, reduced runoff, and sedimentation. Slight to significant decrease because of reduced erosion and sediment.     Negligible to moderate decrease because of change in pesticide use. Slight to moderate decrease because of plant uptake. Negligible. Negligible to moderate decrease because of change in pesticide use and reduced runoff. Slight to moderate decrease because of plant uptake and reduced runoff. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased sediment delivery. Slight to moderate decrease because of reduced erosion and runoff. Slight to significant decrease because of reduced erosion and sediment yield. Negligible.
890 - Permeable Pavement A pavement consisting of materials having regularly interspersed void areas filled with pervious materials, such as vegetated soil, gravel or sand.   Negligible to slight increase due to increased water infiltration. Slight to moderate decrease due to increased water infiltration. Slight to moderate increase due to increased water infiltration.   Significant decrease due to reduced sediment yield and runoff. Slight to moderate decrease due to reduced sediment yield. Slight to moderate decrease due to reduced sediment yield.     Negligible to slight increase due to increased infiltration of soluble pesticides. Negligible to slight increase due to increased infiltration of soluble nutrients. Negligible increase due to increased infiltration. Moderate to significant decrease due to reduced runoff and erosion. Moderate to significant decrease due to reduced runoff and erosion. Moderate to significant decrease due to reduced runoff and erosion. Moderate to significant decrease due to reduced runoff and erosion. Moderate to significant decrease due to reduced runoff and erosion. Negligible.
895 - Portable Sediment Tank A compartmented container through which sediment-laden water is pumped to trap and retain the sediment.   Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable.   Slight to moderate decrease due to trapping of sediment. Slight decrease due to trapping of sediment. Slight decrease due to trapping of sediment.     Slight decrease due to trapping of pesticide-laden sediment. Slight decrease due to trapping of nutrient-laden sediment. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Slight decrease due to trapping of sediment. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.
900 - Right-of-Way Diversion A ridge or ridge and channel constructed diagonally across a sloping road or utility right-of-way that is subject to erosion.   Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.   Slight to moderate decrease because of decreased sediment load, because of proximity and control of ephemeral gullies and other erosion sources. Negligible. Negligible.     Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Slight decrease because of decrease in sediment bound pesticides. Slight decrease because of decrease in sediment bound phosphorus and total organic carbon. Slight decrease because of reduced sediment yield. Negligible. Slight decrease because of managed runoff. Negligible.
905 - Rock Check Dam A small rock dam constructed across a grassed swale or road ditch.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.     Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.
910 - Rock Outlet Protection A section of rock protection placed at the outlet end of culverts, conduits, or channels.   Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable.   Slight to significant decrease because of reduced erosion. Slight to moderate decrease because of reduced erosion. Slight to moderate decrease because of reduced erosion.     Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Slight decrease because of reduced erosion. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.
920 - Silt Fence A temporary barrier of entrenched geotextile fabric stretched across and attached to supporting posts used to intercept sediment-laden runoff from small drainage areas of disturbed soil.   Not applicable. Negligible. Negligible.   Slight to moderate decrease due to trapping of sediment. Slight to moderate decrease due to trapping of sediment. Slight to moderate decrease due to trapping of sediment.     Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Slight decrease due to sediment trapping. Slight decrease due to sediment trapping. Slight decrease due to sediment trapping. Negligible. Slight decrease due to sediment trapping. Negligible.
925 - Sodding Stabilization of fine graded disturbed areas by laying a continuous cover of grass sod.   Slight to moderate increase because of increased infiltration depending on species selected to site location. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased infiltration. Slight to moderate increase because of increased infiltration.   Significant decrease because of vegetative cover, reduced runoff, and sedimentation. Moderate to significant decrease because of vegetative cover, reduced runoff, and sedimentation. Slight to significant decrease because of reduced erosion and sediment.     Negligible to moderate decrease because of change in pesticide use. Slight to moderate decrease because of plant uptake. Negligible. Negligible to moderate decrease because of change in pesticide use and reduced runoff. Slight to moderate decrease because of plant uptake and reduced runoff. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased sediment delivery. Slight to moderate decrease because of reduced erosion and runoff. Slight to significant decrease because of reduced erosion and sediment yield. Negligible.
930 - Stabilized Construction Entrance A stabilized pad of aggregate underlain with filter fabric at any point where traffic enters or leaves a construction site to or from a public right-of-way, street, alley or parking area.   Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable.   Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.     Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.
935 - Straw Bale Barrier A temporary barrier of entrenched and anchored straw bales used to intercept sediment-laden runoff from small drainage areas of disturbed soil.   Not applicable. Negligible. Negligible.   Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping. Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping. Slight to moderate decrease due to sediment trapping.     Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Slight decrease due to trapping of pesticide-laden sediment. Slight decrease due to trapping of nutrient-laden sediment. Slight decrease due to sediment trapping. Negligible. Slight decrease due to sediment trapping. Negligible.
