Urban Conservation
Practice Physical Effects |
Quantity and quality of food are
not provided to meet the seasonal requirements of the species of concern. |
Adequate wildlife cover for the
species of concern is not provided. |
Adequate quantities of water of
required quality are not provided for the species of concern. |
Numbers and kinds of wildlife are
not in balance with feed, forage, space, and habitat requirements. |
Proper attention is not given to
the health of the animal of concern. This includes considerations such as
diseases, parasites, and insects. |
800 -
Urban Stormwater Wetlands |
A constructed system of shallow
pools that create growing conditions for wetland plants to lessen the impacts
of stormwater quality and quantity in urban areas. |
Significant decrease because of
establishment of adapted hydrophytes or upland food plants and maintenance of
water quality. |
Significant decrease because of
establishment of adapted hydrophytes and nesting cover. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of creation and maintenance of impoundments. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of increased plant diversity and increased supply of needed food. |
Moderate to significant decrease
because of habitat improvement for wildlife. Moderate to significant increase
because of insects, parasites, and diseases for domestic wildlife. |
806 -
Construction Road Stabilization |
The stabilization of temporary
construction access routes, subdivision roads, on-site vehicle transportation
roads, and construction parking areas with stone immediately after grading. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
808 -
Culvert Inlet Protection |
A temporary sediment filter
located at the inlet to storm sewer culverts. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
815 -
Diversion |
A channel and supporting ridge
constructed across the slope to collect and divert runoff. |
Slight decrease because grass
provides food source for wildlife on vegetated diversions. |
Slight decrease because grass on
vegetated diversions provides diversity, cover, and travel lanes. |
Significant decrease because of
increase in quantity where diversion diverts water to storage facility. |
Slight decrease because of
improvement in habitat. |
Negligible. |
820 -
Diversion Dike |
A dike or dike and channel
constructed along the perimeter of a disturbed construction area. |
Negligible to slight decrease or
increase because of water management. |
Slight to moderate decrease
because of vegetation diversity on dike and water management. |
Negligible. |
Slight to moderate decrease
because of vegetation diversity on dike and water management. |
Negligible. |
825 -
Dust Control |
Controlling dust blowing and
movement on construction sites and roads. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
830 -
Erosion Blanket |
The application of a preformed
protective blanket of straw or other plant residue, or plastic fibers formed
into a mat, usually with a plastic mesh on one or both sides. |
Negligible. |
Negligible. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
835 -
Filter Strip |
A created or preserved area of
vegetation designed to remove sediment and other pollutants and to enhance
the infiltration of surface water runoff. |
Negligible to moderate decrease
because of added plant diversity depending on size of area and species
seeded. |
Negligible to significant
decrease because of improvements in cover depending on plant species, size,
location and management. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of reduced sediment and other pollutants. |
Negligible to slight decrease
because of increased plant diversity and improved habitat quality. |
Slight to moderate increase
because of potential to add pollutants in food chain if forage from filter
strips is consumed by wildlife. |
840 -
Grass-Lined Channel |
A natural or constructed channel
that is shaped or graded to required dimensions and established with suitable
vegetation for stable conveyance of runoff. |
Negligible to significant
decrease because of increase in food depending on size of area and species
seeded. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of increase in vegetation depending on plant species, size, location
and management. |
Negligible to significant
decrease because of reduction in runoff of sediment. |
Slight to moderate decrease
because of increase in forage availability and habitat quality. |
Negligible. |
841 -
Impoundment Structure-Full Flow |
A dam or excavation which creates
an impoundment to collect and store debris, sediment, or water. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of distribution of wildlife for grazing and foraging on uplands.
Provides food for some fish and some wildlife. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of increase in cover in pond area. Slight to significant increase if
pond and surrounding area create concentration of animals. |
Moderate to significant decrease
because of providing water during critical periods. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of increase in habitat and forage use. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of improved water source. Slight to significant increase because of
parasite problems caused by animal concentration. |
842 -
Impoundment Structure-Routed |
A dam or excavation which creates
an impoundment to collect and store debris, sediment, or water. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of distribution of wildlife for grazing and foraging on uplands.
