Appendix A Information Resources
Trade Journals
The following trade journals can provide up-to-date information on coating
developments. Many of these journals have annual guidebooks and directories, issues with
articles on coatings technologies, and vendor listings.
Journal of Coatings Technology
Surface Coatings International
American Paint and Coatings Journal
Modern Paints and Coatings
Metal Finishing
Chemical Marketing Reporter
Manufacturers' Literature
Binks Training Division (Franklin Park, IL) offers a variety of training materials on
spray painting and related topics, including seminars, videotapes and literature. For more
information, contact:
Binks Manufacturing Company
9201 W. Belmont Ave.
Franklin Park, IL 60103
Attn: Training Division
The following is a list of literature available from Binks:
Material Supply. TD2-1R-6.
Hose and Fittings. TD3-1R-2.
Compressed Air Supply. TD4-1R-6.
Automatic Spray Equipment. TD5-1R-4.
Spray Booths. TD6-1R-5.
Compressed Air Spray Gun Principles. TD10-1R-4.
High Volume Low Pressure-HVLP. TD10-4R.
Airless Spraying. TD11-1R-4.
Air Assisted Airless Spraying. TD11-3R-2.
Plural Component Spray Systems. TD16-1R-4.
Electrostatic Spraying. TD17-1R-4.
Electrostatics Safety Manual for Liquid and Powder Finishing Systems. TD17-2R.
Hot Spraying. TD42-1R-5.
Operator Techniques. TD49-1R-3.
Spray Application Processes. TD49-2R-4.
Paint Curing by Infrared Catalytic Thermoreactors. TD100-7.
Viscosity. TD100-1R-3.
Finish Problems-Solvent Base Coatings. TD100-2R-3.
Safety Considerations in Paint Applications. TD100-3R-5.
OSHA Safety and Health Standards. TD100-4R-4
Coating Materials. TD100-5R.
Surface Preparation. TD100-6.
Other equipment manufacturers that technical assistance providers should contact
DeVilbiss (800) 338-4448
Graco (800) 328-0211
Internet Links
The following Internet links can provide valuable information on coatings:
The ASTM Home Page
ASTM has developed and published over 10,000 technical standards which are used by
industries worldwide. ASTM members develop the standards within the ASTM consensus
process. Technical publications, training courses, and Statistical Quality Assurance
Programs are other ASTM products; ASTM services include The ASTM Institute for Standards
CAGE (Coatings Alternative Guide) is a tool developed by the Research Triangle Institute
to assist companies or technical assistance providers in selecting appropriate alternative
coatings or coatings equipment.
Chemical Coaters Association International
The Chemical Coaters Association International is the finishing industry's educational and
networking association.
Corrosion Coatings & Linings Information Server
Corrosion Coatings & Linings Information Server Protective Coatings, Linings and
Related Resources is devoted to providing up to date, relevant information about products
and services for the Protective Coatings, Linings, Painting and Corrosion Industry.
EnviroLink is an online environmental information resource. This non-profit organization
unites hundreds of organizations and volunteers around the world and provides
comprehensive, up-to-date environmental resources.
EPA's Enviro$en$e
Enviro$en$e attempts to provide a single repository for pollution prevention, compliance
assurance, and enforcement information and data- bases. Included are pollution prevention
case studies, technologies, points of contact, environmental statutes, executive orders,
regulations, and compliance and enforcement policies and guidelines. A major component of
Enviro$ense is the database for "solvent alternatives."
Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology
An individual member organization of over 7,200 international professionals in the
coatings manufacturing industry.
Finishing contains links to commerce, current events, and technical reference
materials pertinent to anodizing, plating, powder coating, and surface finishing. Also
located at this site is a link to a caller participation area where visitors can pose or
respond to finishing industry questions.
The Golden Gate Society for Coatings Technology
The GGSCT site contains a comprehensive bibliography of coating industry issues.
National Paint & Coatings Association (NPCA)
NPCA is the preeminent organization representing the paint and coatings industry in the
United States. A voluntary, nonprofit trade association, NPCA represents some 500 paint
and coatings manufacturers, raw material suppliers and distributors.
P2 Gems
P2Gems is a search tool for facility planners, engineers, managers, and technical
assistance providers who are looking for technical process and materials management
information. The site contains a database, searchable by keyword or by four
categories: product or industry, chemical or waste, management tools, or process.
P2 Tech
P2 Tech contains information on the economy, ecosystem, government, and environmental
issues in the Great Lakes region.
The Paint/Coatings Net
Paint/Coatings Net includes directories of manufacturers, distributers, contractors, and
consultants as well as a collection of paint/coatings articles. The site also contains two
discussion areas, a coatings clinic and an environmental clinic.
Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Research Center
The Pacific Northwest PPRC provides technology reviews for manufacturers, researchers and
others interested in the details of new cleaning technologies. Each review includes an
overview of the technology as well as links to relevant Internet sites and bibliographies
on each pollution prevention technology.
Paint Research Association (PRA) Home Page
PRA, the Paint Research Association was established at Teddington, Middlesex, UK in 1926
and is now the largest independent research center for the coatings industry worldwide.
PRA is a member based organization currently with over 200 members.
RadTech Ultraviolet (UV) and Electron (EB) Beam Curing Home Page
RadTech International North America is a nonprofit trade association with members from
companies that supply UV/EB equipment, raw materials and formulated products, and other
individuals interested in or involved in UV/EB curing technology.
SAE Home Page
The home page of the Society of Automotive Engineers is your one-stop resource for all
aspects of vehicle design, engineering, safety, and manufacturing information. A
non-profit, educational organization, SAE has nearly 70,000 members in over 80 countries.
Society of Manufacturing Engineers
SME is an international professional society dedicated to serving its members and the
manufacturing community through the advancement of professionalism, knowledge, and
learning. SME has more than 70,000 members in 70 countries. The society also sponsors some
300 chapters, districts, and regions, as well as 240 student chapters worldwide.
Trade Associations
The following trade associations can be contacted for more information:
Air & Waste Management Association
1 Gateway Center, 3rd Floor
Pittsbury, PA 15222
(412) 232-3444
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
345 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017
(212) 705-7338
The Association for Finishing Processes
One SME Drive
P.O. Box 930
Dearborne, MI 48121
(313) 271-1500
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-9500
Can Manufacturers Institute
1625 Massachusetts Ave. NW, 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 232-4677
Chemical Coaters Association International
PO Box 54316
Cincinnati, OH 45254
(513) 624-6767
Color Association of the United States
409 West 44th St.
New York, NY 10036
(212) 582-6884
Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology
492 Norris Town Road
Blue Bell, PA 19422
(610) 940-0777
National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers
8 South Michigan Street, Suite 100
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 782-4951
National Coil Coaters Association
401 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60611-4267
(312) 321-6894
National Decorating Products Association
1050 N. Lindbergh Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63132-2994
(314) 991-3470
National Paint and Coatings Association, Inc.
1500 Rhode Island Ave. NW
Washington, DC 2005
(202) 462-6272
Paint Research Association
8 Waldegrave Road
Teddington, Middlesex
TW11 8LD, UK
+44 (181) 977-4427
Powder Coating Institute
2121 Eisenhower Ave., Suite 401
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 684-1770
RadTech International-North America
60 Revere Drive, Suite 500
Northbrook, IL 60062
(708) 480-9576
Society of Manufacturing Engineers for Finishing Processes
1 SME Dr., P.O. Box 930
Dearborn, MI 48121
(313) 271-1500 ext. 544
Steel Structures Painting Council
40 24th Street, 6th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 281-2331
Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association
1850 M Street NW
Washington, DC 20036-0700
(202) 296-8577
Center for Environmental Research Information (CERI)
Cincinnati, OH 45268
(513) 569-7562
EPA's Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse
401 M Street, SW MC 7409
Washington, DC 20460
202 260-1023
Great Lakes P2 Information Clearinghouse
One East Hazelwood Drive
Champaign, Illinois 61820
217 333-8940
The Northeast Pollution Prevention Clearinghouse
129 Portland Street, 6th F1oor
Boston, MA 02114
617 367-8558
Toxics Use Reduction Institute
One University Avenue
Lowell, MA 01854
(508) 934-3275
Waste Reduction Resource Center
3825 Barrett Drive, Suite 300
PO Box 27687
Raleigh, NC 27611-7687
(919) 715-6500
The Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Research Center (PPRC)
1218 Third Ave., Ste. 1205
Seattle, WA 98101
Technical Assistance Programs with Expertise in Metal Coating
Illinois Waste Management and Research Center
One East Hazelwood Drive
Champaign, Illinois 61820
(217) 333-8940
Maine Metal Products Association
190 Riverside Street
Portland, ME 04103-1073
(207) 871-8254
Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance
100 Cambridge Street, Room 2019
Boston, MA 02202
(617) 727-3260
1315 5th Street SE, #207
Minneapolis, MN 55414
(612) 624-1300
North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance
RALEIGH NC 27699-1639
(919) 715-6500
Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Centre
265 N. Front St., Suite 112
Sarnia, ON N7T 7X1 CANADA
Tel: (519) 337-3423
Toxics Use Reduction Institute
University of Massachusetts/Lowell
One University Place
Lowell, MA 01854 |