940 - Structural Streambank Stabilization Stabilization of eroding streambanks by use of designed structural measures.   Not applicable. Slight decrease because of decreased potential for deposition that caused out-of-bank flooding. Not applicable.   Negligible to slight decrease because of limited area impacted. Slight to significant decrease because of reduced sediment deposition. Slight to significant decrease because of reduced sediment deposition.     Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Negligible. Slight decrease because of decreased erosion of streambank soil profiles. Slight to significant decrease especially for fine textured streambanks because of decreased erosion and sediment. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.
945 - Subsurface Drain A conduit, such as corrugated plastic tubing, tile, or pipe, installed beneath the ground surface to collect and/or convey drainage water.   Significant decrease because water is collected and conveyed to an outlet. Negligible to moderate decrease because of storage available in the soil profile and the removal of water if surface inlets are provided. Significant decrease because subsurface water is collected and conveyed to an outlet.   Negligible to slight decrease because of reduced sediment load. Negligible to slight decrease because of reduced sediment load. Negligible decrease because of reduced sediment load depending on proximity to water body.     Moderate to significant decrease because water is collected and conveyed to an outlet. Moderate to significant decrease because water is collected and conveyed to an outlet. Negligible. Moderate to significant increase of water soluble pesticides. Moderate to significant increase of water soluble nutrients. Slight decrease because of decreased sediment yield. Moderate to significant increase because water is collected and conveyed to an outlet. Negligible. Negligible.
950 - Sump Pit A temporary pit constructed to trap and filter water for pumping into a suitable discharge area.   Significant decrease if located below seep area. Slight decrease due to controlled runoff. Negligible.   Negligible to slight decrease due to sediment trapping. Negligible to slight decrease due to sediment trapping. Negligible to slight decrease due to sediment trapping.     Moderate to significant decrease because water is collected and conveyed to an outlet. Moderate to significant decrease because water is collected and conveyed to an outlet. Negligible. Moderate to significant increase because water is collected and conveyed to an outlet. Moderate to significant increase because water is collected and conveyed to an outlet. Slight decrease because of decreased sediment yield. Moderate to significant increase because water is collected and conveyed to an outlet. Negligible. Negligible.
953 - Surface Roughening A rough soil surface with horizontal grooves running across the slope on the contour, stair stepping, or tracking with construction equipment.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.     Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.
955 - Temporary Diversion A temporary ridge or excavated channel or combination ridge and channel constructed across sloping land on a predetermined grade.   Slight decrease because of protection of down slope areas. Moderate decrease because of protection of area below diversion. Negligible.   Slight to significant decrease because of decreased sediment load, because of proximity and control of ephemeral gullies and other erosion sources. Negligible to moderate decrease because of decreased sediment load. Negligible to slight decrease because of decreased sediment load.     Slight increase because of increased infiltration of soluble pesticides. Slight increase because of increased infiltration of solubles, such as nitrate nitrogen. Negligible. Slight decrease because of decrease in sediment bound pesticides. Slight to moderate decrease because of decrease in sediment bound phosphorus and total organic carbon.  Slight increase in off-site solubles because of increased concentrated flow. Slight decrease because of reduced sediment yield. Negligible. Negligible to moderate decrease because of managed runoff. Could be significant decrease if diversion is placed above a contaminant waste source with metals. Negligible to moderate decrease because of managed runoff. Could be significant decrease if diversion is placed above a contaminant waste source with pathogens.
960 - Temporary Sediment Trap A small temporary ponding basin formed by construction of an embankment or excavated basin.   Slight increase because of increased infiltration. Slight to moderate increase because of increased infiltration. Slight increase because of increased infiltration.   Moderate to significant decrease because of trapped sediment and debris, depending on storage available, and area controlled. Moderate to significant decrease because of trapped sediment and debris, depending on storage available, and area controlled. Moderate to significant decrease because of trapped sediment and debris, depending on storage available, and area controlled.     Negligible to slight increase because of increased infiltration in the basin. Negligible to slight increase because of increased infiltration in the basin. Negligible. Slight decrease of water soluble pesticides because of retention and slight to significant decrease in soil attached pesticides trapped in a basin. Slight decrease of water soluble nutrients because of retention. Slight to significant decrease in soil attached nutrients and organics trapped in the basin, depending on particle size, available storage, and area controlled. Moderate to significant decrease in sediment because of trapping and slight to significant decrease in turbidity because of retention and ponding. Slight decrease for soil attached materials trapped and negligible for water soluble materials. Moderate to significant decrease for heavy metals attached to soil particles. Negligible to slight decrease because of attached material trapped with the sediment.
965 - Temporary Seeding Planting rapid-growing annual grasses or small grains to provide initial, temporary coverage for erosion control on disturbed areas.   Slight to moderate increase because of increased infiltration depending on species of selected to site location. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased infiltration. Negligible.   Significant decrease because of vegetative cover, reduced runoff, and sedimentation. Moderate to significant decrease because of vegetative cover, reduced runoff, and sedimentation. Slight to significant decrease because of reduced erosion and sediment.     Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased sediment delivery. Slight decrease because of reduced erosion and runoff. Slight to moderate decrease because of reduced erosion and sediment yield. Negligible.