Provides food for some fish and some wildlife. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of increase in cover in pond area. Slight to significant increase if
pond and surrounding area create concentration of animals. |
Moderate to significant decrease
because of providing water during critical periods. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of increase in habitat and forage use. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of improved water source. Slight to significant increase because of
parasite problems caused by animal concentration. |
847 -
Infiltration Trench |
An excavated trench filled with
coarse granular material in which stormwater runoff is collected for
temporary storage and infiltration. |
Slight to moderate decrease if
area adjacent to pit or trench is established to permanent cover of mast
producing plant species. |
Slight to moderate decrease if
area adjacent to pit or trench is established to permanent cover of mast
producing plant species. |
Slight decrease due to temporary
water storage. |
Slight to moderate decrease if
area adjacent to pit or trench is established to permanent cover of mast
producing plant species. |
Negligible. |
850 -
Inlet Protection-Block and Gravel |
A sediment control barrier formed
around a storm drain inlet by the use of standard concrete blocks and gravel. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
855 -
Inlet Protection-Excavated Drain |
An excavated area in the approach
to a storm drain drop inlet or curb inlet. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
860 -
Inlet Protection-Fabric Drop |
A temporary fabric barrier placed
around a drop inlet. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
861 -
Inlet Protection-Gravel & Wire Mesh |
A temporary sediment control
barrier formed around a storm drain inlet by the use of gravel and wire mesh. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
862 -
Inlet Protection-Sod Filter |
A sediment filter formed around a
storm drain drop inlet by the use of sod. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
863 -
Inlet Protection-Straw Bale Barrier |
A temporary sediment control
barrier formed around a storm drain drop inlet consisting of a row of
entrenched and anchored straw bales. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
865 -
Land Grading |
Reshaping the ground surface to
planned grades as determined by engineering survey evaluation and layout. |
Slight to significant increase
because of changes in water regime and decreased diversity. |
Slight to significant increase
because of changes in water regime and decreased diversity. |
Negligible to slight increase
because of less water standing in field. |
Slight to significant increase or
decrease depending upon target species because of changes in water regime. |
Negligible. |
870 -
Level Spreader |
A device used to disperse
concentrated runoff over the ground surface as sheet flow. |
Slight decrease if established to
seed or forage producing plant species. |
Slight to moderate decrease if
established to plant species and managed to provide wildlife habitat. |
Negligible. |
Slight decrease if established to
seed or forage producing plant species. |
Negligible. |
875 -
Mulching |
The application of plant residues
and other suitable materials to the soil surface. |
Negligible. |
Negligible. |
Negligible to moderate decrease
because of reduced sediment yield. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
880 -
Permanent Vegetation |
Establishing permanent vegetative
cover to stabilize disturbed or exposed areas. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of revegetating depending on size of area and plant species selected. |
Slight to moderate decrease
because of increased vegetation. |
Significant decrease because of
reduced erosion and infiltration. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of increased habitat quality. |
Slight decrease because of
improved habitat and food supply. |
890 -
Permeable Pavement |
A pavement consisting of
materials having regularly interspersed void areas filled with pervious
materials, such as vegetated soil, gravel or sand. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
895 -
Portable Sediment Tank |
A compartmented container through
which sediment-laden water is pumped to trap and retain the sediment. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Slight to moderate decrease due
to sediment trapping and removal. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
900 -
Right-of-Way Diversion |
A ridge or ridge and channel
constructed diagonally across a sloping road or utility right-of-way that is
subject to erosion. |
Slight decrease because grass
provides food source for wildlife on vegetated diversions. |
Slight decrease because grass on
vegetated diversions provides diversity, cover, and travel lanes. |
Significant decrease because of
increase in quantity where diversion diverts water to storage facility. |
Slight decrease because of
improvement in habitat. |
Negligible. |
905 -
Rock Check Dam |
A small rock dam constructed
across a grassed swale or road ditch. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
910 -
Rock Outlet Protection |
A section of rock protection
placed at the outlet end of culverts, conduits, or channels. |
Negligible to moderate decrease
because of stabilization. |
Slight decrease because grass on
vegetated diversions provides diversity, cover, and travel lanes. |
Negligible to moderate decrease
because of reduced sediment yield from channel source. |
Slight decrease because of
improvement in habitat. |
Negligible. |
920 -
Silt Fence |
A temporary barrier of entrenched
geotextile fabric stretched across and attached to supporting posts used to
intercept sediment-laden runoff from small drainage areas of disturbed soil. |
Not applicable. |
Negligible to moderate decrease
because of stabilization. |
Slight to moderate decrease due
to sediment trapping and removal. |
Negligible. |
Not applicable. |
925 -
Sodding |
Stabilization of fine graded
disturbed areas by laying a continuous cover of grass sod. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of revegetating depending on size of area and plant species selected. |
Slight to moderate decrease
because of increased vegetation. |
Significant decrease because of
reduced erosion and infiltration. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of increased habitat quality. |
Slight decrease because of
improved habitat and food supply. |
930 -
Stabilized Construction Entrance |
A stabilized pad of aggregate
underlain with filter fabric at any point where traffic enters or leaves a
construction site to or from a public right-of-way, street, alley or parking
area. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
935 -
Straw Bale Barrier |
A temporary barrier of entrenched
and anchored straw bales used to intercept sediment-laden runoff from small
drainage areas of disturbed soil. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Slight to moderate decrease due
