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Users of innovative technology are honored

DOE’s Office of Environmental Management is awarding certificates to recognize federal employees at DOE field offices who have gone the extra mile in implementing innovative technologies. Part of EM’s FY99 corporate performance measures were the deployments of 129 new technologies during cleanup projects throughout the DOE complex. Conferring certificates is one way EM is spreading the word about its success in conducting a quicker, less costly, and safer cleanup.

EM has devised its certificate system to encourage increasing levels of technology use. Bronze certificates recognize project managers who’ve successfully pushed for the first-time deployment of an innovative technology at a site. Winners of silver certificates are responsible for an innovative technology becoming part of a site project’s baseline. For FY00 accomplishments, EM plans to also award gold and platinum certificates: gold for technologies that have become baseline at multiple projects within a field office and platinum for technologies that have become baseline at multiple field offices.

The following 89 certificate winners are managers on projects during which almost 40 new technologies became part of the baseline (silver level) and almost 90 new technologies were deployed for the first time (bronze level).

Silver Certificates

Argonne National Laboratory-East
  • Phytoremediation of Radiologically Contaminated Soils [#2188]
    Yvette Collazo

Brookhaven National Laboratory

  • Stabilization of Mercury Using Sulfur Polymer Cement [#1678]
    Gail Penny

Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory

  • Personal Ice Cooling System (PICS) [#1898]
  • Remote Control Concrete Demolition System [#2100]
  • Soft-Sided Waste Containers [#2240]
  • D&D and Remediation Optimal Planning System (DDROPS) [#2322]
    A. Mikkola
  • Phytoremediation of Radiologically Contaminated Soils [#2188]
    Dale Dietzel

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

  • Innovative Concrete Shielding Block Characterization
    Robert Kong

Miamisburg Environmental Management

  • Portable Scintillation Counter [#2311]
  • Water Solidification [#2312]
    Sam C. Cheng

Oak Ridge Reservation

  • Crossflow Filtration [#350]
    Sherry Gibson
  • Particle Size Distribution Monitor for Tank Waste Slurry [#2935]
  • Density Monitor for Tank Waste Slurry [#2936]
    Cavanaugh Mims
  • Gunite Scarifying End Effector [#2384]
    Cavanaugh Mims and Jim Kopotic
  • Houdini-II Remotely Operated Vehicle System [#2085]
    Jim Kopotic and Daryl Green
Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site
  • Smart Sampling [#162]
    Ken Brakken
  • Gas Generation Canister Test
    Sandra MacLeod and Gary Schuetz

Savannah River Site

  • In-Situ Soil Stabilization/ Solidification
    Tania Smith and Les Germany
  • Pipe Explorer™ System [#74]
    Avery Hammett
  • In-Situ Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction
    Jerry Nelsen
  • TAL/TCL Mobile Lab Expansion
    (RAD Capabilities)
    Cynthia V. Anderson
  • Field Raman Spectrograph [#873]
  • Wireline Cone Penetrometer System for Multiple Tool Usage [#2222]
  • Multilevel Sampling in Deep Monitoring Wells
  • Pulse Wave Well Tool
    Michelle Ewart
  • Phytoremediation
    Michelle Ewart, Les Germany, Phil Prater, Cynthia V. Anderson
  • Strippable Coatings [#2314]
  • Grit Blasting
    Martin Salazar
  • Plastic Blaster
    Karen Hooker
  • DWPF Melter Pour Spout Insert
    P. Anthony Polk
  • Treatment of CIF Blow Down
    John M. Reynolds
  • Vadose Zone Monitoring System [#647]
    Maxine Miles and Winchester Smith
  • Advanced Tensiometer-Integrated Geophysical Characterization [#2122]
    Virgil Sauls
  • Personal Ice Cooling System (PICS) [#1898]
    Thomas Johnson and Rod Rimando
  • HEPA Waste Bag
  • Remote Camera
    John Eschenberg
  • CFC Elimination Uranium Degreasing
    Rich Boyd

Bronze Certificates

Ashtabula Environmental Management
  • Soil Washing/Chemical Extraction
    Ward E. Best

Brookhaven National Laboratory

  • Implementation of the MARSSIM Process [#2374]
    James D. Goodenough
  • Pipe Explorer™ System [#74]
    Gail Penny
  • Specialized Separation Utilizing 3M Membrane Technology [#1543]
  • Smart Sampling [#162]
  • Colloidal Borescope [#465]
    G. Phil Keary

Columbus Environmental Management

  • Pipe Explorer™ System [#74]
  • Sonatol SCS-300 Decontamination
  • Waste Item Characterization and Sorting [#370]
    Thomas A. Baillieul