970 - Temporary Slope Drain A flexible tubing or rigid conduit extending temporarily from the top to the bottom of a cut or fill slope.   Slight to significant temporary decrease due to water being collected and conveyed to an outlet. Significant temporary decrease due to water being collected and conveyed to an outlet. Negligible.   Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.     Slight to moderate decrease due to runoff being collected and conveyed to an outlet. Slight to moderate decrease due to runoff being collected and conveyed to an outlet. Negligible. Slight to moderate increase due to runoff being collected and conveyed to an outlet. Slight to moderate increase due to runoff being collected and conveyed to an outlet. Negligible. Slight to moderate increase due to runoff being collected and conveyed to an outlet. Slight increase due to runoff being collected and conveyed to an outlet. Negligible.
975 - Temporary Stream Crossing A bridge, ford, or temporary structure installed across a stream or watercourse for short-term use by construction vehicles or heavy equipment.   Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable.   Slight increase due to altered stream flow at crossing location. Slight increase due to altered stream flow at crossing location. Slight increase due to altered stream flow at crossing location.     Not Applicable. Not Applicable. Not Applicable. Negligible. Negligible. Slight increase due to equipment entering stream where fords are used. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.
980 - Temporary Swale A temporary excavated drainageway.   Negligible. Moderate to significant decrease because of providing stable outlet. Negligible.   Slight to moderate because of decreased sediment loads by treating the eroding drainage way. Moderate to significant decrease because of decreased sediment loads. Slight to moderate decrease because of decreased sediment loads.     Negligible to slight increase because of transport of soluble pesticides. Negligible to slight increase because of transport of soluble nutrients. Negligible. Slight to moderate decrease because of decrease in sediment bound pesticides. Slight to moderate decrease because of decrease in sediment bound phosphorus and total organic carbon. Slight decrease of soluble nutrients because of infiltration. Slight to moderate decrease because of decreased sediment yield. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.
981 - Topsoiling Methods of preserving and using topsoil to enhance final site stabilization with vegetation.   Slight to moderate increase because of increased infiltration. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased infiltration. Slight to moderate increase because of increased infiltration.   Slight to moderate decrease because of decreased sediment yield, water management, and stabilization. Slight to moderate decrease because of decreased sediment yield, water management, and stabilization. Slight to moderate decrease because of decreased sediment yield, water management, and stabilization.     Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Slight decrease because of decreased runoff and erosion. Slight decrease because of decreased runoff and erosion. Moderate decrease because of decreased sediment yield, water management, and stabilization. Slight decrease because of decreased sediment yield, water management, and stabilization. Slight decrease because of decreased sediment yield, water management, and stabilization. Negligible.
984 - Tree and Forest Ecosystem Preservation The preservation of contiguous stands of trees from damage during construction operations.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.     Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.
985 - Tree and Shrub Planting Planting of selected trees and shrubs.   Moderate to significant decrease depending upon species and proximity to seep due to increased plant uptake and transpiration. Slight to moderate decrease because of improved land cover and retardance of runoff. Moderate to significant decrease dependent on species used because of increased plant uptake and transpiration.   Slight to moderate decrease because of increased protective vegetation and reduced runoff. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased protective vegetation and reduced runoff. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased protective vegetation and reduced runoff.     Slight decrease because of increased evaporation. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased uptake of nutrients by trees and reduced runoff. Negligible decrease because of plant uptake by adapted species. Slight to moderate decrease because of changes in land use and decrease of runoff because of improved vegetative cover. Slight to moderate decrease because of improved vegetative cover and decrease of runoff. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased vegetative cover. Slight decrease because of uptake by improved vegetative cover and decreased runoff. Slight decrease because of uptake by improved vegetative cover and decreased runoff. Slight decrease because of improved vegetative cover and increased soil microbiological activity.
990 - Tree Protection The protection of individual trees from damage during construction operations.   Moderate to significant decrease depending upon species and proximity to seep due to increased plant uptake and transpiration. Slight to moderate decrease because of maintaining land cover. Slight to moderate decrease dependent on species used because of increased plant uptake and transpiration.   Slight increase because of increased protective vegetation and reduced runoff. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased protective vegetation and reduced runoff. Slight to moderate decrease because of increased protective vegetation and reduced runoff.     Negligible. Negligible. Negligible decrease because of plant uptake by adapted species. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible. Negligible.
991 - Tree Protection - Augering Underground construction such as utility work by augering (tunneling) through an individual tree's Critical Root Zone (CRZ).   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.     Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.
995 - Vegetative Streambank Stabilization The stabilization and protection of eroding streambanks with selected vegetation.   Not applicable. Slight decrease because of decreased potential for deposition that caused out-of-bank flooding. Not applicable.   Negligible to slight decrease because of limited area impacted. Slight to significant decrease because of reduced sediment deposition. Slight to significant decrease because of reduced sediment deposition.     Not Applicable. Not Applicable. Not Applicable. Negligible. Slight decrease because of decreased erosion of streambank soil profiles. Slight to significant decrease especially  for fine textured streambanks because of decreased erosion and sediment delivered. Slight decrease for saline soils because of decreased erosion and sediment delivery. Negligible. Negligible.
996 - Well Decommissioning The sealing and permanent closure of a water well, boring, or monitoring well.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.   Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.     Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet. Not determined yet.