Town of Cary
Fats, Oils, and Greases Control Ordinance

Adopted December 12, 1998

Slide Show - 2/12/99

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Table of Contents

  1. Town of Cary Fats, Oils, and Greases Control Ordinance - Title Page

  2. Food Preparation and Serving

  3. Frying Using Oils

  4. Baking

  5. Washing of Ware

  6. Fats, Oils, and Greases

  7. Some common F. O. G. Sources

  8. State Mandate: Discharge High Quality Wastewater Consistently to Receiving Stream

  9. Another Objective: To Eliminate Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs)

  10. SSO’s Can Cause

  11. Fats, Oils, Greases DO Cause Sewer Main Blockages

  12. Accumulated Grease Deposits in Sanitary Sewer Main

  13. SSOs:  Their Impact

  14. SSOs Result in Nutrient Load Increase to Neuse River

  15. SSO Impact on Streams:  Locally

  16. Municipal Responsibility: To Ensure Grease Doesn’t Cause Sewer Blockages

  17. How to Keep Grease at Acceptable Levels: Adequate Grease Interception

  18. Outlet Tee Intake: 10” - 12” Below Surface Level

  19. Effects of Implementing Grease Ordinance

  20. Grease Needs Sufficient Time to Separate from Soapy Water

  21. Town Requirements

  22. Town Requirements (Continued)

  23. Grease Trap Size: 24 Minutes Hydraulic Retention Required

  24. In-Floor Grease Interceptors

Author: Leon Holt
Pretreatment Inspector
Town of Cary
400 James Jackson Avenue
Cary, NC 27512
or P.O. Box 8005
Cary, NC 27512-8005
(919) 462-3871
FAX:  (919) 469-4304