Hanford Site

  • Hand-held Exploranium GR-130 MiniSPEC Instrument
    Glen Goldberg
  • Enhanced Site Characterization [#2922]
    Bob McLeod
  • Remote Spectral Gamma Sensors (Scout) [#2960]
  • 3-D Gamma Imaging [#2402]
  • Nonintrusive Liquid Level Detection (Infrared) [#2403]
    J.P. Sands
  • Alpha Sentry Alpha Cam
    Jeff Bruggeman
  • In Situ Redox Manipulation [#15]
    Arlene Tortoso
  • Power Tool Estimator
    Harry Bell
  • Field Simulator for System Testing and
    Startup (SIMCart)
  • Enraf Densitometer in AY-102
  • New Model Continuous Air Monitors (CAMS)
    W. Abdul
  • Salt Well Portable Exhauster
  • Continuous Length Leak Detector (Cross Site)
  • RTD Pit Leak Detectors
    C. Pacheco
  • Slimhole Neutron/Gamma Probes
  • Enraf Leak Detector in 101-SY
  • New Generation Transfer Pump
    C.A. Groendyke
  • Sidewall Sampler for Characterizing Tank Farm Vadose Zone
    R.M. Yasek
  • Integrated Water Treatment System
    Dale Splett
  • Fuel Retrieval System
    Ercle Herbert
  • ThermogravimetricAnalysis Instrument
    Jiam-Shun Shuen
  • Consolidated Sludge Sampler
    Bob Holt
  • Automated Resource Loaded Scheduling of Production Activities
    Paula Clark

Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory

  • Micropurging of Wells [#1762]
  • In-Situ Enhanced Bioremediation with Lactate Supplements
    M. Shaw
  • Segmented Gate System [#2158]
    K. O’Neill
  • Very Early Time Electromagnetic System [#154]
    Aran Armstrong
  • NWCF Offgas Sampling [#2381]
  • LDUA Stereo Viewing System [#890]
    Keith A. Lockie
  • Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Surrogates [#2934]
  • Robotic Tank Inspection End Effector [#278]
  • Light Duty Utility Arm [#85]
  • Utilvac Vacuum Excavation System
    Tom Wichmann
  • Heated Vacuum Drying System
  • Modular Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage
    Robert C. Stump
  • Polymer Microencapsulation [#166]
    Jeff T. Shadley
  • NDA Support of the CAO’s Performance Demonstration Program [#2017]
  • Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Surrogates [#2934]
    Jerry L. Wells

Kansas City Plant

  • Colloidal Borescope [#465]
    G. Phil Keary

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

  • Dual Phase GW/Vapor Extraction
    Hemant Patel
  • NDA Support of the CAO’s Performance Demonstration Program [#2017]
    Roy Kearns
Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Segmented Gate System [#2158]
    Doug Maynor
  • Chemical Denitrification Process [#2391]
  • Innovative Rotary Crossflow System for
    Volume Reduction of Mixed Hazardous Waste [#1449]
    James Nunz
  • NDA Support of the CAO’s Performance Demonstration [#2017]
  • Nondestructive Waste Assay Using Combined Thermal Epithermal Neutron [#1568]
    Chris Murane


  • Permeable Reactive Treatment (PeRT) Wall for Rads and Metals [#2155]
    Don Metzler

Nevada Test Site

  • Personal Ice Cooling System (PICS) [#1898]
    Clayton W. Barrow

Oak Ridge Reservation

  • Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) System
    for Horizontal Tanks [#2086]
    Stephanie Short
  • Personal Ice Cooling System (PICS) [#1896]
    Carolyn Davis

Pantex Plant

  • Remediation of HE Contaminated Soil
  • Composting of Soils/Sediments and
    Sludges Containing Toxic Organics [#1529]
    Johnnie Guelker

Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant

  • Remediation of DNAPLs in Low Permeability Soils [#163]
  • Dynamic Underground Stripping [#7]
  • Electrical Resistance Tomography for Subsurface Imaging [#17]
  • Hydrous Pyrolysis/Oxidation [#1519]
    Melda Rafferty, Kristi Wiehle, and Elizabeth Phillips
  • Phytoremediation
  • In Situ Chemical Oxidation Using Potassium Permanganate [#167]
    Kristi Wiehle and Melda Rafferty

Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site

  • Personal Ice Cooling System (PICS) [#1898]
    Dave Nickless

Sandia National Laboratories

  • Segmented Gate System [#2158]
    Elizabeth Oms

Savannah River Site

  • Improved Surface Water Monitoring [#2913]
    Les Germany and Donna Ridgely
  • Color Recognition CPT Probe [#2949]
    Michelle Ewart
  • Geo-Vis Probe (321-M) [#2399]
    Michelle Ewart and Donna Ridgely
  • Long Range Alpha Detector (LRAD) [#596]
    Carl Everett
  • Conveyorized Survey Monitor System
  • MAC 21 Funnel
    George Mishra
  • B-25 Exhauster [#7894}
    Sherri Robinson
  • SRS Pump Tank Mixer [#2408]
    Thomas S. Gutmann
  • Hydrogen GC System for HLW Tank Vapor
    Donald J. Blake
  • Aliquot Sampling of DWPF Melter Feed
    Suzanne M. Aleman
  • Phase 1 DWPF Can-in-Can Glass Pour Demonstration
    William D. Pearson
  • Data and Analysis for Alternative Salt Process Decision
    Patricia C. Suggs
  • Tritium Characterization of Waste Cement by Hammer Drill
    William Clark
  • Prototype Tritium Air Monitor
    Randy Ponik
  • FRHAM-TEX Anticontamination Suit [#1854]
    Steve Mackmull
  • Cleaning Alpha-Contaminated Launderables
    Steve Mackmull and Larry Snyder

West Valley Demonstration

  • Vitrification Expended Materials Processing [#2383]
    William F. Hamel
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