to sediment trapping and removal. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
940 -
Structural Streambank Stabilization |
Stabilization of eroding
streambanks by use of designed structural measures. |
Slight to significant decrease in
food depending on whether vegetation treatment is used and species planted. |
Slight to significant increase
especially for vegetative streambank treatment or potential for vegetative
treatment into or over structural treatment (riprap). |
Negligible. |
Negligible. |
Negligible. |
945 -
Subsurface Drain |
A conduit, such as corrugated
plastic tubing, tile, or pipe, installed beneath the ground surface to
collect and/or convey drainage water. |
Negligible to significant
increase or decrease depending upon target species. |
Negligible to significant
increase or decrease because of change in vegetation. |
Slight to significant increase
because of removal of water. Slight to moderate decrease because of improved
collection of ground water for conveyance to storage facility. |
Negligible to significant
increase or decrease because of changes in plant communities. |
Negligible to significant
decrease because of impact on pest habitat. |
950 -
Sump Pit |
A temporary pit constructed to
trap and filter water for pumping into a suitable discharge area. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Slight to moderate decrease due
to sediment trapping and removal and temporary water storage. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
953 -
Surface Roughening |
A rough soil surface with
horizontal grooves running across the slope on the contour, stair stepping,
or tracking with construction equipment. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
955 -
Temporary Diversion |
A temporary ridge or excavated
channel or combination ridge and channel constructed across sloping land on a
predetermined grade. |
Slight decrease because grass
provides food source for wildlife on vegetated diversions. |
Slight decrease because grass on
vegetated diversions provides diversity, cover, and travel lanes. |
Significant decrease because of
increase in quantity where diversion diverts water to storage facility. |
Slight decrease because of
improvement in habitat. |
Negligible. |
960 -
Temporary Sediment Trap |
A small temporary ponding basin
formed by construction of an embankment or excavated basin. |
Slight to moderate decrease when
embankment is seeded to permanent cover. |
Slight to moderate decrease when
embankment is seeded to permanent cover. |
Slight decrease if basin holds
water and water is suited for use. |
Not applicable. |
Negligible to moderate increase
because of concentration of pollutants. |
965 -
Temporary Seeding |
Planting rapid-growing annual
grasses or small grains to provide initial, temporary coverage for erosion
control on disturbed areas. |
Slight to significant decrease
because revegetating depending on size of area and plant species selected. |
Slight to moderate decrease
because of increased vegetation. |
Significant decrease because of
reduced erosion and infiltration. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of increased habitat quality. |
Slight decrease because of
improved habitat and food supply. |
970 -
Temporary Slope Drain |
A flexible tubing or rigid
conduit extending temporarily from the top to the bottom of a cut or fill
slope. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
975 -
Temporary Stream Crossing |
A bridge, ford, or temporary
structure installed across a stream or watercourse for short-term use by
construction vehicles or heavy equipment. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Slight decrease due to reduced
sediment load delivery by vehicles and heavy equipment. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
980 -
Temporary Swale |
A temporary excavated
drainageway. |
Negligible to significant
decrease because of increase in food depending on size of area and species
seeded. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of increase in vegetation depending on plant species, size, location,
and management. |
Negligible to significant
decrease because of reduction of runoff of sediment and agricultural
chemicals. |
Slight to moderate decrease
because of increase in forage availability and habitat quality. |
Negligible. |
981 -
Topsoiling |
Methods of preserving and using
topsoil to enhance final site stabilization with vegetation. |
Moderate to significant decrease
because of increased vegetation. |
Moderate to significant decrease
because of increased vegetation. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of reduced sediment yield, water management, and stabilization. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of vegetative cover. |
Slight to significant decrease
because of vegetative cover. |
984 -
Tree and Forest Ecosystem Preservation |
The preservation of contiguous
stands of trees from damage during construction operations. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
985 -
Tree and Shrub Planting |
Planting of selected trees and
shrubs. |
Moderate to significant increase
or decrease because of changes in vegetative types dependent on tree species
planted, spacing of plantings, and animal species of concern. |
Moderate to significant increase
or decrease because of changes in vegetation types depend on tree species
planted and animal species of
concern. |
Slight to significant increase or
decrease because of effect on watershed hydrology dependent on number and
location of trees planted. |
Moderate to significant increase
or decrease because of changes in vegetation types, dependent on tree species
planted, spacing of plantings, and animal species of concern. |
Moderate to significant increase
or decrease because of changes in vegetation types, dependent on tree species
planted, spacing of plantings, and animal species of concern. |
990 -
Tree Protection |
The protection of individual
trees from damage during construction operations. |
Slight to moderate decrease
depending on species protected. |
Slight to moderate decrease
depending on species protected. |
Slight to moderate increase or
decrease due to effect on watershed hydrology depending on number of trees
protected. |
Slight to significant increase or
decrease depending on tree species protected and animal species of concern. |
Negligible. |
991 -
Tree Protection - Augering |
Underground construction such as
utility work by augering (tunneling) through an individual tree's Critical
Root Zone (CRZ). |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
995 -
Vegetative Streambank Stabilization |
The stabilization and protection
of eroding streambanks with selected vegetation. |
Slight to significant decrease in
food depending on vegetation treatment used and species planted. |
Slight to significant increase
especially for vegetative streambank treatment. |
Negligible. |
Negligible. |
Negligible. |
996 -
Well Decommissioning |
The sealing and permanent closure
of a water well, boring, or monitoring well. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |
Not determined yet. |